[Libreoffice-commits] .: binfilter/bf_sch binfilter/inc

Joseph Powers jpowers at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sun Jan 16 08:54:19 PST 2011

 binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode1.cxx |  301 +++++++-------
 binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode2.cxx |  173 +++-----
 binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode3.cxx |  400 +++++++++---------
 binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode4.cxx |  442 +++++++++-----------
 binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode5.cxx |  115 ++---
 binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode9.cxx |  549 ++++++++++++--------------
 binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmodel.cxx |  458 +++++++++------------
 binfilter/inc/bf_sch/chtmodel.hxx             |   12 
 8 files changed, 1152 insertions(+), 1298 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 6d37b733c086d4d00e2e934139a7e70b912cc4b1
Author: Joseph Powers <jpowers27 at cox.net>
Date:   Sun Jan 16 08:53:56 2011 -0800

    Remove DECLARE_LIST(ItemSetList, SfxItemSet*)

diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode1.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode1.cxx
index a19c915..4064aa7 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode1.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode1.cxx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * 
+ *
  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
@@ -113,24 +113,24 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		// unmark object in all views
 /*N*/ 		SdrViewIter aIter( pObj );
 /*N*/ 		SdrView* pView = aIter.FirstView();
 /*N*/ 		while( pView )
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			// important: leave group so that SdrPageView's object list is always
 /*N*/ 			// the same as the object list of the page
 /*N*/ 			pView->LeaveAllGroup();
 /*N*/ 			pView->UnmarkAll();
 /*N*/ 			pView = aIter.NextView();
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
 /*N*/   		SdrObject* pDelObj = pObj->GetObjList()->RemoveObject( pObj->GetOrdNum());
 /*N*/   		DBG_ASSERT( pDelObj == pObj , "Wrong object removed!" );
 /*N*/ #else
 /*N*/   		pObj->GetObjList()->RemoveObject( pObj->GetOrdNum());
 /*N*/ #endif
 /*N*/   		delete pObj;
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	else
@@ -175,46 +175,46 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem = NULL;
 /*N*/ 	SvxChartTextOrient eOrient;
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_TEXT_ORIENT, TRUE, &pPoolItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		eOrient = ((const SvxChartTextOrientItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	else
 /*N*/ 	SfxItemSet aTextAttr(*pItemPool, nTextWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 	aTextAttr.Put(rAttr);
 /*N*/ 	if (bIsTitle)
 /*N*/ 		aTextAttr.Put(SvxAdjustItem(SVX_ADJUST_CENTER));
 /*N*/ 	else
 /*N*/ 		aTextAttr.Put(SvxAdjustItem((eOrient == CHTXTORIENT_BOTTOMTOP)
 /*N*/ 										 ? SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT
 /*N*/ 										 : SVX_ADJUST_LEFT));
 /*N*/     // clear old outliner content
 /*N*/ 	pOutliner->Clear();
 /*N*/ 	if (eOrient == CHTXTORIENT_STACKED)
 /*?*/ 		pOutliner->SetText(StackString(rText), pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 ));
 /*N*/ 	else
 /*N*/ 		pOutliner->SetText(rText, pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 ));
 /*N*/ 		// FG: Diese Routine berechnet nun wirklich ob der Text umgebrochen werden soll oder nicht.
 /*N*/ 	Size aSize = CalcTextSizeOfOneText (eOrient, aTextAttr, pOutliner, nMaximumWidth,FALSE);
 /*N*/ 		// FG: Was macht das?
 /*N*/ 	OutlinerParaObject* pPara =	pOutliner->CreateParaObject();
 /*N*/ 		// FG: Hier wird der Text der oben muehsam erzeugt und formatiert wurde, wieder weggeworfen.
 /*N*/ 	pOutliner->Clear();
 /*N*/ 	//rPos=Position im ChartRect, wird als arg uebergeben,
 /*N*/ 	//size ergibt sich aus CalcTextOf... (s.o.)
 /*N*/ 	Rectangle aRect(rPos, aSize);
 /*N*/ 	SdrRectObj* pObj;
 /*N*/ 	AdjustRect(aRect, eAdjust);
 /*N*/ 	switch(nId)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		//Alle Titel sorgen selbst für ihre Attributierung:
@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		default:
 /*N*/ 			pObj = new SdrRectObj(OBJ_TEXT, aRect);
 /*N*/ 			break;
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	//Seit 4/1998 koennen Texte frei gedreht werden: SCHATTR_TEXT_DEGREES
 /*N*/ 	long nDegrees=GetTextRotation((SfxItemSet&)rAttr,eOrient);
 /*N*/ 	if(nDegrees)
@@ -240,23 +240,23 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	   pObj->Rotate(pObj->GetSnapRect().Center(), nDegrees, sin(fVal), cos(fVal));
 /*N*/ 	   pObj->NbcMove( AdjustRotatedRect(aOldBoundRect, eAdjust,pObj->GetBoundRect()));
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	//ToDo: anhängen der ,*(pItemPool->GetFrozenIdRanges()) ???, erstmal mit diesen Whichpairs
 /*N*/ 	SfxItemSet aAreaAttr(*pItemPool,nExchangeTitleWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 	//Neu: #52009#
 /*N*/ 	aAreaAttr.Put(SdrTextAutoGrowHeightItem( bIsTitle ));
 /*N*/ 	aAreaAttr.Put(SdrTextAutoGrowWidthItem( bIsTitle ));
 /*N*/ 	aAreaAttr.Put(rAttr);
 /*N*/ //-/	pObj->NbcSetAttributes(aAreaAttr, FALSE);//#63904# 10%
 /*N*/ 	pObj->SetItemSet(aAreaAttr);//#63904# 10%
 /*N*/ 	pObj->InsertUserData(new SchObjectId(nId));
 /*N*/ 	pObj->InsertUserData(new SchObjectAdjust(eAdjust, eOrient));
 /*N*/ 	pObj->NbcSetOutlinerParaObject(pPara);
 /*N*/ 	return pObj;
 /*N*/ }
@@ -284,29 +284,29 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ //	aObjAttr.Put(rAttr);
 /*N*/ //	rTextObj.SetItemSetAndBroadcast(aAreaAttr);
 /*N*/     rTextObj.SetItemSetAndBroadcast( rAttr );
 /*N*/ 	if ( rTextObj.GetOutlinerParaObject())
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet aTextAttr(*pItemPool, nTextWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 		aTextAttr.Put(rAttr);
 /*N*/ 		aTextAttr.Put(SvxAdjustItem());
 /*N*/ 		pOutliner->SetText(*rTextObj.GetOutlinerParaObject());
 /*N*/ 		SetTextAttributes (aTextAttr);
 /*N*/ 		if(IsAttrChangeNeedsBuildChart(rAttr))
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			//in diesem Fall koennte ein Textresize/reorg noetig sein
 /*N*/ 			Size aSize = pOutliner->CalcTextSize();
 /*N*/ 			aSize.Height() += TEXTHEIGHT_OFS;
 /*N*/ 			aSize.Width () = (aSize.Width () * 6) / 5;
 /*N*/ 			OutlinerParaObject* pPara =	pOutliner->CreateParaObject();
 /*N*/ 			pOutliner->Clear();
 /*N*/ 			rTextObj.SetOutlinerParaObject(pPara);
 /*N*/ 			AdjustTextSize(rTextObj, aSize);
 /*N*/ 		}
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 								  Pair*				 pFirstAndLast )
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	ChartAxis *pCurrentXAxis = (nAxisUId == CHAXIS_AXIS_A)? pChartAAxis: pChartXAxis;
 /*N*/ 	BOOL bLogarithm = pCurrentXAxis->IsLogarithm();
 /*N*/ 	short nCnt;
 /*N*/ 	SfxItemSet* pLclAxisAttr;
@@ -345,11 +345,11 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		nCnt			= GetColCount();
 /*N*/ 		pLclAxisAttr		= &GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS);
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	pOutliner->SetUpdateMode (FALSE);
 /*N*/ 	Size aMaxSize(0, 0);
 /*N*/ 	if (IsXYChart())
 /*N*/ 	{
@@ -361,54 +361,54 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		else
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			// #55400#
 /*N*/ 			// #67961#
 /*N*/ 			double fMinX  = pCurrentXAxis->GetMin();
 /*N*/ 			double fMaxX  = pCurrentXAxis->GetMax();
 /*N*/ 			double fStepX = pCurrentXAxis->GetStep();
 /*N*/ 			//	Collect the items which control the text appearence and set them to
 /*N*/ 			//	the outliner.
 /*N*/ 			SfxItemSet aTextAttr(*pItemPool, nTextOrientWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 			aTextAttr.Put(GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS));
 /*N*/ //			SetTextAttributes (aTextAttr);
 /*N*/ 			double fAct = fMinX;
 /*N*/ 			while (fAct <= fMaxX)
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				String aNumStr;
 /*N*/ 				Color* pDummy = NULL;
 /*N*/                 pNumFormatter->GetOutputString(fAct, nNumberFormat, aNumStr, &pDummy);
 /*N*/ 				if (eOrient == CHTXTORIENT_STACKED)
 /*?*/ 					pOutliner->SetText(StackString(aNumStr), pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 ));
 /*N*/ 				else
 /*N*/ 					pOutliner->SetText(aNumStr, pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 ));
 /*N*/ 				// FG: Hier wird wirklich berechnet wie groß der Textbereich werden soll. Insbesondere
 /*N*/ 				//     wird hier entschieden, ob der Text umgebrochen werden soll oder nicht!
 /*N*/ 				SetTextAttributes (aTextAttr);
 /*N*/ 				Size aSize = CalcTextSizeOfOneText (eOrient, aTextAttr, pOutliner, MaximumWidth,
 /*N*/ 					TRUE, FALSE);
 /*N*/ 				pOutliner->SetUpdateMode (FALSE);
 /*N*/ 				pOutliner->Clear();
 /*N*/ 				if (aSize.Width() > aMaxSize.Width())
 /*N*/ 					aMaxSize.Width() = aSize.Width();
 /*N*/ 				if (aSize.Height() > aMaxSize.Height())
 /*N*/ 					aMaxSize.Height() = aSize.Height();
 /*N*/ 					// FG: Die Berechnung erfolgt hier, damit die Raender in Create2DBackplane
 /*N*/ 				if (fAct <= fMinX)
 /*N*/ 				{
 /*N*/ 					nWidthOfFirstXAxisText = aSize.Width();
 /*N*/ 					if(pFirstAndLast)
 /*N*/ 						pFirstAndLast->A()=nWidthOfFirstXAxisText;
 /*N*/ 				}
 /*N*/ 				IncValue(fAct, fStepX, bLogarithm);
 /*N*/ 					// FG: Die Berechnung erfolgt hier, damit die Raender in Create2DBackplane
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 					if(pFirstAndLast)
 /*N*/ 						pFirstAndLast->B()=nWidthOfLastXAxisText;
 /*N*/ 				}
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
@@ -429,16 +429,16 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet aTextAttr(*pItemPool, nTextOrientWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 		aTextAttr.Put(*pLclAxisAttr);
 /*N*/ //		SetTextAttributes (aTextAttr);
 /*N*/ 		for (short i = 0; i < nCnt; i++)
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			String aDescrStr = bRowDescr ? RowText(i) : ColText(i);
 /*N*/ 			if (eOrient == CHTXTORIENT_STACKED)
 /*?*/ 				pOutliner->SetText(StackString(aDescrStr), pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 ));
 /*N*/ 			else
 /*N*/ 				pOutliner->SetText(aDescrStr, pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 ));
 /*N*/ 			// FG: Hier wird wirklich berechnet wie groß der Textbereich werden soll. Insbesondere wird
 /*N*/ 			//     hier entschieden, ob der Text umgebrochen werden soll oder nicht!
 /*N*/ 			SetTextAttributes (aTextAttr);
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 				FALSE);
 /*N*/ 			pOutliner->SetUpdateMode (FALSE);
 /*N*/ 			pOutliner->Clear();
 /*N*/ 			if (aSize.Width() > aMaxSize.Width())
 /*N*/ 				aMaxSize.Width() = aSize.Width();
 /*N*/ 			if (aSize.Height() > aMaxSize.Height())
@@ -467,9 +467,9 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	pOutliner->SetUpdateMode (TRUE);
 /*N*/ 	return aMaxSize;
 /*N*/ }
@@ -493,9 +493,9 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::InitDataAttrs()
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE( "ChartModel::InitDataAttrs" );
 /*N*/ 	DBG_ASSERT( pChartData, "ChartModel::InitDataAttrs: No ChartData-Object available!" );
 /*N*/ 	short nDataColCnt	= pChartData->GetColCount();
 /*N*/ 	short nDataRowCnt	= pChartData->GetRowCount();
@@ -510,13 +510,13 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/     short nCnt          = IsPieChart()
 /*N*/         ? ::std::max( GetColCount(), GetRowCount())
 /*N*/         : GetRowCount();
 /*N*/     short i;
 /*N*/ 	if (nCnt != nPieSegCount)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		long *pOfs = new long[nCnt];
 /*N*/ 		if (nPieSegCount > nCnt)
 /*N*/ 			for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++)
 /*N*/ 				pOfs[i] = pPieSegOfs[i];
@@ -527,36 +527,40 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			for (; i < nCnt; i++)
 /*N*/ 				pOfs[i] = 0;
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		delete[] pPieSegOfs;
 /*N*/ 		pPieSegOfs = pOfs;
 /*N*/ 		nPieSegCount = nCnt;
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	long nRowListCnt ;
 /*N*/ 	//regressattr
-/*N*/ 	nRowListCnt = (short)aRegressAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	nRowListCnt = aRegressAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	DBG_ASSERT( pDefaultColors, "invalid default colors" );
 /*N*/ 	sal_Int32 nNumDefCol = pDefaultColors->Count();
 /*N*/ 	DBG_ASSERT( nNumDefCol, "Empty Default Color List" );
 /*N*/ 	if (nCnt != nRowListCnt)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		if (nRowListCnt > nCnt)
 /*N*/ 		{
-/*N*/ 			aRegressAttrList.Seek((ULONG)nCnt);
-/*N*/ 			for (i = nCnt; i < nRowListCnt; i++)
-/*N*/ 				delete aRegressAttrList.Remove();
+                for ( i = nCnt; i < nRowListCnt; ++i )
+                {
+                    ItemSetList::iterator it = aRegressAttrList.begin();
+                    ::std::advance( it, nCnt );
+                    delete *it;
+                    aRegressAttrList.erase( it );
+                }
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		else
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			for (i = nRowListCnt; i < nCnt; i++)
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				SfxItemSet* pRegressAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
-/*N*/ 				aRegressAttrList.Insert(pRegressAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 				aRegressAttrList.push_back( pRegressAttr );
 /*N*/ 				pRegressAttr->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_SOLID));
 /*N*/ 				pRegressAttr->Put(XLineWidthItem(100));
 /*N*/ 				if( nNumDefCol != 0 )
@@ -577,24 +581,28 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	//average attr
-/*N*/ 	nRowListCnt = (short)aAverageAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	nRowListCnt = aAverageAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	if (nCnt != nRowListCnt)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		if (nRowListCnt > nCnt)
 /*N*/ 		{
-/*N*/ 			aAverageAttrList.Seek((ULONG)nCnt);
-/*N*/ 			for (i = nCnt; i < nRowListCnt; i++)
-/*N*/ 				delete aAverageAttrList.Remove();
+                for ( i = nCnt; i < nRowListCnt; ++i )
+                {
+                    ItemSetList::iterator it = aAverageAttrList.begin();
+                    ::std::advance( it, nCnt );
+                    delete *it;
+                    aAverageAttrList.erase( it );
+                }
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		else
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			for (i = nRowListCnt; i < nCnt; i++)
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				SfxItemSet* pAverageAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
-/*N*/ 				aAverageAttrList.Insert(pAverageAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 				aAverageAttrList.push_back( pAverageAttr );
 /*N*/ 				pAverageAttr->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_SOLID));
 /*N*/ 				pAverageAttr->Put(XLineWidthItem(0));
 /*N*/ 				if( nNumDefCol != 0 )
@@ -615,24 +623,28 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	//error attr
-/*N*/ 	nRowListCnt = (short)aErrorAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	nRowListCnt = (short)aErrorAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	if (nCnt != nRowListCnt)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		if (nRowListCnt > nCnt)
 /*N*/ 		{
-/*N*/ 			aErrorAttrList.Seek((ULONG)nCnt);
-/*N*/ 			for (i = nCnt; i < nRowListCnt; i++)
-/*N*/ 				delete aErrorAttrList.Remove();
+                for ( i = nCnt; i < nRowListCnt; ++i )
+                {
+                    ItemSetList::iterator it = aErrorAttrList.begin();
+                    ::std::advance( it, nCnt );
+                    delete *it;
+                    aErrorAttrList.erase( it );
+                }
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		else
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			for (i = nRowListCnt; i < nCnt; i++)
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				SfxItemSet* pErrorAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
-/*N*/ 				aErrorAttrList.Insert(pErrorAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 				aErrorAttrList.push_back( pErrorAttr );
 /*N*/ 				pErrorAttr->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_SOLID));
 /*N*/ 				pErrorAttr->Put(XLineWidthItem(0));
 /*N*/ 				pErrorAttr->Put(XLineColorItem(String(), RGBColor(COL_BLACK)));
@@ -647,78 +659,79 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	// Point-Attr
 /*N*/ 	long nPointCnt		= nDataColCnt * nDataRowCnt;
-/*N*/ 	long nPointListCnt	= aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	long nPointListCnt	= aDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	if (nPointCnt != nPointListCnt)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		if (nPointListCnt > nPointCnt)
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			while (nPointListCnt-- > nPointCnt)
 /*N*/ 			{
-/*N*/ 				aDataPointAttrList.Seek((ULONG)nPointCnt);
-/*N*/ 				delete aDataPointAttrList.Remove();
+                    ItemSetList::iterator it = aDataPointAttrList.begin();
+                    ::std::advance( it, nPointCnt );
+                    delete *it;
+                    aDataPointAttrList.erase( it );
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		else for (long ii = nPointListCnt; ii < nPointCnt; ii++)
-/*N*/ 			 aDataPointAttrList.Insert(NULL, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 			 aDataPointAttrList.push_back( NULL );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	// Switch-Point-Attr
-/*N*/ 	nPointListCnt = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	nPointListCnt = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	if (nPointCnt != nPointListCnt)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		if (nPointListCnt > nPointCnt)
 /*N*/ 		{
-/*N*/ //			aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Seek((ULONG)nPointCnt);
-/*N*/ //			for (long i = nPointCnt; i < nPointListCnt; i++)
-/*N*/ //				delete aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Remove();
 /*N*/ 			while (nPointListCnt-- > nPointCnt)
 /*N*/ 			{
-/*N*/ 				aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Seek((ULONG)nPointCnt);
-/*N*/ 				delete aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Remove();
+                    ItemSetList::iterator it = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.begin();
+                    ::std::advance( it, nPointCnt );
+                    delete *it;
+                    aSwitchDataPointAttrList.erase( it );
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		else for (long iii = nPointListCnt; iii < nPointCnt; iii++)
-/*N*/ 			aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Insert(NULL, LIST_APPEND);
-/*N*/ 			// Insert (new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs),...)
+/*N*/ 			aSwitchDataPointAttrList.push_back( NULL );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	//row attr
-/*N*/ 	nRowListCnt = (short)aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	nRowListCnt = (short)aDataRowAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	if (nCnt != nRowListCnt)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		if (nRowListCnt > nCnt)
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			//bevor attribute geloescht werden, wird reorganisiert
 /*N*/ 			LogBookAttrData();
 /*N*/ 			//Jetzt darf erst der Ueberhang geloescht werden:
-/*N*/ 			aDataRowAttrList.Seek((ULONG)nCnt);
-/*N*/ 			for (i = nCnt; i < nRowListCnt; i++)
-/*N*/ 				delete aDataRowAttrList.Remove();
+                for ( i = nCnt; i < nRowListCnt; ++i )
+                {
+                    ItemSetList::iterator it = aDataRowAttrList.begin();
+                    ::std::advance( it, nCnt );
+                    delete *it;
+                    aDataRowAttrList.erase( it );
+                }
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		else
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/             bool bIsCombiChart =
 /*N*/                 ( CHSTYLE_2D_LINE_COLUMN         ==  eChartStyle ) ||
 /*N*/                 ( CHSTYLE_2D_LINE_STACKEDCOLUMN  ==  eChartStyle );
 /*N*/             for (i = nRowListCnt; i < nCnt; i++)
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				SfxItemSet* pDataRowAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
-/*N*/ 				aDataRowAttrList.Insert(pDataRowAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 				aDataRowAttrList.push_back( pDataRowAttr );
 /*N*/ 				SetDefAttrRow(pDataRowAttr,i);
 /*N*/  				//	Change the defaults for lines in mixed line-column charts.
 /*N*/  				if( bIsCombiChart && IsLine( i ) )
 /*N*/                 {
 /*N*/                     pDataRowAttr->ClearItem (SCHATTR_STYLE_SYMBOL);
 /*N*/                     pDataRowAttr->Put (XLineStyleItem (XLINE_SOLID));
-/*N*/                     // #101164# as more than one line is possible via GUI, those
-/*N*/                     // should not all be black
-/*N*/ //                     pDataRowAttr->Put (XLineColorItem (String(), RGBColor (COL_BLACK)));
 /*N*/                     pDataRowAttr->Put (XLineWidthItem (0));
 /*N*/                 }
 /*N*/ 			}
@@ -738,7 +751,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::LogBookAttrData()
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE( "ChartModel::LogBookAttrData" );
 /*N*/ 	if(pLogBook)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); //STRIP001 if(pLogBook->IsValid())
@@ -754,12 +767,12 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	DBG_ASSERT( pDefaultColors, "Invalid default color list" );
 /*N*/ 	if( ! pDefaultColors )
 /*N*/ 		return;
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE1( "ChartModel::SetDefAttrRow - Row #%ld", i );
 /*N*/ 	sal_Int32 nNumDefCol = pDefaultColors->Count();
 /*N*/ 	DBG_ASSERT( nNumDefCol, "invalid default colors" );
 /*N*/ 	pDataRowAttr->Put(*pDummyAttr);
 /*N*/ 	if( nNumDefCol != 0 )
 /*N*/ 	{
@@ -767,7 +780,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			GetObject(i % nNumDefCol);
 /*N*/ 		pDataRowAttr->Put(XFillColorItem(pEntry->GetName(),
 /*N*/ 										 pEntry->GetColor()));
 /*N*/ 		if(IsLine(i)) //#54870# bei Linien defaultfarbe der Linie=FillColor
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			pDataRowAttr->Put(XLineColorItem(pEntry->GetName(),
@@ -790,24 +803,24 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	if (!pChartData)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		SchMemChart* pMemChart = new SchMemChart(DEFAULT_COLCNT, DEFAULT_ROWCNT);
 /*N*/ 		pMemChart->SetMainTitle(String(SchResId(STR_TITLE_MAIN)));
 /*N*/ 		pMemChart->SetSubTitle(String(SchResId(STR_TITLE_SUB)));
 /*N*/ 		pMemChart->SetXAxisTitle(String(SchResId(STR_DIAGRAM_TITLE_X_AXIS)));
 /*N*/ 		pMemChart->SetYAxisTitle(String(SchResId(STR_DIAGRAM_TITLE_Y_AXIS)));
 /*N*/ 		pMemChart->SetZAxisTitle(String(SchResId(STR_DIAGRAM_TITLE_Z_AXIS)));
 /*N*/ 		for( short nCol = 0; nCol < DEFAULT_COLCNT; nCol++ )
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			pMemChart->SetColText( nCol, pMemChart->GetDefaultColumnText( nCol ));
 /*N*/ 			for( short nRow = 0; nRow < DEFAULT_ROWCNT; nRow++ )
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/  				pMemChart->SetData( nCol, nRow, fDefaultArr[ nRow ][ nCol ] );
 /*N*/ 				pMemChart->SetRowText( nRow, pMemChart->GetDefaultRowText( nRow ));
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		SetChartData(*pMemChart, bNewTitles);
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ }
@@ -823,14 +836,14 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	SchOptions* pOptions = SCH_MOD1()->GetSchOptions();
 /*N*/ 	long nCount;
 /*N*/ 	ColorData* pDefaultCol = NULL;
 /*N*/ 	if( pOptions )
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		const SchColorTable& aDefCols = pOptions->GetDefaultColors();
 /*N*/ 		nCount = aDefCols.Count();
 /*N*/ 		pDefaultCol = new ColorData[ nCount ];
 /*N*/  		DBG_ASSERT( nCount == ROW_COLOR_COUNT, "Chart: dynamic default color array size not supported yet" );
 /*N*/ 		for( int i=0; i<nCount; i++ )
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			pDefaultCol[ i ] = aDefCols.GetColorData( i );
@@ -840,7 +853,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		nCount = ROW_COLOR_COUNT;
 /*?*/ 		pDefaultCol = new ColorData[ nCount ];
 /*?*/ 		pDefaultCol[  0 ]  = RGB_COLORDATA( 0x99,  0x99, 0xff );
 /*?*/ 		pDefaultCol[  1 ]  = RGB_COLORDATA( 0x99,  0x33, 0x66 );
 /*?*/ 		pDefaultCol[  2 ]  = RGB_COLORDATA( 0xff,  0xff, 0xcc );
@@ -854,17 +867,17 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 		pDefaultCol[ 10 ]  = RGB_COLORDATA( 0x00,  0xff, 0xff );
 /*?*/ 		pDefaultCol[ 11 ]  = RGB_COLORDATA( 0xff,  0xff, 0x00 );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	// create colors from table if they exist otherwise copy default colors
 /*N*/  	pDefaultColors = new List;
 /*N*/ 	Color aCol;
 /*N*/ 	for( int i=0; i<nCount; i++ )
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		aCol.SetColor( pDefaultCol[ i ] );
 /*N*/ 		pDefaultColors->Insert( new XColorEntry( aCol, String() ), LIST_APPEND );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	delete[] pDefaultCol;
 /*N*/ }
@@ -889,7 +902,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			delete (XColorEntry*)pDefaultColors->Remove(pDefaultColors->Count() - 1);
 /*N*/ 		delete pDefaultColors;
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	pDefaultColors = 0;
 /*N*/ }
@@ -934,17 +947,17 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 										BOOL	bUseTextAttributes)
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	long MaximumWidth=MaxW;
 /*N*/ 	pInOutliner->SetUpdateMode (FALSE);
 /*N*/ 	ULONG nParaCnt = pInOutliner->GetParagraphCount();
 /*N*/ 		// FG: Jeder Absatz muss die Text-Attribute einzeln zugewiesen bekommen. (jedenfalls scheint es so)
 /*N*/ 		//     Besser waere es dass fuer alle Absaetze auf einmal setzen zu koennen.
 /*N*/ 	if (bUseTextAttributes)
 /*N*/ 		SetTextAttributes (rTextAttr);
 /*N*/ 	Size OldPaperSize = pInOutliner->GetPaperSize();
 /*N*/ 	long nDegrees=GetTextRotation((SfxItemSet&)rTextAttr,eOrient);//#62531#
 /*N*/ 	double fDeg(0.0), fSin(0.0),
 /*N*/ 		fCos = 1;				// BM: Initialize Cos for if statement after if(nDegrees)-Block
@@ -961,17 +974,17 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		//Im folgenden wird einfach die Mitte genommen -> 90% - Lösung
 /*N*/ 		bBreakOK =!(   ((nDegrees > 4500) && (nDegrees < 13500))
 /*N*/ 					|| ((nDegrees >22500) && (nDegrees < 31500)));
 /*N*/ 		fDeg=CDEG2RAD(nDegrees);
 /*N*/ 		fSin=fabs(sin(fDeg));
 /*N*/ 		fCos=fabs(cos(fDeg));
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if( MaximumWidth > 0 && fCos!=0) //Kein Umbruch bei 90 und 270 Grad oder Max<=0
 /*N*/ 		pInOutliner->SetPaperSize( Size( MaximumWidth, 0 ) );
 /*N*/ 	pInOutliner->SetUpdateMode (TRUE);
 /*N*/ 	Size aSize = pInOutliner->CalcTextSize();
 /*N*/ 	pInOutliner->SetUpdateMode (FALSE);
@@ -981,12 +994,12 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		aRot.Width() = (long)( (double)aSize.Width()*fCos + (double)aSize.Height()*fSin );
 /*N*/ 		aRot.Height()= (long)( (double)aSize.Width()*fSin + (double)aSize.Height()*fCos );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 		// FG: Diese Groesse wird nun veraendert, falls MaximumWidth > 0 und
 /*N*/ 		//     aSize.Width() > MaximumWidth, dann wird umgebrochen, genau einmal.
 /*N*/ 		//     Es kommen also hoechstens 2 Zeilen raus, der Rest wird dann abgeschnitten.
 /*N*/ 		//     An dieser Stelle werden aber nur die Attribute berechnet.
 /*N*/ 	if ((MaximumWidth > 0) && (eOrient != CHTXTORIENT_STACKED))
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ #ifdef DBG_UTIL
@@ -998,7 +1011,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			nLines += pInOutliner->GetLineCount( n );
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 		// Silbentrennung nur bei >MAXLEGENDLINES Zeilen oder einem zu langen wort...
 /*N*/ 		if ( bBreakOK
 /*N*/ 			&& (    ( nLines > MAXLEGENDLINES )
@@ -1014,9 +1027,9 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 			DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); //STRIP001 	long nHeightOfRows = GetHeightOfnRows (rTextAttr, MAXLEGENDLINES);//war mal 2 statt MAX...#50395#
 /*?*/ 			}
 /*?*/ 			ULONG nLclParaCnt = pInOutliner->GetParagraphCount();
 /*?*/ 			for (ULONG i = 0; i < nLclParaCnt; i++)
 /*?*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 				// Stets Silbentrennung
@@ -1024,7 +1037,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 				aAttr.Put( SfxBoolItem(EE_PARA_HYPHENATE, TRUE) );
 /*?*/ 				pInOutliner->SetParaAttribs(i, aAttr);
 /*?*/ 			}
 /*?*/ 			//#50395# durch Bindestriche vergrößert worden->
 /*?*/ 			//statt 2 werden jetzt 3 Zeilen benötigt
 /*?*/ 			ULONG nActLines = 0;
@@ -1036,13 +1049,13 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 			DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); //STRIP001 	nActLines=Min((ULONG)MAXLEGENDLINES,nActLines);
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	pInOutliner->SetPaperSize(OldPaperSize);
 /*N*/ 	pInOutliner->SetUpdateMode (TRUE);
 /*N*/ 	return (bGetRotated && nDegrees) ? aRot : aSize;
 /*N*/ }
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode2.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode2.cxx
index 4433b78..4d07dfd 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode2.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode2.cxx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * 
+ *
  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
@@ -26,13 +26,6 @@
-#ifndef _STREAM_HXX
-// enable stream operators >>/<< for UniString (8 Bit !)
 #include "schattr.hxx"
 #include "memchrt.hxx"
@@ -273,9 +266,6 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*?*/ 					nMaxX  = Max (nMaxX,  pWidthOfEntry[nLines+nCnt]);
 /*?*/ 					nMaxY  = Max (nMaxY, pHeightOfEntry[nLines+nCnt]);
-/*?*/ 				   // nMaxX  = Max (nMaxX, pText->GetLogicRect().GetWidth());
-/*?*/ 				   // nMaxY  = Max (nMaxY, pText->GetLogicRect().GetHeight());
 /*?*/ 					pRegressNr [nLines] = i;
 /*?*/ 					nLines ++;
 /*N*/ 				}
@@ -326,7 +316,6 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			pGroup = new SchObjGroup;
 /*N*/ 			pGroup->InsertUserData(new SchObjectId(CHOBJID_LEGEND));
-/*N*/ 			// pGroup->SetResizeProtect(TRUE);
 /*N*/ 			SdrObject*  pObj;
 /*N*/ 			SdrObjList* pObjList = pGroup->GetSubList();
@@ -656,54 +645,54 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 	aTmpSet.Put(XLineColorItem(String(), RGBColor(COL_BLACK)));
-/*N*/ 	long i,nCount=aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	long i,nCount=aDataRowAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	for (i=0;i<nCount;i++)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet *pDataRowAttr = new SfxItemSet (*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
-/*N*/ 		pDataRowAttr->Put(*(aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)));
+/*N*/ 		pDataRowAttr->Put( *( aDataRowAttrList[ i ] ) );
 /*N*/ 		pDataRowAttr->Put(aTmpSet);
-/*N*/ 		aTmpDataRowAttrList.Insert (pDataRowAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 		aTmpDataRowAttrList.push_back( pDataRowAttr );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	SfxItemSet	*	pItemSet;
-/*N*/ 	nCount=aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	nCount=aDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	for (i=0;i<nCount;i++)
 /*N*/ 	 {
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet* pSet=new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
-/*N*/ 		pItemSet = aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ 		pItemSet = aDataPointAttrList[ i ];
 /*N*/ 		if (pItemSet != NULL)
 /*N*/ 			pSet->Put(*pItemSet);
 /*N*/ 		pSet->Put(aTmpSet);
-/*N*/ 		aTmpDataPointAttrList.Insert (pSet, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 		aTmpDataPointAttrList.push_back( pSet );
 /*N*/ 	 }
-/*N*/ 	nCount=aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	nCount=aSwitchDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	for (i=0;i<nCount;i++)
 /*N*/ 	 {
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet* pSet=new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
-/*N*/ 		pItemSet = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ 		pItemSet = aSwitchDataPointAttrList[ i ];
 /*N*/ 		if (pItemSet != NULL)
 /*N*/ 			pSet->Put(*pItemSet);
 /*N*/ 		pSet->Put(aTmpSet);
-/*N*/ 		aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.Insert (pSet, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 		aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.push_back( pSet );
 /*N*/ 	 }
 /*N*/ }
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::CleanupOld3DStorage()
 /*N*/ {
-/*N*/ 	long i,nCount = aTmpDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	long i,nCount = aTmpDataRowAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	for (i = 0 ; i < nCount; i++)
-/*N*/ 		delete aTmpDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i);
-/*N*/ 	aTmpDataRowAttrList.Clear();
+/*N*/ 		delete aTmpDataRowAttrList[ i ];
+/*N*/ 	aTmpDataRowAttrList.clear();
-/*N*/ 	nCount = aTmpDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	nCount = aTmpDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	for (i = 0 ; i < nCount; i++)
-/*N*/ 		delete aTmpDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
-/*N*/ 	aTmpDataPointAttrList.Clear();
+/*N*/ 		delete aTmpDataPointAttrList[ i ];
+/*N*/ 	aTmpDataPointAttrList.clear();
-/*N*/ 	nCount = aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	nCount = aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	for (i = 0 ; i < nCount; i++)
-/*N*/ 		delete aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
-/*N*/ 	aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.Clear();
+/*N*/ 		delete aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList[ i ];
+/*N*/ 	aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.clear();
 /*N*/ }
@@ -929,7 +918,6 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet aStoreAttr (*pItemPool, XATTR_LINE_FIRST, XATTR_LINE_LAST,
-/*N*/ 										   //EE_ITEMS_START, EE_ITEMS_END,
 /*N*/ 					aPoolItemSet (*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs),
 /*N*/ 					*pItemSet;
@@ -937,22 +925,22 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 		// FG: 25.2.97 Das Schreiben im 3.1 Format  geht schief wenn man
 /*N*/ 		//     in globfunc.cxx die Routine CopyAttributesFrom40to31 verwendet.
 /*N*/ 		//     Dort wurden die items per Invalidate und Set einzeln kopiert. (falsch)
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aDataRowAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			SfxItemSet* pSet = aStoreAttr.Clone();
-/*N*/ 			pSet->Put( *aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i), TRUE );
+/*N*/ 			pSet->Put( *aDataRowAttrList[ i ], TRUE );
 /*N*/ 			pSet->Store( rOut );
 /*N*/ 			delete pSet;
 /*N*/ 		}
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			SfxItemSet* pSet = aStoreAttr.Clone();
-/*N*/ 			pItemSet = aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ 			pItemSet = aDataPointAttrList[ i ];
 /*N*/ 			if (pItemSet != NULL)
 /*N*/ 				pSet->Put (*pItemSet, TRUE );
 /*N*/ 			else
@@ -961,12 +949,12 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 			delete pSet;
 /*N*/ 		}
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aSwitchDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			SfxItemSet* pSet = aStoreAttr.Clone();
-/*N*/ 			pItemSet = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ 			pItemSet = aSwitchDataPointAttrList[ i ];
 /*N*/ 			if (pItemSet != NULL)
 /*N*/ 				pSet->Put (*pItemSet, TRUE );
 /*N*/ 			else
@@ -978,20 +966,20 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 	else if(nFileFormat <= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_40 && IsReal3D()) //siehe auch DocShell, Save,SaveAs!!!!!
 /*N*/ 	{
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aTmpDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aTmpDataRowAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
-/*N*/ 			aTmpDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ 			aTmpDataRowAttrList[ i ]->Store(rOut);
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aTmpDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aTmpDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
-/*N*/ 			aTmpDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ 			aTmpDataPointAttrList[ i ]->Store(rOut);
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
-/*N*/ 			aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ 			aTmpSwitchDataPointAttrList[ i ]->Store(rOut);
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	else
@@ -999,27 +987,27 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet	aPoolItemSet (*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs),
 /*N*/ 				*	pItemSet;
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aDataRowAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
-/*N*/ 			aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ 			aDataRowAttrList[ i ]->Store(rOut);
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
 /*N*/ 		{
-/*N*/ 			pItemSet = aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ 			pItemSet = aDataPointAttrList[ i ];
 /*N*/ 			if (pItemSet != NULL)
 /*N*/ 				pItemSet->Store(rOut);
 /*N*/ 			else
 /*N*/ 				aPoolItemSet.Store(rOut);
 /*N*/ 		}
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aSwitchDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
 /*N*/ 		{
-/*N*/ 			pItemSet = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ 			pItemSet = aSwitchDataPointAttrList[ i ];
 /*N*/ 			if (pItemSet != NULL)
 /*N*/ 				pItemSet->Store(rOut);
 /*N*/ 			else
@@ -1104,20 +1092,20 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 	if (nMoreData >= 8)
 /*N*/ 	{
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aRegressAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aRegressAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
-/*N*/ 			aRegressAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ 			aRegressAttrList[ i ]->Store(rOut);
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aAverageAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aAverageAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
-/*N*/ 			aAverageAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ 			aAverageAttrList[ i ]->Store(rOut);
-/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aErrorAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 		nCount = (short)aErrorAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 		rOut << (INT16)nCount;
 /*N*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
-/*N*/ 			aErrorAttrList.GetObject(i)->Store(rOut);
+/*N*/ 			aErrorAttrList[ i ]->Store(rOut);
 /*N*/ 	}
@@ -1660,20 +1648,7 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 		pAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 		pAttr->Load(rIn);
-/*N*/ 		aDataRowAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
-/*N*/ //		Debug-Code
-/*N*/ //
-/*N*/ //  		SfxItemState sfx_test_state = aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->GetItemState(XATTR_FILLSTYLE);
-/*N*/ //  		if (sfx_test_state >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE)
-/*N*/ //  		{
-/*N*/ //  			XFillStyleItem& rTest_set = (XFillStyleItem&) aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Get(XATTR_FILLSTYLE);
-/*N*/ //  		}
-/*N*/ //  		sfx_test_state = aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->GetItemState(XATTR_FILLCOLOR);
-/*N*/ //  		if (sfx_test_state >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE)
-/*N*/ //  		{
-/*N*/ //  			XColorItem& rTest_set = (XColorItem&) aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Get(XATTR_FILLCOLOR);
-/*N*/ //  		}
+/*N*/ 		aDataRowAttrList.push_back( pAttr );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	rIn >> nInt16; nCount = (short)nInt16;
@@ -1687,16 +1662,14 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 			delete pAttr;
 /*N*/ 			pAttr = NULL;
 /*N*/ 		}
-/*N*/ 		aDataPointAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 		aDataPointAttrList.push_back( pAttr );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if (nVersion < 4)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
 /*?*/ 		{
-//			SfxItemSet* pDataPointAttr =
-//				new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
-/*?*/ 			aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Insert(NULL, LIST_APPEND);
+/*?*/ 			aSwitchDataPointAttrList.push_back( NULL );
 /*?*/ 		}
 /*?*/ 		bNoMore = TRUE;
@@ -1714,7 +1687,7 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 				delete pAttr;
 /*N*/ 				pAttr = NULL;
 /*N*/ 			}
-/*N*/ 			aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 			aSwitchDataPointAttrList.push_back( pAttr );
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
@@ -1851,7 +1824,7 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 					pAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 					pAttr->Load(rIn);
-/*N*/ 					aRegressAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 					aRegressAttrList.push_back( pAttr );
 /*N*/ 				}
 /*N*/ 				rIn >> nInt16; nCount = (short)nInt16;
@@ -1860,7 +1833,7 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 					pAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 					pAttr->Load(rIn);
-/*N*/ 					aAverageAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 					aAverageAttrList.push_back( pAttr );
 /*N*/ 				}
 /*N*/ 				rIn >> nInt16; nCount = (short)nInt16;
@@ -1869,7 +1842,7 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 					pAttr = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nGridWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 					pAttr->Load(rIn);
-/*N*/ 					aErrorAttrList.Insert(pAttr, LIST_APPEND);
+/*N*/ 					aErrorAttrList.push_back( pAttr );
 /*N*/ 				}
 /*N*/ 			}
@@ -2106,14 +2079,6 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 		rIn >> nTmp;
 /*N*/ 		aBarY2.SetOverlap(nTmp);
 /*N*/ 	}
-/*N*/ 	else
-/*N*/ 	{
-/*		aBarY1.SetGap()
-        aBarY1.SetOverlap(nTmp)
-        aBarY2.SetGap(nTmp)
-        aBarY2.SetOverlap(nTmp)
-        */
-/*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if(nVersion >= 15)
 /*N*/ 	{
@@ -2124,21 +2089,20 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 		if(IsReal3D() && (IsPieChart()||IsLine())) //Hack wegen  #62363#, double-sided neu defaulten
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			long nMax;
-/*N*/ 			nMax=aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 			nMax=aDataRowAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 			for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
-/*N*/ //-/				aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_ATTR_3D_DOUBLE_SIDED,TRUE));
-/*N*/ 				aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
-/*N*/ 			nMax=aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 				aDataRowAttrList[ i ]->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
+/*N*/ 			nMax=aDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 			for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
 /*N*/ 			{
-/*N*/ 				pAttributes = aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ 				pAttributes = aDataPointAttrList[ i ];
 /*N*/ 				if (pAttributes != NULL)
 /*?*/ 					pAttributes->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
 /*N*/ 			}
-/*N*/ 			nMax=aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 			nMax=aSwitchDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 			for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
 /*N*/ 			{
-/*N*/ 				pAttributes = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*N*/ 				pAttributes = aSwitchDataPointAttrList[ i ];
 /*N*/ 				if (pAttributes != NULL)
 /*N*/ 					pAttributes->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
 /*N*/ 			}
@@ -2161,38 +2125,37 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*?*/ 		if(IsReal3D()) //#61923#
 /*?*/ 		{
 /*?*/ 			long nMax;
-/*?*/ 			nMax=aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*?*/ 			nMax=aDataRowAttrList.size();
 /*?*/ 			SfxItemSet	*	pAttributes;
 /*?*/ 			for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
 /*?*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 				if(IsPieChart()||IsLine())
-/*?*/ //-/					aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_ATTR_3D_DOUBLE_SIDED,TRUE));
-/*?*/ 					aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
-/*?*/ 				aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE));
+/*?*/ 					aDataRowAttrList[ i ]->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
+/*?*/ 				aDataRowAttrList[ i ]->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE));
 /*?*/ 			}
-/*?*/ 			nMax=aDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*?*/ 			nMax=aDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*?*/ 			for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
 /*?*/ 			{
-/*?*/ 				pAttributes = aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*?*/ 				pAttributes = aDataPointAttrList[ i ];
 /*?*/ 				if (pAttributes == NULL)
 /*?*/ 					continue;
 /*?*/ 				if(IsPieChart()||IsLine())
-/*?*/ 					aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
-/*?*/ 				aDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE));
+/*?*/ 					aDataPointAttrList[ i ]->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
+/*?*/ 				aDataPointAttrList[ i ]->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE));
 /*?*/ 			}
-/*?*/ 			nMax=aSwitchDataPointAttrList.Count();
+/*?*/ 			nMax=aSwitchDataPointAttrList.size();
 /*?*/ 			for(i=0;i<nMax;i++)
 /*?*/ 			{
-/*?*/ 				pAttributes = aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i);
+/*?*/ 				pAttributes = aSwitchDataPointAttrList[ i ];
 /*?*/ 				if (pAttributes == NULL)
 /*?*/ 					continue;
 /*?*/ 				if(IsPieChart()||IsLine())
-/*?*/ 					aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
-/*?*/ 				aSwitchDataPointAttrList.GetObject(i)->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE));
+/*?*/ 					aSwitchDataPointAttrList[ i ]->Put(Svx3DDoubleSidedItem(TRUE));
+/*?*/ 				aSwitchDataPointAttrList[ i ]->Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_NONE));
 /*?*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
@@ -2205,7 +2168,7 @@ enum ChartStyleV0
 /*N*/ 	if(nVersion < 13)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		if(IsXYChart())
-/*?*/ 			aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(0)->Put(SfxInt32Item(SCHATTR_AXIS,CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_X));
+/*?*/ 			aDataRowAttrList[ 0 ]->Put(SfxInt32Item(SCHATTR_AXIS,CHART_AXIS_PRIMARY_X));
 /*N*/ 	}
     //#54870# restaurieren der line-attribute
 /*N*/ 	if( nVersion < 10)
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode3.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode3.cxx
index 75f40af..02b5294 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode3.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode3.cxx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * 
+ *
  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	if (pAxisObj)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		SchObjectId* pObjId = GetObjectId(*pAxisObj);
 /*?*/ 		if (pObjId)
 /*?*/ 		{
 /*?*/ 			long nId=pObjId->GetObjId();
 /*?*/ 			SfxItemSet aAttr(*pItemPool,nAxisWhichPairs);
 /*?*/ 			aAttr.Put(GetAttr(nId));
 /*?*/ 			((ChartModel*)this)->GetAxis(nId)->GetMembersAsAttr(aAttr);
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/         // clear member item set for all axes
 /*N*/ 		pAxisAttr->ClearItem();
 /*N*/         bool bIsFirst = true;
 /*N*/         if( ! bOnlyInserted || HasAxis( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS ))
 /*N*/         {
 /*N*/             if( bIsFirst )
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/             else
 /*?*/                 IntersectSets( GetAttr( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS ), *pAxisAttr );
 /*N*/         }
 /*N*/         if( ! bOnlyInserted || HasAxis( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS ))
 /*N*/         {
 /*N*/             if( bIsFirst )
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/             else
 /*N*/                 IntersectSets( GetAttr( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS ), *pAxisAttr );
 /*N*/         }
 /*N*/         if( ! bOnlyInserted || (Is3DChart() && HasAxis( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Z_AXIS )))
 /*N*/         {
 /*N*/             if( bIsFirst )
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/             else
 /*N*/                 IntersectSets( GetAttr( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Z_AXIS ), *pAxisAttr );
 /*N*/         }
 /*N*/         if( ! bOnlyInserted || HasAxis( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_A_AXIS ))
 /*N*/         {
 /*?*/             if( bIsFirst )
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/             else
 /*?*/                 IntersectSets( GetAttr( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_A_AXIS ), *pAxisAttr );
 /*N*/         }
 /*N*/         if( ! bOnlyInserted || HasAxis( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_B_AXIS ))
 /*N*/         {
 /*?*/             if( bIsFirst )
@@ -205,10 +205,10 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/                 IntersectSets( GetAttr( CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_B_AXIS ), *pAxisAttr );
 /*N*/         }
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ //     if( bOnlyInserted )
 /*N*/ //         pAxisAttr->ClearItem( SCHATTR_AXIS_SHOWDESCR );
 /*N*/ 	return *pAxisAttr;
 /*N*/ }
@@ -224,26 +224,26 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	if (pAxisObj)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		SchObjectId *pObjId = GetObjectId(*pAxisObj);
 /*N*/ 		if (! pObjId) return FALSE;
 /*N*/ 		else
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			SfxItemSet aSet(*pItemPool,nAxisWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 			aSet.Put(rAttr);
 /*N*/ 			const SfxPoolItem *pPoolItem  = NULL;
 /*N*/ 			if(rAttr.GetItemState(SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE,TRUE,&pPoolItem)==SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				UINT32 nTmp=((const SfxUInt32Item*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 				aSet.Put(SfxUInt32Item(IsPercentChart()
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 			long nId=pObjId->GetObjId();
 /*N*/ 			SetAttributes( nId, aSet, bMerge );             // at the model
 /*N*/ 			SetAxisAttributes( &GetAttr( nId ), pAxisObj ); // at the drawing object
 /*N*/             // at the axis itself!
 /*N*/             long nAxisUId = ChartAxis::GetUniqueIdByObjectId( nId );
 /*N*/             if( nAxisUId != CHAXIS_AXIS_UNKNOWN )
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/             }
 /*N*/             else
 /*N*/                 DBG_ERROR( "ChartAxis not found for Object" );
 /*N*/ 			if(IsAttrChangeNeedsBuildChart(aSet))
 /*N*/ 			   BuildChart(FALSE,nId); //z.B. auch Texte skalieren!
 /*N*/ 			return TRUE;
@@ -273,28 +273,28 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::PutDataRowAttrAll(const SfxItemSet& rAttr,BOOL bMerge,BOOL bClearPoints)
 /*N*/ {
-/*N*/ 	long nCnt=aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/ 	long nCnt=aDataRowAttrList.size();
 /*N*/ 	while(nCnt--)
 /*N*/ 		PutDataRowAttr(nCnt,rAttr,bMerge,bClearPoints);
 /*N*/ }
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::PutDataRowAttr(long nRow, const SfxItemSet& rAttr,BOOL bMerge,BOOL bClearPoints)
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE1( "ChartModel::PutDataRowAttr %smerge", bMerge? "": "NO " );
 /*N*/ //	DBG_ITEMS((SfxItemSet&)rAttr,this);
-/*N*/     if( aDataRowAttrList.Count() <= (unsigned long)nRow )
+/*N*/     if( aDataRowAttrList.size() <= (unsigned long)nRow )
 /*N*/     {
 /*?*/         DBG_ERROR( "Invalid index to array requested" );
 /*?*/         return;
 /*N*/     }
 /*N*/     if(!bMerge)
-/*?*/ 		aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(nRow)->ClearItem();
-/*N*/ 	PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *aDataRowAttrList.GetObject( nRow ), rAttr );
+/*?*/ 		aDataRowAttrList[ nRow ]->ClearItem();
+/*N*/ 	PutItemSetWithNameCreation( *aDataRowAttrList[ nRow ], rAttr );
 /*N*/ 	if(bClearPoints && (nRow < GetRowCount()))
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		long nCol,nColCnt=GetColCount();
@@ -312,16 +312,16 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ const SfxItemSet& ChartModel::GetDataRowAttr( long nRow ) const
 /*N*/ {
-/*N*/ 	if( nRow < (long)aDataRowAttrList.Count() )
+/*N*/ 	if( nRow < (long)aDataRowAttrList.size() )
 /*N*/ 	{
-/*N*/ 		SfxItemSet* pSet = aDataRowAttrList.GetObject( nRow );
+/*N*/ 		SfxItemSet* pSet = aDataRowAttrList[ nRow ];
 /*N*/ 		DBG_ASSERT( pSet, "Invalid ItemSet" );
 /*N*/ 		return *pSet;
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	else
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		DBG_ERROR( "Requested data row attribute is unavailable" );
 /*N*/ 		// return something
 /*?*/ 		DBG_ASSERT( pChartAttr, "Invalid Chart-ItemSet" );
 /*?*/ 		return *pChartAttr;
@@ -347,10 +347,10 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	long nHalfSymbolSizeY = nSymbolSize / 4;
 /*N*/ 	Size aSize(1,1);
 /*N*/ 	long n1Pixel=pRefOutDev ? pRefOutDev->PixelToLogic(aSize).Width() : nHalfSymbolSizeY/2;
 /*N*/ 	if(!bInsert)
 /*N*/ 		n1Pixel=nHalfSymbolSizeY/2; //für Legende vergrößern
 /*N*/ 	const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem;
 /*N*/ 	if(aDataAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_STYLE_SYMBOL, TRUE, &pPoolItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 	{
@@ -363,8 +363,8 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			{
-/*N*/ 				//	Create a square as symbol.  Its fill and line style is 
-/*N*/ 				//	later to invisible.  This does not show the symbol but 
+/*N*/ 				//	Create a square as symbol.  Its fill and line style is
+/*N*/ 				//	later to invisible.  This does not show the symbol but
 /*N*/ 				//	leaves the data point selectable.
 /*N*/ 				XPolygon aPolygon (5);
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[0].X() = aPoint.X() - nHalfSymbolSizeX;
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 				CHART_TRACE( "creating SVX_SYMBOLTYPE_AUTO" );
 /*N*/ 				switch(eChartStyle)
 /*N*/ 				{
 /*N*/ 						default:
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 				if(bStock)
 /*N*/ 				{
 /*N*/ 					XPolygon aPolygon(2);
 /*N*/ 					aPolygon[0].X() = aPoint.X();
 /*N*/ 					aPolygon[0].Y() = aPoint.Y();
 /*N*/ 					aPolygon[1].X() = aPoint.X() + nHalfSymbolSizeX;
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 				aDataAttr.ClearItem(SCHATTR_SYMBOL_BRUSH);//Größe gegebenenfalls löschen
 /*N*/ 				aDataAttr.ClearItem(SCHATTR_SYMBOL_SIZE);//Größe gegebenenfalls löschen
 /*N*/ 				break;
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 				if(aDataAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_SYMBOL_BRUSH,TRUE,&pPoolItem)==SFX_ITEM_SET)
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 					const Graphic*  pGraphic = ((const SvxBrushItem *)pPoolItem)->GetGraphic();
 /*?*/ 					Size	    	aLclSize;
 /*?*/ 					if( pGraphic )
 /*?*/ 					{
 /*?*/ 						if(!pObj && aDataAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_SYMBOL_SIZE,TRUE,&pPoolItem)==SFX_ITEM_SET)
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 																	  pGraphic->GetPrefMapMode(),
 /*?*/ 																	  MAP_100TH_MM ));
 /*?*/ 						}
 /*?*/ 						Rectangle	aRect(aPoint.X()-aLclSize.Width()/2,aPoint.Y()-aLclSize.Height()/2
 /*?*/ 										  ,aPoint.X()+aLclSize.Width()/2,aPoint.Y()+aLclSize.Height()/2);
 /*?*/ 						pObj	  = new SdrGrafObj(*pGraphic);
@@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		CHART_TRACE1( "creating SVX_SYMBOLTYPE = %d", nWhatSymbol );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if(!pObj && aDataAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_SYMBOL_SIZE,TRUE,&pPoolItem)==SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		Size aLclSize=((const SvxSizeItem*)pPoolItem)->GetSize();
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 		nHalfSymbolSizeY = aLclSize.Height() / 2;
 /*?*/ 		CHART_TRACE2( "reading SCHATTR_SYMBOL_SIZE -> Size = (%ld, %ld)", aLclSize.Width(), aLclSize.Height() );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if(!pObj) //dann default generieren
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		switch (nWhatSymbol % 8)
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			case 0 :
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				XPolygon aPolygon (5);
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[0].X() = aPoint.X() - nHalfSymbolSizeX;
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[0].Y() = aPoint.Y() - nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[1].X() = aPoint.X() - nHalfSymbolSizeX;
@@ -494,15 +494,15 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[3].Y() = aPoint.Y() - nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[4].X() = aPolygon[0].X();
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[4].Y() = aPolygon[0].Y();
 /*N*/ 				pObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_POLY, XPolyPolygon(aPolygon));
 /*N*/ 				break;
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 			case 1 :
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				XPolygon aPolygon (5);
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[0].X() = aPoint.X();
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[0].Y() = aPoint.Y() - nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[1].X() = aPoint.X() + nHalfSymbolSizeX;
@@ -513,15 +513,15 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[3].Y() = aPoint.Y();
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[4].X() = aPolygon[0].X();
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[4].Y() = aPolygon[0].Y();
 /*N*/ 				pObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_POLY, XPolyPolygon(aPolygon));
 /*N*/ 				break;
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 			case 2 :
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				XPolygon aPolygon (4);
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[0].X() = aPoint.X() - nHalfSymbolSizeX;
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[0].Y() = aPoint.Y() - nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[1].X() = aPoint.X() + nHalfSymbolSizeX;
@@ -530,15 +530,15 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[2].Y() = aPoint.Y() + nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[3].X() = aPolygon[0].X();
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[3].Y() = aPolygon[0].Y();
 /*N*/ 				pObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_POLY, XPolyPolygon(aPolygon));
 /*N*/ 				break;
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 			case 3 :
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				XPolygon aPolygon (4);
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[0].X() = aPoint.X() - nHalfSymbolSizeX;
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[0].Y() = aPoint.Y() + nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[1].X() = aPoint.X() + nHalfSymbolSizeX;
@@ -547,15 +547,15 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[2].Y() = aPoint.Y() - nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[3].X() = aPolygon[0].X();
 /*N*/ 				aPolygon[3].Y() = aPolygon[0].Y();
 /*N*/ 				pObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_POLY, XPolyPolygon(aPolygon));
 /*N*/ 				break;
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 			case 4 :
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 				XPolygon aPolygon (4);
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[0].X() = aPoint.X() - nHalfSymbolSizeX;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[0].Y() = aPoint.Y() - nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[1].X() = aPoint.X() + nHalfSymbolSizeX;
@@ -564,15 +564,15 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[2].Y() = aPoint.Y() + nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[3].X() = aPolygon[0].X();
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[3].Y() = aPolygon[0].Y();
 /*?*/ 				pObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_POLY, XPolyPolygon(aPolygon));
 /*?*/ 				break;
 /*?*/ 			}
 /*?*/ 			case 5 :
 /*?*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 				XPolygon aPolygon (4);
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[0].X() = aPoint.X() + nHalfSymbolSizeX;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[0].Y() = aPoint.Y() - nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[1].X() = aPoint.X() - nHalfSymbolSizeX;
@@ -581,15 +581,15 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[2].Y() = aPoint.Y() + nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[3].X() = aPolygon[0].X();
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[3].Y() = aPolygon[0].Y();
 /*?*/ 				pObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_POLY, XPolyPolygon(aPolygon));
 /*?*/ 				break;
 /*?*/ 			}
 /*?*/ 			case 6 :
 /*?*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 				XPolygon aPolygon (5);
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[0].X() = aPoint.X() - nHalfSymbolSizeX;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[0].Y() = aPoint.Y() - nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[1].X() = aPoint.X() + nHalfSymbolSizeX;
@@ -600,15 +600,15 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[3].Y() = aPoint.Y() + nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[4].X() = aPolygon[0].X();
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[4].Y() = aPolygon[0].Y();
 /*?*/ 				pObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_POLY, XPolyPolygon(aPolygon));
 /*?*/ 				break;
 /*?*/ 			}
 /*?*/ 			case 7 :
 /*?*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 				XPolygon aPolygon (5);
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[0].X() = aPoint.X() - nHalfSymbolSizeX;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[0].Y() = aPoint.Y() - nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[1].X() = aPoint.X() + nHalfSymbolSizeX;
@@ -619,14 +619,14 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[3].Y() = aPoint.Y() - nHalfSymbolSizeY;
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[4].X() = aPolygon[0].X();
 /*?*/ 				aPolygon[4].Y() = aPolygon[0].Y();
 /*?*/ 				pObj = new SdrPathObj(OBJ_POLY, XPolyPolygon(aPolygon));
 /*?*/ 				break;
 /*?*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if (bInsert)  //nur in CreateLegend FALSE!
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet aSymbolAttr(aDataAttr);
@@ -644,9 +644,9 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		    pObj = SetObjectAttr (pObj, CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_DATA, TRUE, TRUE, &aSymbolAttr);
 /*N*/ 		    pObj->InsertUserData(new SchDataPoint(nColumn, nRow));
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	return pObj;
 /*N*/ }
@@ -654,30 +654,30 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	// Symbole immer gleiche Umrandung und Füllfarbe = Linienfarbe, wenn es sich um ein "echtes"
 /*N*/ 	// Symbol handelt (d.h. nicht ein Symbol für Bars/Säulen,Pies etc.)
 /*N*/ 	switch(nMode)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		case SYMBOLMODE_ROW:
 /*N*/ 			if(HasSymbols(nRow) && IsLine(nRow)) //Symbol und Linie => ein echtes Symbol wird angezeigt :)
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				rSymbolAttr.Put(XFillColorItem(String(),
 /*N*/ 											   ((XLineColorItem &)rSymbolAttr.Get(XATTR_LINECOLOR)).GetValue()));
 /*N*/ 				rSymbolAttr.Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_SOLID));
 /*N*/ 				rSymbolAttr.Put(XLineColorItem(String(),RGBColor(COL_BLACK)));
 /*N*/ 				rSymbolAttr.Put(XLineWidthItem (0));
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 			break;
 /*?*/ 			if(IsLine(nRow))
 /*?*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 				rSymbolAttr.Put(XFillColorItem(String(),
 /*?*/ 											   ((XLineColorItem &)rSymbolAttr.Get(XATTR_LINECOLOR)).GetValue()));
 /*?*/ 				rSymbolAttr.Put(XLineStyleItem(XLINE_SOLID));
 /*?*/ 				rSymbolAttr.Put(XLineColorItem(String(),RGBColor(COL_BLACK)));
 /*?*/ 				rSymbolAttr.Put(XLineWidthItem (0));
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 				XLineStyle eLineStyle =
 /*?*/ 					SAL_STATIC_CAST( const XLineStyleItem *, &(rSymbolAttr.Get( XATTR_LINESTYLE )) )->GetValue(); // bug in Win-C++ compiler: casting to pointer
 /*?*/ 				if( eLineStyle == XLINE_NONE )			  // clear items for defaults to take effect
 /*?*/ 				{
 /*?*/ 					rSymbolAttr.ClearItem( XATTR_LINESTYLE );
@@ -694,12 +694,12 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 					rSymbolAttr.ClearItem( XATTR_LINECOLOR );
 /*?*/ 				}
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 			break;
 /*N*/ 		case SYMBOLMODE_LINE:
 /*N*/ 			break;
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ }
@@ -710,14 +710,14 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::ClearDataPointAttr( long nCol, long nRow, const SfxItemSet& /*rAttr*/ )
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE( "ChartModel::ClearDataPointAttr" );
 /*N*/ 	ItemSetList* pAttrList = IsDataSwitched()   //abhaengig vom Charttyp - statt bSwitchData
 /*N*/ 								 ? &aSwitchDataPointAttrList
 /*N*/ 								 : &aDataPointAttrList;
-/*N*/ 	SfxItemSet* pItemSet = pAttrList->GetObject(nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow);
+/*N*/ 	SfxItemSet* pItemSet = (*pAttrList)[ nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow ];
 /*N*/ 	if (pItemSet != NULL)
 /*?*/ 		{DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); }
 /*N*/ }
@@ -731,16 +731,16 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE( "ChartModel::PutDataPointAttr" );
 /*N*/ 	DBG_ITEMS((SfxItemSet&)rAttr,this);
 /*N*/ 	ItemSetList* pAttrList = IsDataSwitched()   //abhaengig vom Charttyp - statt bSwitchData
 /*N*/ 						   ? &aSwitchDataPointAttrList
 /*N*/ 						   : &aDataPointAttrList;
-/*N*/ 	SfxItemSet* pItemSet = pAttrList->GetObject(nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow);
+/*N*/ 	SfxItemSet* pItemSet = (*pAttrList)[ nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow ];
 /*N*/ 	if (pItemSet == NULL)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		pItemSet = new SfxItemSet(*pItemPool, nRowWhichPairs);
-/*N*/ 		pAttrList->Replace (pItemSet, nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow);
+/*N*/ 		(*pAttrList)[nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow] = pItemSet;
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if(!bMerge)
 /*?*/ 		pItemSet->ClearItem();
@@ -759,13 +759,13 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ const SfxItemSet& ChartModel::GetDataPointAttr( long nCol, long nRow) const
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	long nIdx = nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow;
-/*N*/ 	ItemSetList& aAttrList = IsDataSwitched()
-/*N*/ 		? (class ItemSetList &) aSwitchDataPointAttrList
-/*N*/ 		: (class ItemSetList &) aDataPointAttrList;
-/*N*/ 	if( nIdx < (long)aAttrList.Count() )
+/*N*/ 	const ItemSetList* aAttrList = IsDataSwitched()
+/*N*/ 		? &aSwitchDataPointAttrList
+/*N*/ 		: &aDataPointAttrList;
+/*N*/ 	if( nIdx < (long)aAttrList->size() )
 /*N*/ 	{
-/*N*/ 		SfxItemSet* pSet = aAttrList.GetObject( nIdx );
+/*N*/ 		SfxItemSet* pSet = (*aAttrList)[ nIdx ];
 /*N*/ 		if (pSet == NULL)
 /*N*/ 			return (GetDataRowAttr(nRow));
 /*N*/ 		else
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	else
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		DBG_ERROR( "Requested data point attribute is unavailable" );
 /*?*/ 		// return something
 /*?*/ 		DBG_ASSERT( pChartAttr, "Invalid Chart-ItemSet" );
 /*?*/ 		return *pChartAttr;
@@ -785,12 +785,12 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ const SfxItemSet * ChartModel::GetRawDataPointAttr	(long nCol,long nRow) const
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	long nIndex = nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow;
-/*N*/ 	ItemSetList & aAttrList = IsDataSwitched()
-/*N*/ 		? (class ItemSetList &) aSwitchDataPointAttrList
-/*N*/ 		: (class ItemSetList &) aDataPointAttrList;
-/*N*/ 	if (nIndex < (long)aAttrList.Count())
-/*N*/ 		return aAttrList.GetObject (nIndex);
+/*N*/ 	const ItemSetList* aAttrList = IsDataSwitched()
+/*N*/ 		? &aSwitchDataPointAttrList
+/*N*/ 		: &aDataPointAttrList;
+/*N*/ 	if (nIndex < (long)aAttrList->size())
+/*N*/ 		return (*aAttrList)[ nIndex ];
 /*N*/ 	else
 /*N*/ 		return NULL;
 /*N*/ }
@@ -803,15 +803,15 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ SfxItemSet ChartModel::GetFullDataPointAttr( long nCol, long nRow ) const
 /*N*/ {
-/*N*/ 	ItemSetList* pAttrList = IsDataSwitched()
-/*N*/         ? (class ItemSetList *) & aSwitchDataPointAttrList
-/*N*/         : (class ItemSetList *) & aDataPointAttrList;
-/*N*/ 	if( ! IsPieChart())
+/*N*/ 	const ItemSetList* pAttrList = IsDataSwitched()
+/*N*/         ? &aSwitchDataPointAttrList
+/*N*/         : &aDataPointAttrList;
+/*N*/ 	if( !IsPieChart())
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/         // get series' attributes and merge with data-point attributes if available
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet aAttr( GetDataRowAttr( nRow ));
-/*N*/ 		SfxItemSet *pObj=pAttrList->GetObject( nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow );
+/*N*/ 		SfxItemSet *pObj= (*pAttrList)[ nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow ];
 /*N*/ 		if( pObj )
 /*N*/             aAttr.Put( *pObj );
 /*N*/ 		return aAttr;
@@ -827,29 +827,29 @@ namespace binfilter {
     // get data description attributes
 /*N*/     SfxItemSet aDescrAttrib( *pItemPool, SCHATTR_DATADESCR_START, SCHATTR_DATADESCR_END );
 /*N*/     aDescrAttrib.Put( GetDataRowAttr( 0 )); // a pie chart always has only one series
 /*N*/     // the different pies use series attributes rather than data-point attributes
 /*N*/     long nPieCount        = GetColCount();
 /*N*/     long nSecondDimension = GetRowCount(); // pie has only one series, but the data may contain more
 /*N*/ 	SfxItemSet aAttr( GetDataRowAttr( nCol % nPieCount ));
 /*N*/     if( ( nCol >= nPieCount ) &&
 /*N*/         pDefaultColors )
 /*N*/     {
 /*?*/         XColorEntry* pColEntry = SAL_STATIC_CAST( XColorEntry*, pDefaultColors->GetObject( nCol % pDefaultColors->Count()));
 /*?*/         aAttr.Put( XFillColorItem( pColEntry->GetName(), pColEntry->GetColor()));
 /*N*/     }
 /*N*/     // add description attributes of series
 /*N*/     aAttr.ClearItem( SCHATTR_DATADESCR_DESCR );
 /*N*/     aAttr.ClearItem( SCHATTR_DATADESCR_SHOW_SYM );
 /*N*/     aAttr.Put( aDescrAttrib );
-/*N*/     SfxItemSet* pAttr = pAttrList->GetObject( nCol * nSecondDimension );
-/*N*/     if( ( pAttr != NULL ) && pAttr->Count())
+/*N*/     SfxItemSet* pAttr = (*pAttrList)[ nCol * nSecondDimension ];
+/*N*/     if( ( pAttr != NULL ) && pAttr->Count() )
 /*N*/         aAttr.Put( *pAttr );
 /*N*/     return aAttr;
 /*N*/ }
@@ -862,27 +862,26 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ SfxItemSet& ChartModel::MergeDataPointAttr( SfxItemSet& rAttr, long nCol, long nRow ) const
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE2( "ChartModel::MergeDataPointAttr nCol=%ld, nRow=%ld", nCol, nRow );
-/*N*/ 	ItemSetList* pAttrList = IsDataSwitched()   //abhaengig vom Charttyp - statt bSwitchData
-/*N*/ 								 ? (class ItemSetList *) &aSwitchDataPointAttrList
-/*N*/ 								 : (class ItemSetList *) &aDataPointAttrList;
-/*N*/ 	SfxItemSet *pObj=pAttrList->GetObject(nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow);
+/*N*/ 	const ItemSetList* pAttrList = IsDataSwitched()   //abhaengig vom Charttyp - statt bSwitchData
+/*N*/ 						    ? &aSwitchDataPointAttrList
+/*N*/ 							: &aDataPointAttrList;
+/*N*/ 	SfxItemSet *pObj = (*pAttrList)[ nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow ];
 /*N*/ 	if(pObj)
 /*?*/ 		rAttr.Put(*pObj);
 /*N*/ 	return rAttr;
 /*N*/ }
 /*N*/ BOOL	ChartModel::IsDataPointAttrSet	(long nCol, long nRow)	const
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	UINT32 nIndex = nCol * GetRowCount() + nRow;
-/*N*/ 	ItemSetList& aAttrList = IsDataSwitched()
-/*N*/ 		? (class ItemSetList &) aSwitchDataPointAttrList
-/*N*/ 		: (class ItemSetList &) aDataPointAttrList;
-/*N*/ 	if (nIndex < static_cast<UINT32>(aAttrList.Count()))
-/*N*/ 		return aAttrList.GetObject (nIndex) != NULL;
+/*N*/   const ItemSetList* aAttrList = IsDataSwitched()
+/*N*/                                  ? &aSwitchDataPointAttrList
+/*N*/                                  : &aDataPointAttrList;
+/*N*/ 	if (nIndex < static_cast<UINT32>(aAttrList->size()))
+/*N*/ 		return (*aAttrList)[ nIndex ] != NULL;
 /*N*/ 	else
 /*N*/ 		//	Specified data point does not exist.  Therefore an item set does not exist also.
 /*?*/ 		return false;
@@ -900,26 +899,25 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	if (pAttr && pAxisObj)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet aTextAttr(*pItemPool, nTextWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 		aTextAttr.Put(*pAttr);
 /*N*/ 		SdrObjListIter aIterator(*pAxisObj->GetSubList(), IM_FLAT);
 /*N*/ 		while (aIterator.IsMore())
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			SdrObject   *pObj   = aIterator.Next();
 /*N*/ 			SchObjectId *pObjId = GetObjectId(*pObj);
 /*N*/ 			if (pObjId)
 /*N*/ 				switch (pObjId->GetObjId())
 /*N*/ 				{
 /*N*/ 					case CHOBJID_LINE :
-/*N*/ //-/						pObj->SetAttributes(*pAttr, FALSE);
 /*N*/ 						pObj->SetItemSetAndBroadcast(*pAttr);
 /*N*/ 						break;
 /*N*/ 					case CHOBJID_TEXT :
 /*?*/ 						SetTextAttr(*(SdrTextObj*)pObj, aTextAttr);
 /*N*/ 					default :
 /*N*/ 						;
 /*N*/ 				}
@@ -940,14 +938,14 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	if( (!bAttrAutoStorage && pTextObject) // not during BuildChart
 /*N*/ 		|| !pObj )
 /*N*/ 		return;
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE( "ChartModel::SetTextFromObject" );
 /*N*/ 	SchObjectId* pObjId = GetObjectId( *pObj );
 /*N*/ 	SfxItemSet *pItemSet = NULL;
 /*N*/ 	String* pStrToChange = NULL;
 /*N*/ 	if( pTextObject )
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		if( pObjId )
@@ -955,7 +953,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			pOutliner->SetText( *pTextObject );
 /*N*/ 			String aTitle = pOutliner->GetText( pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 ), pOutliner->GetParagraphCount() );
 /*N*/ 			pOutliner->Clear();
 /*N*/ 			long nId = pObjId->GetObjId();
 /*N*/ 			switch( nId )
 /*N*/ 			{
@@ -980,7 +978,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 					pStrToChange = &aSubTitle;
 /*N*/ 					break;
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 			// if stacked is set the string contains linefeeds which have to be removed
 /*N*/ 			const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem = NULL;
 /*N*/ 			if( pItemSet &&
@@ -989,13 +987,13 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*?*/ 				DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); //STRIP001 aTitle = UnstackString( aTitle );
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 			if( pStrToChange )
 /*N*/ 				*(pStrToChange) = aTitle;
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ }
 /*N*/ //Achtung! diese Funktion sollte nur für 3-D-Objekte ausgeführt werden,
 /*N*/ //bei z.B. Legendensymbolen führt der Aufruf zu einer Endlos-Schleife !!!!!!!!!!!!!
 /*N*/ //Im BuildChart wird ueber bAttrAutoStorage=FALSE doppelte Ausfuehrung unterbunden
@@ -1004,7 +1002,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	if(!bAttrAutoStorage)
 /*N*/ 		return;
 /*N*/ 	bAttrAutoStorage=FALSE; //Rekursionen verhindern
 /*N*/ 	//Eventuell 3D-Materialfarbe in 2D-Füllfarbe konvertieren:
 /*	const SfxPoolItem *pPoolItem;
     if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rAttr.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_3D_MAT_COLOR, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
@@ -1014,38 +1012,38 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	DBG_ITEMS(((SfxItemSet&)rAttr),this);
 /*N*/ 	SchObjectId* pObjId = GetObjectId(*pObj);
 /*N*/ 	if(!pObjId)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		DBG_ERROR("ChartModel::StoreObjectsAttributes failed, no ObjId");
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	long nId=pObjId->GetObjId();
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE2( "ChartModel::StoreObjectsAttributes Id=%s %s", GetCHOBJIDName( nId ), bReplaceAll? "ReplaceAll" : "Merge" );
 /*N*/ 	switch(nId)
 /*N*/ 	{
-/*N*/ 		{DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); //STRIP001 
+/*N*/ 		{DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); //STRIP001
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*?*/ 		break;
-/*?*/ 		{DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); //STRIP001 
+/*?*/ 		{DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); //STRIP001
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*?*/ 		break;
-/*?*/ {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); }//STRIP001 
+/*?*/ {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); }//STRIP001
 /*?*/ 		break;
 /*N*/ 		{
 /*N*/ 			//Spezialfall, 2.Wand suchen
@@ -1073,7 +1071,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		GetAttr(nId).Put(rAttr,TRUE);
 /*N*/ 		break;
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	bAttrAutoStorage=TRUE;
 /*N*/ }
@@ -1093,7 +1091,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	switch(nId)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 			MainTitle()=rTitle;
 /*N*/ 			//	Replace the current text object with a new one with the given text.
@@ -1114,7 +1112,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			SubTitle()=rTitle;
 /*N*/ 			//	Replace the current text object with a new one with the given text.
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				SdrObject * pGroupObject = GetObjWithId( CHOBJID_TITLE_SUB, *GetPage(0) );
 /*N*/ 				if (pGroupObject != NULL)
 /*N*/ 				{
@@ -1166,7 +1164,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	switch(nId)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 			SetMainTitleHasBeenMoved(bMoved);
 /*N*/ 			break;
@@ -1250,7 +1248,7 @@ Fehlen evtl. noch in GetAttr(ID):
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE( "ChartModel::SetAttributes" );
 /*N*/ 	SfxItemSet& rItemSet=GetAttr(nId);
 /*N*/ 	if(!bMerge)
 /*N*/ 		rItemSet.ClearItem();
@@ -1283,58 +1281,58 @@ Fehlen evtl. noch in GetAttr(ID):
 /*N*/ SfxItemSet& ChartModel::GetAttr(const long nObjId,const long nIndex1/*=-1*/) const
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE( "ChartModel::GetAttr(const long nObjId)" );
 /*N*/ 	switch(nObjId)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 			return *pStockLineAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pStockPlusAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pStockLossAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pXGridMainAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pYGridMainAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pZGridMainAttr;
 /*?*/ 			return *pXGridHelpAttr;
 /*?*/ 			return *pYGridHelpAttr;
 /*?*/ 			return *pZGridHelpAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pDiagramAreaAttr;
 /*N*/ 		case CHOBJID_DIAGRAM:          //Leider mmehrfache bedeutung, im 2D ist das wohl das selbe
 /*N*/ 			return *pDiagramWallAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pDiagramFloorAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pXAxisTitleAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pYAxisTitleAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pZAxisTitleAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pMainTitleAttr;
 /*N*/ 		case CHOBJID_TITLE_SUB:
 /*N*/ 			return *pSubTitleAttr;
 /*N*/ 			return *pChartXAxis->GetItemSet();
@@ -1345,23 +1343,23 @@ Fehlen evtl. noch in GetAttr(ID):
 /*N*/ 			return *pChartBAxis->GetItemSet();
 /*N*/ 			return *pChartAAxis->GetItemSet();
 /*N*/ 		case CHOBJID_LEGEND_BACK: //Achtung, dies ist nur das Drawing-Objekt, normalerweise erhält man die andere ID für das Gruppenobjekt
 /*N*/ 		case CHOBJID_LEGEND:
 /*N*/ 			return *pLegendAttr;
             /*return *pTitleAttr;
             return *pAxisAttr;
             return *pGridAttr;
              return *pChartAttr;*/
-/*?*/ 			return *aRegressAttrList.GetObject(nIndex1);
+/*?*/ 			return *aRegressAttrList[ nIndex1 ];
-/*?*/ 			return *aErrorAttrList.GetObject(nIndex1);
+/*?*/ 			return *aErrorAttrList[ nIndex1 ];
-/*?*/ 			return *aAverageAttrList.GetObject(nIndex1);
+/*?*/ 			return *aAverageAttrList[ nIndex1 ];
 /*N*/ 		default:
 /*N*/ 			CHART_TRACE1( "GetAttr illegal Object Id (%ld), returning dummy", nObjId );
 /*N*/ 			return *pDummyAttr;
@@ -1377,7 +1375,7 @@ Fehlen evtl. noch in GetAttr(ID):
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::GetAttr( const long nObjId, SfxItemSet& rAttr, const long nIndex1 /*=-1*/ )
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE( "ChartModel::GetAttr( long nObjId, SfxItemSet& rAttr)" );
 /*N*/ 	// items at model (and axis object)
 /*N*/ 	switch( nObjId )
 /*N*/ 	{
@@ -1389,7 +1387,7 @@ Fehlen evtl. noch in GetAttr(ID):
 /*N*/ 			{
 /*N*/ 				// general item set
 /*N*/ 				rAttr.Put( *pAxisAttr );
 /*N*/ 				// specialized item set and members
 /*N*/ 				ChartAxis* pAxis = GetAxis( nObjId );
 /*N*/ 				if( pAxis )
@@ -1415,7 +1413,7 @@ Fehlen evtl. noch in GetAttr(ID):
 /*N*/ 				}
 /*N*/ 			}
 /*N*/ 			break;
 /*N*/ 		default:
 /*N*/ 			rAttr.Put( GetAttr( nObjId, nIndex1 ));
 /*N*/ 			break;
@@ -1425,13 +1423,13 @@ Fehlen evtl. noch in GetAttr(ID):
 /*N*/ BOOL ChartModel::ChangeAttr(const SfxItemSet& rAttr,const long nId,const long nIndex1/*=-1*/)
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	BOOL bNeedChanges=TRUE; //noch ungenutzt, zur evtl. Optimierung
 /*N*/ 	//ToDo: optimieren! klappt wegen XChartView so nicht:
 /*N*/ 	//BOOL bForceBuild=FALSE;
 /*N*/ 	BOOL bForceBuild=TRUE;
 /*N*/ 	SdrObject* pObj=NULL;
 /*N*/ 	//Objektattribute am Objekt setzen, falls nicht indiziert
 /*N*/ 	if(nIndex1==-1)
@@ -1441,8 +1439,8 @@ Fehlen evtl. noch in GetAttr(ID):
 /*N*/ //-/			pObj->SetAttributes(rAttr,FALSE);
 /*N*/ 			pObj->SetItemSetAndBroadcast(rAttr);
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	//und auch am Model
 /*N*/ 	switch(nId)
 /*N*/ 	{
@@ -1471,9 +1469,9 @@ Fehlen evtl. noch in GetAttr(ID):
 /*N*/ 					{
 /*N*/ 						SetAttributes(nId,rAttr); //im Model
 /*N*/ 					}
 /*N*/ 				}
 /*N*/ 				const SfxPoolItem *pPoolItem;
 /*N*/ 				if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rAttr.GetItemState( SID_TEXTBREAK, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) )
 /*N*/ 				{
@@ -1501,15 +1499,15 @@ Fehlen evtl. noch in GetAttr(ID):
 /*N*/ 			GetAttr(nId,nIndex1).Put(rAttr,TRUE);
 /*N*/ 			break;
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/     // calculate result here because BuildChart will delete pObj (dangling pointer)
 /*N*/     BOOL bResult = ( pObj != NULL || nIndex1 != -1 );
 /*N*/ 	if(bForceBuild || nIndex1!=-1)
 /*N*/ 		BuildChart(FALSE);
 /*N*/ 	else if(bNeedChanges && IsAttrChangeNeedsBuildChart(rAttr))
 /*?*/ 		BuildChart(FALSE);
 /*N*/ 	return bResult;
 /*N*/ }
 /* Anmerkungen zu GetObjectAttr,SetObjectAttr:
@@ -1592,25 +1590,25 @@ pYGridMainAttr->Put(rAttr);
 //               (using the Intersect method of the SfxItemSet)
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::GetDataRowAttrAll( SfxItemSet& rOutAttributes )
 /*N*/ {
-/*N*/     long nListSize = aDataRowAttrList.Count();
+/*N*/     long nListSize = aDataRowAttrList.size();
 /*N*/     // no itemsets => result stays empty
 /*N*/     if( nListSize == 0 )
 /*N*/         return;
 /*N*/     // set items of first data row and then intersect with all remaining
-/*N*/     rOutAttributes.Put( *aDataRowAttrList.GetObject( 0 ));
+/*N*/     rOutAttributes.Put( *aDataRowAttrList[ 0 ] );
 /*N*/ 	for( long nRow = 1; nRow < nListSize; nRow++ )
-/*N*/         rOutAttributes.Intersect( *aDataRowAttrList.GetObject( nRow ));
+/*N*/         rOutAttributes.Intersect( *aDataRowAttrList[ nRow ] );
 /*N*/ }
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::SetItemWithNameCreation( SfxItemSet& rDestItemSet, const SfxPoolItem* pNewItem )
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/     if( pNewItem == NULL )
 /*N*/         return;
 /*N*/     const SfxPoolItem* pItemToSet = pNewItem;
 /*N*/     // this code comes from bf_svx/source/svdraw/svdoattr.cxx: SdrAttrObj::ItemChange()
 /*N*/     switch( pItemToSet->Which())
 /*N*/     {
@@ -1636,10 +1634,10 @@ pYGridMainAttr->Put(rAttr);
 /*N*/ 			pItemToSet = ((XFillHatchItem*)pItemToSet)->checkForUniqueItem( this );
 /*N*/ 			break;
 /*N*/     }
 /*N*/     if( pItemToSet )
 /*N*/         rDestItemSet.Put( *pItemToSet );
 /*N*/     // delete item if it was a generated one
 /*N*/     if( pNewItem != pItemToSet )
 /*N*/         delete pItemToSet;
@@ -1649,12 +1647,12 @@ pYGridMainAttr->Put(rAttr);
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/     // copy all attributes
 /*N*/     rDestItemSet.Put( rNewItemSet );
 /*N*/     // check for items that need name creation
 /*N*/     SfxWhichIter        aIter( rNewItemSet );
 /*N*/     sal_uInt16          nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich();
 /*N*/     const SfxPoolItem*  pPoolItem = NULL;
 /*N*/     while( nWhich )
 /*N*/     {
 /*N*/         switch( nWhich )
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode4.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode4.cxx
index 7e180dc..7a388f6 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode4.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sch/source/core/sch_chtmode4.cxx
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * 
+ *
  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
@@ -119,29 +119,25 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/         // change setting globally
 /*N*/         eDataDescr = eDescr;
 /*N*/         bShowSym = bSym;
 /*N*/         // clear individual settings
 /*N*/         long nEndRow = GetRowCount();
 /*N*/         for( long nRow = 0; nRow < nEndRow; nRow++ )
 /*N*/         {
 /*N*/             SfxItemSet &rAttr = SAL_CONST_CAST( SfxItemSet&, GetDataRowAttr( (short)nRow ));
 /*N*/             rAttr.Put( SvxChartDataDescrItem( eDescr ));
 /*N*/             rAttr.Put( SfxBoolItem( SCHATTR_DATADESCR_SHOW_SYM, bSym ));
-/*N*/             // the following is the preferred method, but the items are not evaluated appropriately
-/*N*/ //              rAttr.ClearItem( ITEMID_CHARTDATADESCR );
-/*N*/ //              rAttr.ClearItem( SCHATTR_DATADESCR_SHOW_SYM );
 /*N*/         }
 /*N*/     }
 /*N*/     else
 /*N*/     {
 /*N*/         SfxItemSet &rAttr = SAL_CONST_CAST( SfxItemSet&, GetDataRowAttr( (short)nRowToChange ));
 /*N*/  		rAttr.Put( SvxChartDataDescrItem( eDescr ));
 /*N*/  		rAttr.Put( SfxBoolItem( SCHATTR_DATADESCR_SHOW_SYM, bSym ));
 /*N*/     }
 /*N*/ 	if( bBuildChart )
 /*?*/ 		BuildChart( FALSE );
 /*N*/ }
@@ -156,18 +152,18 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ BOOL ChartModel::ResizePage(const Size& rNewSize)
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	SdrPage* pPage = GetPage(0);
 /*N*/ 	if (!pPage || pPage->GetSize() == rNewSize) return FALSE;
 /*N*/ 	else
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		BOOL bWasChanged = IsChanged();
 /*N*/ 		pPage->SetSize(rNewSize);
 /*N*/ 		eOldChartStyle = eChartStyle;
 /*N*/ 		if (rNewSize.Width () != 0 && rNewSize.Height () != 0) BuildChart(FALSE);
 /*N*/ 		if (!bWasChanged) SetChanged(FALSE);
 /*N*/ 		return TRUE;
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ }
@@ -186,24 +182,24 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		fRatio = (double)aPageSize.Height() / (double)aInitialSize.Height();
 /*N*/ 	else
 /*?*/ 		fRatio = (double)aDiagramRectangle.GetHeight() / (double)aLastDiagramRectangle.GetHeight();
 /*N*/ 	// resize all three fonts
 /*N*/ 	static const USHORT nWhichIds[ 3 ] = {
 /*N*/ 	};
 /*N*/ 	for( int i=0; i < 3; i++ )
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		long nHeight = ((SvxFontHeightItem &)pTextAttr->Get( nWhichIds[ i ] )).GetHeight();
 /*N*/         //	Scale and round height.
 /*N*/ 		nHeight = (long)( fRatio * (double)nHeight + 0.5 );
 /*N*/ 		float fPoints = (float)CalcToPoint( nHeight, SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM, 10 );
 /*N*/ 		if( fPoints < 2.0 ) fPoints = 2.0;
 /*N*/ 		pTextAttr->Put( SvxFontHeightItem( CalcToUnit( fPoints / (float)10.0, SFX_MAPUNIT_100TH_MM ),
 /*N*/ 										   100, nWhichIds[ i ] ));
 /*N*/ 	}
@@ -233,7 +229,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::GetAttr(SfxItemSet& rAttr)
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	CHART_TRACE( "ChartModel::GetAttr(SfxItemSet& rAttr)" );
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SvxChartStyleItem(ChartStyle()));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(CHATTR_TITLE_SHOW_MAIN, ShowMainTitle()));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxStringItem(CHATTR_TITLE_MAIN, MainTitle()));
@@ -257,23 +253,23 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Z_MAIN, ShowZGridMain()));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Z_HELP, ShowZGridHelp()));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Z_DESCR, ShowZDescr()));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_2Y_AXIS, GetAxisByUID(CHART_AXIS_SECONDARY_Y)->IsVisible()));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_2Y_DESCR, GetAxisByUID(CHART_AXIS_SECONDARY_Y)->HasDescription()));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_2X_AXIS, GetAxisByUID(CHART_AXIS_SECONDARY_X)->IsVisible()));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_2X_DESCR, GetAxisByUID(CHART_AXIS_SECONDARY_X)->HasDescription()));
 /*N*/ 	const SfxPoolItem *pPoolItem = NULL;
 /*N*/ 	if (pLegendAttr->GetItemState(SCHATTR_LEGEND_POS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 							== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		rAttr.Put(SvxChartLegendPosItem
 /*N*/ 					(((const SvxChartLegendPosItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue(),
 /*N*/ 					pItemPool->GetSlotId(SCHATTR_LEGEND_POS)));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(CHATTR_DATA_SWITCH, IsSwitchData()));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put (SfxBoolItem (SCHATTR_STAT_AVERAGE,bShowAverage));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put (SfxInt32Item (SCHATTR_STAT_KIND_ERROR, (INT32) eErrorKind));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put (SfxInt32Item (SCHATTR_STAT_INDICATE, (INT32) eIndicate));
@@ -282,24 +278,24 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put (SvxDoubleItem (fIndicatePlus, SCHATTR_STAT_CONSTPLUS));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put (SvxDoubleItem (fIndicateMinus, SCHATTR_STAT_CONSTMINUS));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put (SfxInt32Item (SCHATTR_STAT_REGRESSTYPE, (INT32) eRegression));
 /*N*/ 	//Datenbeschriftung
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(SCHATTR_DATADESCR_SHOW_SYM,bShowSym));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SvxChartDataDescrItem(eDataDescr));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxInt32Item(CHATTR_BARWIDTH,GetBarPercentWidth()));
 /*N*/ 	rAttr.Put(SfxBoolItem(CHATTR_BARCONNECT, (BOOL)(m_nDefaultColorSet&CHSPECIAL_TRACELINES)));
 /*N*/ 	if (pChartAttr->GetItemState(SCHATTR_STYLE_SHAPE, TRUE, &pPoolItem)== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		long nTmp= (long)((const SfxInt32Item*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*?*/ 		rAttr.Put(SfxInt32Item(SCHATTR_STYLE_SHAPE,nTmp));
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	ChartScene *pLclScene=GetScene();
 /*N*/ 	if(pLclScene)
 /*N*/ 		rAttr.Put(pLclScene->GetItemSet());
 /*N*/     if( pChartAttr->GetItemState( SCHATTR_USER_DEFINED_ATTR, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) == SFX_ITEM_SET )
 /*N*/     {
 /*?*/         rAttr.Put( *pPoolItem );
@@ -315,198 +311,198 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::PutAttr(const SfxItemSet& rAttr)
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	const SfxPoolItem *pPoolItem = NULL;
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_TITLE_SHOW_MAIN, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowMainTitle () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_TITLE_MAIN, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		MainTitle () = ((const SfxStringItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_TITLE_SHOW_SUB, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowSubTitle () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_TITLE_SUB, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		SubTitle () = ((const SfxStringItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_TITLE_SHOW_X_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowXAxisTitle () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_TITLE_X_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		XAxisTitle () = ((const SfxStringItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_TITLE_SHOW_Y_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowYAxisTitle () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_TITLE_Y_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		YAxisTitle () = ((const SfxStringItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_TITLE_SHOW_Z_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowZAxisTitle () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_TITLE_Z_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		ZAxisTitle () = ((const SfxStringItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_X_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowXAxis (((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue());
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_X_MAIN, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowXGridMain () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_X_HELP, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		ShowXGridHelp () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_X_DESCR, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowXDescr (((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue());
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Y_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowYAxis (((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue());
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Y_MAIN, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowYGridMain () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Y_HELP, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		ShowYGridHelp () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Y_DESCR, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowYDescr (((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue());
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Z_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowZAxis (((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue());
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Z_MAIN, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		ShowZGridMain () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Z_HELP, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		ShowZGridHelp () = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_Z_DESCR, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		ShowZDescr (((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue());
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_2Y_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		BOOL b = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 		pChartBAxis->GetItemSet()->Put(SfxBoolItem(SCHATTR_AXIS_SHOWAXIS,b));
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_2Y_DESCR, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		BOOL b = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 		pChartBAxis->GetItemSet()->Put(SfxBoolItem(SCHATTR_AXIS_SHOWDESCR,b));
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_2X_AXIS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		BOOL b = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 		pChartAAxis->GetItemSet()->Put(SfxBoolItem(SCHATTR_AXIS_SHOWAXIS,b));
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_AXISGRID_SHOW_2X_DESCR, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		BOOL b = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 		pChartAAxis->GetItemSet()->Put(SfxBoolItem(SCHATTR_AXIS_SHOWDESCR,b));
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_LEGEND_POS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		pLegendAttr->Put(SvxChartLegendPosItem
 /*N*/ 			(((const SvxChartLegendPosItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue(),
 /*?*/ 			 pItemPool->GetWhich(CHATTR_LEGEND_POS)));
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_DATA_SWITCH, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		ChangeSwitchData(((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue());
 /*N*/ //Statistik
 /*N*/    if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_STAT_CONSTPLUS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		fIndicatePlus=((const SvxDoubleItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/    if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_STAT_BIGERROR, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		fIndicateBigError=((const SvxDoubleItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/    if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_STAT_PERCENT, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		fIndicatePercent=((const SvxDoubleItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/    if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_STAT_INDICATE, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		eIndicate=(SvxChartIndicate)((const SfxInt32Item*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/    if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_STAT_KIND_ERROR, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		eErrorKind=(SvxChartKindError)((const SfxInt32Item*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/    if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_STAT_AVERAGE, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		bShowAverage=((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/    if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_STAT_CONSTMINUS, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		fIndicateMinus=((const SvxDoubleItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/    if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_STAT_REGRESSTYPE, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		eRegression=(SvxChartRegress)((const SfxInt32Item*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	   //Datenbeschriftung
 /*N*/ 	   SvxChartDataDescr eNewDataDescr,eOldDataDescr;
 /*N*/ 	   BOOL bNewShowSym, bOldShowSym;
 /*N*/ 	   eNewDataDescr = eOldDataDescr = eDataDescr;
 /*N*/ 	   bNewShowSym = bOldShowSym = bShowSym;
 /*N*/ 	  if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_DATADESCR_DESCR, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		eNewDataDescr=(SvxChartDataDescr)((const SvxChartDataDescrItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	  if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_DATADESCR_SHOW_SYM, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 		bNewShowSym=((const SfxBoolItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
 /*N*/ 	  if( bOldShowSym != bNewShowSym || eOldDataDescr != eNewDataDescr )
 /*N*/ 	  {
 /*?*/ 		  ChangeDataDescr(eNewDataDescr,bNewShowSym);
 /*N*/ 	  }
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_BARWIDTH, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 				== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		SetBarPercentWidth((long)((const SfxInt32Item*)pPoolItem)->GetValue());
 /*N*/    if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_BARCONNECT, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 					== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/    {
@@ -515,7 +511,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		   ?(m_nDefaultColorSet|CHSPECIAL_TRACELINES)
 /*N*/    }
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(SCHATTR_STYLE_SHAPE, TRUE, &pPoolItem)== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		long nTmp= (long)((const SfxInt32Item*)pPoolItem)->GetValue();
@@ -523,7 +519,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		aS.Put(SfxInt32Item(SCHATTR_STYLE_SHAPE,nTmp));
 /*N*/ 		PutDataRowAttrAll(aS);
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	// Autopilot mit CHATTR_
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_STYLE_SHAPE, TRUE, &pPoolItem)== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*N*/ 	{
@@ -546,23 +542,23 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 			pChartBAxis->SetAttributes( aS );
 /*?*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	ChartScene *pLclScene=GetScene();
 /*N*/ 	if(pLclScene) //ToDo: Ist das hier nötig??? warum nicht direkt rAttr? #63904#
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		SfxItemSet aSceneSet(*pItemPool,nRowWhichPairs);
 /*N*/ 		aSceneSet.Put(rAttr);
 /*N*/ 		pLclScene->SetItemSet(aSceneSet);
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/     if( rAttr.GetItemState( SCHATTR_USER_DEFINED_ATTR, TRUE, &pPoolItem ) == SFX_ITEM_SET )
 /*N*/     {
 /*?*/         pChartAttr->Put( *pPoolItem );
 /*N*/     }
 /*N*/ 	if (rAttr.GetItemState(CHATTR_DIAGRAM_STYLE, TRUE, &pPoolItem)
 /*N*/ 				== SFX_ITEM_SET)
 /*?*/ 		ChangeChart( ((const SvxChartStyleItem*)pPoolItem)->GetValue());
@@ -592,24 +588,24 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ void ChartModel::Initialize()
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	mbIsInitialized = TRUE;
 /*N*/ 	if (!(aInitialSize.Height () && aInitialSize.Width ()))
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*?*/ 		SdrPage* pPage = GetPage(0);
 /*?*/ 		if (pPage) aInitialSize = pPage->GetSize();
 /*?*/ 		if (!(aInitialSize.Height () && aInitialSize.Width ())) aInitialSize = Size (7000, 8000);
 /*?*/ //        13000, 8666
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	ScaleText( 0, aInitialSize );
 /*N*/ 	if( bShouldBuildChart )
 /*N*/ 	{
 /*N*/ 		//	Force build chart.  If it has been loaded from an XML file, than that is
 /*N*/ 		//	done by unlocking it.
 /*N*/ 		bNoBuildChart = FALSE;
 /*N*/ 		if( pDocShell &&
 /*N*/ 			pDocShell->IsEnableSetModified())
 /*N*/ 		{
@@ -626,7 +622,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			else
 /*N*/ 				BuildChart( FALSE );
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	SetDiagramRectangle( GetChartRect() );
 /*N*/ }
@@ -655,9 +651,9 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*?*/ 				ResizeText( &GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_B_AXIS), rPageSize, FALSE );
 /*?*/ 			if( nTitle != CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Z_AXIS )
 /*?*/ 				ResizeText( &GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Z_AXIS), rPageSize, FALSE );
-/*?*/ 			for( ULONG i=0; i<aDataRowAttrList.Count(); i++ )
-/*?*/ 				ResizeText( aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i), rPageSize, FALSE );
+/*?*/ 			for( size_t i = 0; i < aDataRowAttrList.size(); i++ )
+/*?*/ 				ResizeText( aDataRowAttrList[ i ], rPageSize, FALSE );
 /*?*/ 			ResizeText(pDummyAttr,rPageSize);	// also resize crash test dummy to normal for next test ?
 /*N*/ 		}
 /*N*/ 	}
@@ -673,7 +669,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			ResizeText (pYAxisTitleAttr,rPageSize);
 /*N*/ 			ResizeText (pZAxisTitleAttr,rPageSize);
 /*N*/ 		if(nTitle != CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS)
 /*N*/ 			ResizeText(&GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_X_AXIS),rPageSize);
 /*N*/ 		if(nTitle != CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Y_AXIS)
@@ -686,8 +682,8 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 			ResizeText(&GetAttr(CHOBJID_DIAGRAM_Z_AXIS),rPageSize);
 /*N*/ 		if(nTitle != CHOBJID_LEGEND)
 /*N*/ 			ResizeText(pLegendAttr, rPageSize);
-/*N*/ 		for( ULONG i=0; i<aDataRowAttrList.Count(); i++ )
-/*N*/ 			ResizeText(aDataRowAttrList.GetObject(i),rPageSize);
+/*N*/ 		for( size_t i = 0; i < aDataRowAttrList.size(); i++ )
+/*N*/ 			ResizeText( aDataRowAttrList[ i ], rPageSize );
 /*N*/ 		ResizeText(pDummyAttr,rPageSize);	// also resize crash test dummy to normal for next test ?
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ }
@@ -701,7 +697,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ 	SdrPage* pPage=GetPage(0);
 /*N*/ 	const Size& rPageSize=pPage->GetSize();
 /*N*/ 	Point aTitlePosition;
 /*N*/ 	if (bUseRelativePositionsForChartGroups && (aTitleTopCenter.X() >= 0) &&
 /*N*/ 	   (aTitleTopCenter.Y() >= 0) && GetMainTitleHasBeenMoved())
@@ -716,11 +712,11 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ 		aTitlePosition.X() = aChartRect.Left() + aChartRect.GetWidth() / 2;
 /*N*/ 		aTitlePosition.Y() = aChartRect.Top();
 /*N*/ 	}
 /*N*/ 	SdrTextObj *pObj = CreateTextObj(CHOBJID_TITLE_MAIN, aTitlePosition,
 /*N*/ 									 aMainTitle,
 /*N*/ 									 *pMainTitleAttr, TRUE, CHADJUST_TOP_CENTER);

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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