[Libreoffice-commits] .: Branch 'libreoffice-3-4' - patches/dev300

Tor Lillqvist tml at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Apr 7 03:43:44 PDT 2011

 patches/dev300/apply                           |    4 
 patches/dev300/framework-extra-job-config.diff |  334 -------------------------
 2 files changed, 338 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 365398327209a4027dcbfe9899d466b057ec81be
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tlillqvist at novell.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 7 13:42:46 2011 +0300

    framework-extra-job-config.diff is already in

diff --git a/patches/dev300/apply b/patches/dev300/apply
index 9888e26..9adcad7 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/apply
+++ b/patches/dev300/apply
@@ -1476,10 +1476,6 @@ system-lpsolve-rpath.diff, rengelha
 # resolution
 dlopen-global-symbols.diff, thorsten
-# fix framework to no longer pull presenter screen for all apps
-# needs some more love, see comments in issue
-framework-extra-job-config.diff, i#107568, thorsten
 [ DebianBaseOnly ]
 # link with -lcolamd, needed because our liblpsolve55{,_pic}.a doesn't include it
 system-lpsolve-link-with-colamd.diff, rengelha
diff --git a/patches/dev300/framework-extra-job-config.diff b/patches/dev300/framework-extra-job-config.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 81b5571..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/framework-extra-job-config.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
- framework/inc/jobs/jobdata.hxx                     |   10 +++++
- framework/inc/jobs/jobdispatch.hxx                 |    3 ++
- framework/inc/jobs/jobexecutor.hxx                 |    4 ++
- framework/source/jobs/jobdata.cxx                  |   33 ++++++++++++++++-
- framework/source/jobs/jobdispatch.cxx              |   37 +++++++++++++++-----
- framework/source/jobs/jobexecutor.cxx              |   18 +++++++++
- .../registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Jobs.xcs |    5 +++
- .../registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Jobs.xcu   |    3 ++
- 8 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-diff --git framework/inc/jobs/jobdata.hxx framework/inc/jobs/jobdata.hxx
-index 95233ef..1f8b39f 100644
---- framework/inc/jobs/jobdata.hxx
-+++ framework/inc/jobs/jobdata.hxx
-@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ class JobData : private ThreadHelpBase
-         static const sal_Char* JOBCFG_PROP_ARGUMENTS;
-         /// define the cfg key "Service" of a job relativ to JOBCFG_ROOT/<job alias>
-         static const sal_Char* JOBCFG_PROP_SERVICE;
-+        /// define the cfg key "Context" of a job relativ to JOBCFG_ROOT/<job alias>
-+        static const sal_Char* JOBCFG_PROP_CONTEXT;
-         /// specifies the root package and key to find event registrations
-         static const sal_Char* EVENTCFG_ROOT;
-@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ class JobData : private ThreadHelpBase
-         static const sal_Char* PROP_FRAME;
-         static const sal_Char* PROP_MODEL;
-         static const sal_Char* PROP_SERVICE;
-+        static const sal_Char* PROP_CONTEXT;
-     //___________________________________
-     // structs
-@@ -210,6 +213,12 @@ class JobData : private ThreadHelpBase
-         ::rtl::OUString m_sService;
-         /**
-+            the module context list of this job.
-+            It's readed from the configuration. Don't set it from outside!
-+         */
-+        ::rtl::OUString m_sContext;
-+        /**
-             a job can be registered for an event.
-             It can be an empty value! But it will be set from outside any times.
-             Because it's not clear which job this instance should represent if an event
-@@ -255,6 +264,7 @@ class JobData : private ThreadHelpBase
-         css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > getJobConfig            () const;
-         sal_Bool                                     hasConfig               () const;
-+        sal_Bool                                     hasCorrectContext       ( const ::rtl::OUString& rModuleIdent ) const;
-         void                                         setEnvironment (       EEnvironment                                  eEnvironment );
-         void                                         setAlias       ( const ::rtl::OUString&                              sAlias       );
-diff --git framework/inc/jobs/jobdispatch.hxx framework/inc/jobs/jobdispatch.hxx
-index 1f381a3..a8a8fae 100644
---- framework/inc/jobs/jobdispatch.hxx
-+++ framework/inc/jobs/jobdispatch.hxx
-@@ -101,6 +101,9 @@ class JobDispatch : public  css::lang::XTypeProvider
-         /** reference to the frame, inside which this dispatch is used */
-         css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > m_xFrame;
-+        /** name of module (writer, impress etc.) the frame is for */
-+        ::rtl::OUString m_sModuleIdentifier;
-     //___________________________________
-     // native interface methods
-diff --git framework/inc/jobs/jobexecutor.hxx framework/inc/jobs/jobexecutor.hxx
-index 28c1426..5864fe6 100644
---- framework/inc/jobs/jobexecutor.hxx
-+++ framework/inc/jobs/jobexecutor.hxx
-@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
- #include <com/sun/star/container/XContainerListener.hpp>
- #include <com/sun/star/lang/XEventListener.hpp>
- #include <com/sun/star/document/XEventListener.hpp>
-+#include <com/sun/star/frame/XModuleManager.hpp>
- //_______________________________________
- // other includes
-@@ -85,6 +86,9 @@ class JobExecutor : public  css::lang::XTypeProvider
-         /** reference to the uno service manager */
-         css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > m_xSMGR;
-+        /** reference to the module info service */
-+        css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModuleManager > m_xModuleManager;
-         /** cached list of all registered event names of cfg for call optimization. */
-         OUStringList m_lEvents;
-diff --git framework/source/jobs/jobdata.cxx framework/source/jobs/jobdata.cxx
-index 6d48c3c..c0d490e 100644
---- framework/source/jobs/jobdata.cxx
-+++ framework/source/jobs/jobdata.cxx
-@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ namespace framework{
- const sal_Char* JobData::JOBCFG_ROOT              = "/org.openoffice.Office.Jobs/Jobs/"   ;
- const sal_Char* JobData::JOBCFG_PROP_SERVICE      = "Service"                             ;
-+const sal_Char* JobData::JOBCFG_PROP_CONTEXT      = "Context"                             ;
- const sal_Char* JobData::JOBCFG_PROP_ARGUMENTS    = "Arguments"                           ;
- const sal_Char* JobData::EVENTCFG_ROOT            = "/org.openoffice.Office.Jobs/Events/" ;
-@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ const sal_Char* JobData::PROP_ENVTYPE             = "EnvType"
- const sal_Char* JobData::PROP_FRAME               = "Frame"                               ;
- const sal_Char* JobData::PROP_MODEL               = "Model"                               ;
- const sal_Char* JobData::PROP_SERVICE             = "Service"                             ;
-+const sal_Char* JobData::PROP_CONTEXT             = "Context"                             ;
- //________________________________
- //	non exported definitions
-@@ -139,6 +141,7 @@ void JobData::operator=( const JobData& rCopy )
-     m_eEnvironment         = rCopy.m_eEnvironment        ;
-     m_sAlias               = rCopy.m_sAlias              ;
-     m_sService             = rCopy.m_sService            ;
-+    m_sContext             = rCopy.m_sContext            ;
-     m_sEvent               = rCopy.m_sEvent              ;
-     m_lArguments           = rCopy.m_lArguments          ;
-     m_aLastExecutionResult = rCopy.m_aLastExecutionResult;
-@@ -201,6 +204,10 @@ void JobData::setAlias( const ::rtl::OUString& sAlias )
-         aValue   = xJobProperties->getPropertyValue(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(JOBCFG_PROP_SERVICE));
-         aValue >>= m_sService;
-+        // read module context list
-+        aValue   = xJobProperties->getPropertyValue(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(JOBCFG_PROP_CONTEXT));
-+        aValue >>= m_sContext;
-         // read whole argument list
-         aValue = xJobProperties->getPropertyValue(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(JOBCFG_PROP_ARGUMENTS));
-         css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > xArgumentList;
-@@ -477,7 +484,7 @@ css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > JobData::getConfig() const
-     css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > lConfig;
-     if (m_eMode==E_ALIAS)
-     {
--        lConfig.realloc(2);
-+        lConfig.realloc(3);
-         sal_Int32 i = 0;
-         lConfig[i].Name = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(PROP_ALIAS);
-@@ -487,6 +494,10 @@ css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue > JobData::getConfig() const
-         lConfig[i].Name = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(PROP_SERVICE);
-         lConfig[i].Value <<= m_sService;
-         ++i;
-+        lConfig[i].Name = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(PROP_CONTEXT);
-+        lConfig[i].Value <<= m_sContext;
-+        ++i;
-     }
-     aReadLock.unlock();
-     /* } SAFE */
-@@ -610,6 +621,23 @@ void JobData::appendEnabledJobsForEvent( const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::X
- //________________________________
- /**
-  */
-+sal_Bool JobData::hasCorrectContext(const ::rtl::OUString& rModuleIdent) const
-+    if ( m_sContext.getLength() == 0 )
-+        return sal_True;
-+    if ( rModuleIdent.getLength() > 0 )
-+    {
-+        sal_Int32 nIndex = m_sContext.indexOf( rModuleIdent );
-+        return ( nIndex >= 0 );
-+    }
-+    return sal_False;
-+ */
- css::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > JobData::getEnabledJobsForEvent( const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >& xSMGR  ,
-                                                                        const ::rtl::OUString&                                        sEvent )
- {
-@@ -705,6 +733,7 @@ void JobData::impl_reset()
-     m_eEnvironment = E_UNKNOWN_ENVIRONMENT;
-     m_sAlias       = ::rtl::OUString();
-     m_sService     = ::rtl::OUString();
-+    m_sContext     = ::rtl::OUString();
-     m_sEvent       = ::rtl::OUString();
-     m_lArguments   = css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::NamedValue >();
-     aWriteLock.unlock();
-diff --git framework/source/jobs/jobdispatch.cxx framework/source/jobs/jobdispatch.cxx
-index b9e7f6e..479282b 100644
---- framework/source/jobs/jobdispatch.cxx
-+++ framework/source/jobs/jobdispatch.cxx
-@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
- //	interface includes
- #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
- #include <com/sun/star/frame/DispatchResultState.hpp>
-+#include <com/sun/star/frame/XModuleManager.hpp>
- //________________________________
- //	includes of other projects
-@@ -145,7 +146,20 @@ void SAL_CALL JobDispatch::initialize( const css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any >
-     for (int a=0; a<lArguments.getLength(); ++a)
-     {
-         if (a==0)
-+        {
-             lArguments[a] >>= m_xFrame;
-+            css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModuleManager > xModuleManager(
-+                m_xSMGR->createInstance(
-+                    SERVICENAME_MODULEMANAGER ),
-+                css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
-+            try
-+            {
-+                m_sModuleIdentifier = xModuleManager->identify( m_xFrame );
-+            }
-+            catch( css::uno::Exception& )
-+            {}
-+        }
-     }
-     aWriteLock.unlock();
-@@ -289,16 +303,8 @@ void JobDispatch::impl_dispatchEvent( /*IN*/ const ::rtl::OUString&
-     // But a may given listener will know something ...
-     // I think this operaton was finished successfully.
-     // It's not realy an error, if no registered jobs could be located.
--    if (lJobs.getLength()<1 && xListener.is())
--    {
--        css::frame::DispatchResultEvent aEvent;
--        aEvent.Source = xThis;
--        aEvent.State  = css::frame::DispatchResultState::SUCCESS;
--        xListener->dispatchFinished(aEvent);
--        return;
--    }
-     // Step over all found jobs and execute it
-+    int nExecutedJobs=0;
-     for (int j=0; j<lJobs.getLength(); ++j)
-     {
-         /* SAFE { */
-@@ -307,6 +313,7 @@ void JobDispatch::impl_dispatchEvent( /*IN*/ const ::rtl::OUString&
-         JobData aCfg(m_xSMGR);
-         aCfg.setEvent(sEvent, lJobs[j]);
-         aCfg.setEnvironment(JobData::E_DISPATCH);
-+        const bool bIsEnabled=aCfg.hasCorrectContext(m_sModuleIdentifier);
-         /*Attention!
-             Jobs implements interfaces and dies by ref count!
-@@ -320,6 +327,9 @@ void JobDispatch::impl_dispatchEvent( /*IN*/ const ::rtl::OUString&
-         aReadLock.unlock();
-         /* } SAFE */
-+        if (!bIsEnabled)
-+            continue;
-         // Special mode for listener.
-         // We dont notify it directly here. We delegate that
-         // to the job implementation. But we must set ourself there too.
-@@ -328,6 +338,15 @@ void JobDispatch::impl_dispatchEvent( /*IN*/ const ::rtl::OUString&
-         if (xListener.is())
-             pJob->setDispatchResultFake(xListener, xThis);
-         pJob->execute(Converter::convert_seqPropVal2seqNamedVal(lArgs));
-+        ++nExecutedJobs;
-+    }
-+    if (nExecutedJobs<1 && xListener.is())
-+    {
-+        css::frame::DispatchResultEvent aEvent;
-+        aEvent.Source = xThis;
-+        aEvent.State  = css::frame::DispatchResultState::SUCCESS;
-+        xListener->dispatchFinished(aEvent);
-     }
- }
-diff --git framework/source/jobs/jobexecutor.cxx framework/source/jobs/jobexecutor.cxx
-index 5bb7acc..d1da48e 100644
---- framework/source/jobs/jobexecutor.cxx
-+++ framework/source/jobs/jobexecutor.cxx
-@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ DEFINE_XSERVICEINFO_ONEINSTANCESERVICE( JobExecutor                   ,
-                      {
-+                         m_xModuleManager = css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XModuleManager >(
-+                             m_xSMGR->createInstance(
-+                                 SERVICENAME_MODULEMANAGER ),
-+                             css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
-                          /*Attention
-                              I think we don't need any mutex or lock here ... because we are called by our own static method impl_createInstance()
-                              to create a new instance of this class by our own supported service factory.
-@@ -142,6 +147,7 @@ JobExecutor::JobExecutor( /*IN*/ const css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiSer
-     : ThreadHelpBase      (&Application::GetSolarMutex()                                   )
-     , ::cppu::OWeakObject (                                                                )
-     , m_xSMGR             (xSMGR                                                           )
-+    , m_xModuleManager    (                                                                )
-     , m_aConfig           (xSMGR, ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(JobData::EVENTCFG_ROOT) )
- {
-     // Don't do any reference related code here! Do it inside special
-@@ -233,6 +239,15 @@ void SAL_CALL JobExecutor::notifyEvent( const css::document::EventObject& aEvent
-     // This optimization supress using of the cfg api for getting event and job descriptions.
-     // see using of m_lEvents.find() below ...
-+    // retrieve event context from event source
-+    rtl::OUString aModuleIdentifier;
-+    try
-+    {
-+        aModuleIdentifier = m_xModuleManager->identify( aEvent.Source );
-+    }
-+    catch( css::uno::Exception& )
-+    {}
-     // Special feature: If the events "OnNew" or "OnLoad" occures - we generate our own event "onDocumentOpened".
-     if (
-         (aEvent.EventName.equals(EVENT_ON_NEW )) ||
-@@ -275,6 +290,9 @@ void SAL_CALL JobExecutor::notifyEvent( const css::document::EventObject& aEvent
-         aCfg.setEvent(rBinding.m_sDocEvent, rBinding.m_sJobName);
-         aCfg.setEnvironment(JobData::E_DOCUMENTEVENT);
-+        if (!aCfg.hasCorrectContext(aModuleIdentifier))
-+            continue;
-         /*Attention!
-             Jobs implements interfaces and dies by ref count!
-             And freeing of such uno object is done by uno itself.
-diff --git officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Jobs.xcs officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Jobs.xcs
-index a9b4cdc..d270fae 100644
---- officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Jobs.xcs
-+++ officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/Office/Jobs.xcs
-@@ -40,6 +40,11 @@
- 					<desc>Must contain an UNO implementation(!) name of the implemented job component.</desc>
- 				</info>
-             		</prop>
-+                    <prop oor:name="Context" oor:type="xs:string">
-+                        <info>
-+                    <desc>An property to define the context this event should be active in. It can be empty or a colon separated list of the supported application modules.</desc>
-+                </info>
-+                    </prop>
-             		<group oor:name="Arguments" oor:extensible="true">
-                 		<info>
- 					<desc>Can be filled with any argument, which is under control of the job component.</desc>

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