[Libreoffice-commits] .: 3 commits - binfilter/bf_svx binfilter/bf_sw binfilter/inc

Caolán McNamara caolan at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sun Oct 9 12:58:34 PDT 2011

 binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdmrkv.cxx         |    8 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_docdesc.cxx         |   59 --
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_tblrwcl.cxx         |  439 ---------------
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/docnode/sw_ndtbl.cxx       |   98 ---
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx       |  489 -----------------
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/tblrwcl.hxx            |    7 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/txtnode/sw_atrftn.cxx      |   11 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/unocore/sw_swunohelper.cxx |   22 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/basflt/sw_fltini.cxx     |  185 ------
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/basflt/sw_shellio.cxx    |   30 -
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/inc/fltini.hxx           |   23 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/utlui/sw_initui.cxx          |   10 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/doc.hxx                            |    1 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fmtftn.hxx                         |    1 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/ndarr.hxx                          |    7 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/shellio.hxx                        |    7 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/shellres.hxx                       |    6 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swfltopt.hxx                       |    4 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swtable.hxx                        |    6 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swunohelper.hxx                    |    5 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/tblsel.hxx                         |   14 
 21 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1428 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 026171e8328ef0fb4443a12b63144ea7f63913eb
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Sun Oct 9 20:39:13 2011 +0100

    WaE: unused arguments

diff --git a/binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdmrkv.cxx b/binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdmrkv.cxx
index af7531d..b84c4fc 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdmrkv.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdmrkv.cxx
@@ -159,15 +159,13 @@ namespace binfilter {
-/*N*/ void SdrMarkView::ShowMarkHdl(OutputDevice* pOut, BOOL bNoRefHdl)
+/*N*/ void SdrMarkView::ShowMarkHdl(OutputDevice* /*pOut*/, BOOL /*bNoRefHdl*/)
 /*N*/ {
-/*N*/       bNoRefHdl=FALSE; // geht leider erstmal nicht anders
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SdrMarkView::HideMarkHdl(OutputDevice* /*pOut*/, BOOL bNoRefHdl)
+/*N*/ void SdrMarkView::HideMarkHdl(OutputDevice* /*pOut*/, BOOL /*bNoRefHdl*/)
 /*N*/ {
-/*N*/       bNoRefHdl=FALSE; // geht leider erstmal nicht anders
 /*N*/ }
 /*N*/ BOOL SdrMarkView::ImpIsFrameHandles() const
@@ -385,7 +383,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SdrMarkView::AdjustMarkHdl(BOOL bRestraintPaint)
+/*N*/ void SdrMarkView::AdjustMarkHdl(BOOL /*bRestraintPaint*/)
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/   CheckMarked();
 /*N*/   SetMarkRects();
commit 94e898e5693c85a81288ad37720229efb2ba74a5
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Sun Oct 9 00:03:34 2011 +0100

    callcatcher: newly unused methods

diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_tblrwcl.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_tblrwcl.cxx
index 1998989..94b6b57 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_tblrwcl.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_tblrwcl.cxx
@@ -168,313 +168,6 @@ void lcl_LastBoxSetWidth( SwTableBoxes &rBoxes, const long nOffset,
- void _DeleteBox( SwTable& rTbl, SwTableBox* pBox,
-                BOOL bCalcNewSize, const BOOL bCorrBorder,
-                SwShareBoxFmts* pShareFmts )
- {
-    do {
-        SwTwips nBoxSz = bCalcNewSize ?
-                pBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetFrmSize().GetWidth() : 0;
-        SwTableLine* pLine = pBox->GetUpper();
-        SwTableBoxes& rTblBoxes = pLine->GetTabBoxes();
-        USHORT nDelPos = rTblBoxes.C40_GETPOS( SwTableBox, pBox );
-        SwTableBox* pUpperBox = pBox->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
-        // Sonderbehandlung fuer Umrandung:
-        if( bCorrBorder && 1 < rTblBoxes.Count() )
-        {
-            BOOL bChgd = FALSE;
-            const SvxBoxItem& rBoxItem = pBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetBox();
-            if( rBoxItem.GetLeft() || rBoxItem.GetRight() )
-            {
-                //JP 02.04.97:  1.Teil fuer Bug 36271
-                // zuerst die linken/rechten Kanten
-                if( nDelPos + 1 < rTblBoxes.Count() )
-                {
-                    SwTableBox* pNxtBox = rTblBoxes[ nDelPos + 1 ];
-                    const SvxBoxItem& rNxtBoxItem = pNxtBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetBox();
-                    SwTableBox* pPrvBox = nDelPos ? rTblBoxes[ nDelPos - 1 ] : 0;
-                    if( pNxtBox->GetSttNd() && !rNxtBoxItem.GetLeft() &&
-                        ( !pPrvBox || !pPrvBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetBox().GetRight()) )
-                    {
-                        SvxBoxItem aTmp( rNxtBoxItem );
-                        aTmp.SetLine( rBoxItem.GetLeft() ? rBoxItem.GetLeft()
-                                                         : rBoxItem.GetRight(),
-                                                            BOX_LINE_LEFT );
-                        if( pShareFmts )
-                            pShareFmts->SetAttr( *pNxtBox, aTmp );
-                        else
-                            pNxtBox->ClaimFrmFmt()->SetAttr( aTmp );
-                        bChgd = TRUE;
-                    }
-                }
-                if( !bChgd && nDelPos )
-                {
-                    SwTableBox* pPrvBox = rTblBoxes[ nDelPos - 1 ];
-                    const SvxBoxItem& rPrvBoxItem = pPrvBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetBox();
-                    SwTableBox* pNxtBox = nDelPos + 1 < rTblBoxes.Count()
-                                            ? rTblBoxes[ nDelPos + 1 ] : 0;
-                    if( pPrvBox->GetSttNd() && !rPrvBoxItem.GetRight() &&
-                        ( !pNxtBox || !pNxtBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetBox().GetLeft()) )
-                    {
-                        SvxBoxItem aTmp( rPrvBoxItem );
-                        aTmp.SetLine( rBoxItem.GetLeft() ? rBoxItem.GetLeft()
-                                                         : rBoxItem.GetRight(),
-                                                            BOX_LINE_RIGHT );
-                        if( pShareFmts )
-                            pShareFmts->SetAttr( *pPrvBox, aTmp );
-                        else
-                            pPrvBox->ClaimFrmFmt()->SetAttr( aTmp );
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // erst die Box, dann die Nodes loeschen!!
-        SwStartNode* pSttNd = (SwStartNode*)pBox->GetSttNd();
-        if( pShareFmts )
-            pShareFmts->RemoveFormat( *rTblBoxes[ nDelPos ]->GetFrmFmt() );
-        rTblBoxes.DeleteAndDestroy( nDelPos );
-        if( pSttNd )
-        {
-                pSttNd->GetDoc()->DeleteSection( pSttNd );
-        }
-        // auch die Zeile noch loeschen ??
-        if( rTblBoxes.Count() )
-        {
-            // dann passe noch die Frame-SSize an
-            BOOL bLastBox = nDelPos == rTblBoxes.Count();
-            if( bLastBox )
-                --nDelPos;
-            pBox = rTblBoxes[nDelPos];
-            if( bCalcNewSize )
-            {
-                SwFmtFrmSize aNew( pBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetFrmSize() );
-                aNew.SetWidth( aNew.GetWidth() + nBoxSz );
-                if( pShareFmts )
-                    pShareFmts->SetSize( *pBox, aNew );
-                else
-                    pBox->ClaimFrmFmt()->SetAttr( aNew );
-                if( !pBox->GetSttNd() )
-                {
-                    // dann muss es auch rekursiv in allen Zeilen, in allen
-                    // Zellen erfolgen!
-                    SwShareBoxFmts aShareFmts;
-                  lcl_LastBoxSetWidthLine( pBox->GetTabLines(), nBoxSz,
-                                                !bLastBox,
-                                                pShareFmts ? *pShareFmts
-                                                           : aShareFmts );
-                }
-            }
-            break;      // nichts mehr loeschen
-        }
-        // loesche die Line aus Tabelle/Box
-        if( !pUpperBox )
-        {
-            // dann loesche auch noch die Line aus der Tabelle
-            nDelPos = rTbl.GetTabLines().C40_GETPOS( SwTableLine, pLine );
-            if( pShareFmts )
-                pShareFmts->RemoveFormat( *rTbl.GetTabLines()[ nDelPos ]->GetFrmFmt() );
-            rTbl.GetTabLines().DeleteAndDestroy( nDelPos );
-            break;      // mehr kann nicht geloescht werden
-        }
-        // dann loesche auch noch die Line
-        pBox = pUpperBox;
-        nDelPos = pBox->GetTabLines().C40_GETPOS( SwTableLine, pLine );
-        if( pShareFmts )
-            pShareFmts->RemoveFormat( *pBox->GetTabLines()[ nDelPos ]->GetFrmFmt() );
-        pBox->GetTabLines().DeleteAndDestroy( nDelPos );
-    } while( !pBox->GetTabLines().Count() );
- }
- SwTableBox* lcl_FndNxtPrvDelBox( const SwTableLines& rTblLns,
-                                SwTwips nBoxStt, SwTwips nBoxWidth,
-                                USHORT nLinePos, BOOL bNxt,
-                                SwSelBoxes* pAllDelBoxes, USHORT* pCurPos )
- {
-    SwTableBox* pFndBox = 0;
-    do {
-        if( bNxt )
-            ++nLinePos;
-        else
-            --nLinePos;
-        SwTableLine* pLine = rTblLns[ nLinePos ];
-        SwTwips nFndBoxWidth = 0, nFndWidth = nBoxStt + nBoxWidth;
-        USHORT nBoxCnt = pLine->GetTabBoxes().Count();
-        for( USHORT n = 0; 0 < nFndWidth && n < nBoxCnt; ++n )
-        {
-            pFndBox = pLine->GetTabBoxes()[ n ];
-            nFndWidth -= (nFndBoxWidth = pFndBox->GetFrmFmt()->
-                                        GetFrmSize().GetWidth());
-        }
-        // suche die erste ContentBox
-        while( !pFndBox->GetSttNd() )
-        {
-            const SwTableLines& rLowLns = pFndBox->GetTabLines();
-            if( bNxt )
-                pFndBox = rLowLns[ 0 ]->GetTabBoxes()[ 0 ];
-            else
-                pFndBox = rLowLns[ rLowLns.Count() - 1 ]->GetTabBoxes()[ 0 ];
-        }
-        if( Abs( nFndWidth ) > COLFUZZY ||
-            Abs( nBoxWidth - nFndBoxWidth ) > COLFUZZY )
-            pFndBox = 0;
-        else if( pAllDelBoxes )
-        {
-            // falls der Vorganger auch geloscht wird, ist nicht zu tun
-            USHORT nFndPos;
-            if( !pAllDelBoxes->Seek_Entry( pFndBox, &nFndPos ) )
-                break;
-            // sonst noch mal weitersuchen
-            // Die Box muessen wir aber nicht nochmal abpruefen
-            pFndBox = 0;
-            if( nFndPos <= *pCurPos )
-                --*pCurPos;
-            pAllDelBoxes->Remove( nFndPos );
-        }
-    } while( bNxt ? ( nLinePos + 1 < rTblLns.Count() ) : nLinePos );
-    return pFndBox;
- }
- void lcl_SaveUpperLowerBorder( SwTable& rTbl, const SwTableBox& rBox,
-                                SwShareBoxFmts& rShareFmts,
-                                SwSelBoxes* pAllDelBoxes = 0,
-                                USHORT* pCurPos = 0 )
- {
-    BOOL bChgd = FALSE;
-    const SwTableLine* pLine = rBox.GetUpper();
-    const SwTableBoxes& rTblBoxes = pLine->GetTabBoxes();
-    const SwTableBox* pUpperBox = &rBox;
-    USHORT nDelPos = rTblBoxes.C40_GETPOS( SwTableBox, pUpperBox );
-    pUpperBox = rBox.GetUpper()->GetUpper();
-    const SvxBoxItem& rBoxItem = rBox.GetFrmFmt()->GetBox();
-    // dann die unteren/oberen Kanten
-    if( rBoxItem.GetTop() || rBoxItem.GetBottom() )
-    {
-        bChgd = FALSE;
-        const SwTableLines* pTblLns;
-        if( pUpperBox )
-            pTblLns = &pUpperBox->GetTabLines();
-        else
-            pTblLns = &rTbl.GetTabLines();
-        USHORT nLnPos = pTblLns->GetPos( pLine );
-        // bestimme die Attr.Position der akt. zu loeschenden Box
-        // und suche dann in der unteren / oberen Line die entspr.
-        // Gegenstuecke
-        SwTwips nBoxStt = 0;
-        for( USHORT n = 0; n < nDelPos; ++n )
-            nBoxStt += rTblBoxes[ n ]->GetFrmFmt()->GetFrmSize().GetWidth();
-        SwTwips nBoxWidth = rBox.GetFrmFmt()->GetFrmSize().GetWidth();
-        SwTableBox *pPrvBox = 0, *pNxtBox = 0;
-        if( nLnPos )        // Vorgaenger?
-            pPrvBox = lcl_FndNxtPrvDelBox( *pTblLns, nBoxStt, nBoxWidth,
-                                nLnPos, FALSE, pAllDelBoxes, pCurPos );
-        if( nLnPos + 1 < pTblLns->Count() )     // Nachfolger?
-            pNxtBox = lcl_FndNxtPrvDelBox( *pTblLns, nBoxStt, nBoxWidth,
-                                nLnPos, TRUE, pAllDelBoxes, pCurPos );
-        if( pNxtBox && pNxtBox->GetSttNd() )
-        {
-            const SvxBoxItem& rNxtBoxItem = pNxtBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetBox();
-            if( !rNxtBoxItem.GetTop() && ( !pPrvBox ||
-                !pPrvBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetBox().GetBottom()) )
-            {
-                SvxBoxItem aTmp( rNxtBoxItem );
-                aTmp.SetLine( rBoxItem.GetTop() ? rBoxItem.GetTop()
-                                                : rBoxItem.GetBottom(),
-                                                BOX_LINE_TOP );
-                rShareFmts.SetAttr( *pNxtBox, aTmp );
-                bChgd = TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-        if( !bChgd && pPrvBox && pPrvBox->GetSttNd() )
-        {
-            const SvxBoxItem& rPrvBoxItem = pPrvBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetBox();
-            if( !rPrvBoxItem.GetTop() && ( !pNxtBox ||
-                !pNxtBox->GetFrmFmt()->GetBox().GetTop()) )
-            {
-                SvxBoxItem aTmp( rPrvBoxItem );
-                aTmp.SetLine( rBoxItem.GetTop() ? rBoxItem.GetTop()
-                                                : rBoxItem.GetBottom(),
-                                                BOX_LINE_BOTTOM );
-                rShareFmts.SetAttr( *pPrvBox, aTmp );
-            }
-        }
-    }
- }
- BOOL SwTable::DeleteSel( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
-                         const BOOL bDelMakeFrms, const BOOL bCorrBorder )
- {
-    OSL_ENSURE( pDoc && rBoxes.Count(), "keine gueltigen Werte" );
-    SwTableNode* pTblNd = (SwTableNode*)rBoxes[0]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode();
-    if( !pTblNd )
-        return FALSE;
-    // es darf nie die gesamte Tabelle geloescht werden
-    pDoc->GetNodes();
-    if( rBoxes[0]->GetSttIdx()-1 == pTblNd->GetIndex() &&
-        rBoxes[rBoxes.Count()-1]->GetSttNd()->EndOfSectionIndex()+1
-        == pTblNd->EndOfSectionIndex() )
-        return FALSE;
-    //Lines fuer das Layout-Update herausuchen.
-    _FndBox aFndBox( 0, 0 );
-    if ( bDelMakeFrms )
-    {
-        aFndBox.SetTableLines( rBoxes, *this );
-        aFndBox.DelFrms( *this );
-    }
-    aFndBox.SaveChartData( *this );
-    SwShareBoxFmts aShareFmts;
-    // erst die Umrandung umsetzen, dann loeschen
-    if( bCorrBorder )
-    {
-        SwSelBoxes aBoxes;
-        aBoxes.Insert( &rBoxes );
-        for( USHORT n = 0; n < aBoxes.Count(); ++n )
-            lcl_SaveUpperLowerBorder( *this, *rBoxes[ n ], aShareFmts,
-                                        &aBoxes, &n );
-    }
-    for( USHORT n = 0; n < rBoxes.Count(); ++n )
-        _DeleteBox( *this, rBoxes[n], TRUE, bCorrBorder, &aShareFmts );
-    // dann raeume die Struktur aller Lines auf
-    GCLines();
-    if( bDelMakeFrms && aFndBox.AreLinesToRestore( *this ) )
-        aFndBox.MakeFrms( *this );
-    aFndBox.RestoreChartData( *this );
-    return TRUE;
- }
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -934,19 +627,6 @@ BOOL lcl_LineSetHeadCondColl( const SwTableLine*& rpLine, void* /*pPara*/ )
     return TRUE;
- SwFrmFmt* SwShareBoxFmt::GetFormat( long nWidth ) const
- {
-    SwFrmFmt *pRet = 0, *pTmp;
-    for( USHORT n = aNewFmts.Count(); n; )
-        if( ( pTmp = (SwFrmFmt*)aNewFmts[ --n ])->GetFrmSize().GetWidth()
-                == nWidth )
-        {
-            pRet = pTmp;
-            break;
-        }
-    return pRet;
- }
  SwFrmFmt* SwShareBoxFmt::GetFormat( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
     const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
@@ -987,13 +667,6 @@ BOOL lcl_LineSetHeadCondColl( const SwTableLine*& rpLine, void* /*pPara*/ )
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ }
- SwFrmFmt* SwShareBoxFmts::GetFormat( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt, long nWidth ) const
- {
-    USHORT nPos;
-    return Seek_Entry( rFmt, &nPos )
-                    ? aShareArr[ nPos ]->GetFormat( nWidth )
-                    : 0;
- }
  SwFrmFmt* SwShareBoxFmts::GetFormat( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt,
                                      const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const
@@ -1047,20 +720,6 @@ BOOL lcl_LineSetHeadCondColl( const SwTableLine*& rpLine, void* /*pPara*/ )
-void SwShareBoxFmts::SetSize( SwTableBox& rBox, const SwFmtFrmSize& rSz )
-    SwFrmFmt *pBoxFmt = rBox.GetFrmFmt(),
-             *pRet = GetFormat( *pBoxFmt, rSz.GetWidth() );
-    if( pRet )
-        ChangeFrmFmt( &rBox, 0, *pRet );
-    else
-    {
-        pRet = rBox.ClaimFrmFmt();
-        pRet->SetAttr( rSz );
-        AddFormat( *pBoxFmt, *pRet );
-    }
  void SwShareBoxFmts::SetAttr( SwTableBox& rBox, const SfxPoolItem& rItem )
     SwFrmFmt *pBoxFmt = rBox.GetFrmFmt(),
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx
index 370067e..2ccbc8a 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx
@@ -729,31 +729,6 @@ BOOL lcl_CheckCol( const _FndBox*& rpFndBox, void* pPara )
 /*M*/   }
 /*M*/ }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Diese Klassen kopieren die aktuelle Tabellen-Selektion (rBoxes)
-// unter Beibehaltung der Tabellen-Struktur in eine eigene Struktur
-// neu: SS zum gezielten Loeschen/Retaurieren des Layouts.
- void lcl_InsertRow( SwTableLine &rLine, SwLayoutFrm *pUpper, SwFrm *pSibling )
- {
-    SwRowFrm *pRow = new SwRowFrm( rLine );
-    if ( pUpper->IsTabFrm() && ((SwTabFrm*)pUpper)->IsFollow() )
-    {
-        ((SwTabFrm*)pUpper)->FindMaster()->InvalidatePos(); //kann die Zeile vielleicht aufnehmen
-        if ( ((SwTabFrm*)pUpper)->GetTable()->IsHeadlineRepeat() &&
-             pSibling && !pSibling->GetPrev() )
-        {
-            //Nicht vor die Headline-Wiederholung pasten.
-            pSibling = pSibling->GetNext();
-        }
-    }
-    pRow->Paste( pUpper, pSibling );
-    pRow->RegistFlys();
- }
  BOOL _FndBoxCopyCol( const SwTableBox*& rpBox, void* pPara )
     _FndPara* pFndPara = (_FndPara*)pPara;
@@ -799,437 +774,11 @@ BOOL lcl_CheckCol( const _FndBox*& rpFndBox, void* pPara )
 /*N*/   return TRUE;
 /*N*/ }
-void _FndBox::SetTableLines( const SwSelBoxes &rBoxes, const SwTable &rTable )
-    //Pointer auf die Lines vor und hinter den zu verarbeitenden Bereich
-    //setzen. Wenn die erste/letzte Zeile in den Bereich eingeschlossen
-    //sind, so bleiben die Pointer eben einfach 0.
-    //Gesucht werden zunachst die Positionen der ersten/letzten betroffenen
-    //Line im Array der SwTable. Damit die 0 fuer 'keine Line' verwand werden
-    //kann werden die Positionen um 1 nach oben versetzt!
-    USHORT nEndPos= 0;
-    for ( USHORT i = 0; i < rBoxes.Count(); ++i )
-    {
-        SwTableLine *pLine = rBoxes[i]->GetUpper();
-        while ( pLine->GetUpper() )
-            pLine = pLine->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
-        const USHORT nPos = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos(
-                    (const SwTableLine*&)pLine ) + 1;
-        OSL_ENSURE( nPos != USHRT_MAX, "TableLine not found." );
-        if( nStPos > nPos )
-            nStPos = nPos;
-        if( nEndPos < nPos )
-            nEndPos = nPos;
-    }
-    if ( nStPos > 1 )
-        pLineBefore = rTable.GetTabLines()[nStPos - 2];
-    if ( nEndPos < rTable.GetTabLines().Count() )
-        pLineBehind = rTable.GetTabLines()[nEndPos];
-void _FndBox::SetTableLines( const SwTable &rTable )
-    // Pointer auf die Lines vor und hinter den zu verarbeitenden Bereich
-    // setzen. Wenn die erste/letzte Zeile in den Bereich eingeschlossen
-    // sind, so bleiben die Pointer eben einfach 0.
-    // Die Positionen der ersten/letzten betroffenen Line im Array der
-    // SwTable steht in der FndBox. Damit die 0 fuer 'keine Line' verwand
-    // werdenkann werden die Positionen um 1 nach oben versetzt!
-    if( !GetLines().Count() )
-        return;
-    SwTableLine* pTmpLine = GetLines()[0]->GetLine();
-    USHORT nPos = rTable.GetTabLines().C40_GETPOS( SwTableLine, pTmpLine );
-    OSL_ENSURE( USHRT_MAX != nPos, "Line steht nicht in der Tabelle" );
-    if( nPos )
-        pLineBefore = rTable.GetTabLines()[ nPos - 1 ];
-    pTmpLine = GetLines()[GetLines().Count()-1]->GetLine();
-    nPos = rTable.GetTabLines().C40_GETPOS( SwTableLine, pTmpLine );
-    OSL_ENSURE( USHRT_MAX != nPos, "Line steht nicht in der Tabelle" );
-    if( ++nPos < rTable.GetTabLines().Count() )
-        pLineBehind = rTable.GetTabLines()[nPos];
 inline void UnsetFollow( SwFlowFrm *pTab )
     pTab->bIsFollow = FALSE;
-void _FndBox::DelFrms( SwTable &rTable )
-    //Alle Lines zwischen pLineBefore und pLineBehind muessen aus dem
-    //Layout ausgeschnitten und geloescht werden.
-    //Entstehen dabei leere Follows so muessen diese vernichtet werden.
-    //Wird ein Master vernichtet, so muss der Follow Master werden.
-    //Ein TabFrm muss immer uebrigbleiben.
-    USHORT nStPos = 0;
-    USHORT nEndPos= rTable.GetTabLines().Count() - 1;
-    if ( pLineBefore )
-    {
-        nStPos = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos(
-                        (const SwTableLine*&)pLineBefore );
-        OSL_ENSURE( nStPos != USHRT_MAX, "Fuchs Du hast die Line gestohlen!" );
-        ++nStPos;
-    }
-    if ( pLineBehind )
-    {
-        nEndPos = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos(
-                        (const SwTableLine*&)pLineBehind );
-        OSL_ENSURE( nEndPos != USHRT_MAX, "Fuchs Du hast die Line gestohlen!" );
-        --nEndPos;
-    }
-    for ( USHORT i = nStPos; i <= nEndPos; ++i)
-    {
-        SwFrmFmt *pFmt = rTable.GetTabLines()[i]->GetFrmFmt();
-        SwClientIter aIter( *pFmt );
-        SwClient* pLast = aIter.GoStart();
-        if( pLast )
-        {
-            do {
-                SwFrm *pFrm = PTR_CAST( SwFrm, pLast );
-                if ( pFrm &&
-                     ((SwRowFrm*)pFrm)->GetTabLine() == rTable.GetTabLines()[i] )
-                {
-                    BOOL bDel = TRUE;
-                    SwTabFrm *pUp = !pFrm->GetPrev() && !pFrm->GetNext() ?
-                                            (SwTabFrm*)pFrm->GetUpper() : 0;
-                    if ( !pUp )
-                    {
-                        if ( ((SwTabFrm*)pFrm->GetUpper())->GetTable()->IsHeadlineRepeat() &&
-                             ((SwTabFrm*)pFrm->GetUpper())->IsFollow() )
-                        {
-                            if ( !pFrm->GetNext() && pFrm->GetPrev() &&
-                                 !pFrm->GetPrev()->GetPrev() )
-                            {
-                                pUp = (SwTabFrm*)pFrm->GetUpper();
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ( pUp )
-                    {
-                        SwTabFrm *pFollow = pUp->GetFollow();
-                        SwTabFrm *pPrev   = pUp->IsFollow() ? pUp : 0;
-                        if ( pPrev )
-                        {
-                            SwFrm *pTmp = pPrev->FindPrev();
-                            OSL_ENSURE( pTmp->IsTabFrm(),
-                                    "Vorgaenger vom Follow kein Master.");
-                            pPrev = (SwTabFrm*)pTmp;
-                        }
-                        if ( pPrev )
-                            pPrev->SetFollow( pFollow );
-                        else if ( pFollow )
-                            ::binfilter::UnsetFollow( pFollow );
-                        //Ein TabellenFrm muss immer stehenbleiben!
-                        if ( pPrev || pFollow )
-                        {
-                            pUp->Cut();
-                            delete pUp;
-                            bDel = FALSE;//Die Row wird mit in den Abgrund
-                                         //gerissen.
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ( bDel )
-                    {
-                        pFrm->Cut();
-                        delete pFrm;
-                    }
-                }
-            } while( 0 != ( pLast = aIter++ ));
-        }
-    }
-BOOL lcl_IsLineOfTblFrm( const SwTabFrm& rTable, const SwFrm& rChk )
-    const SwTabFrm* pTblFrm = rChk.FindTabFrm();
-    while( pTblFrm->IsFollow() )
-        pTblFrm = pTblFrm->FindMaster();
-    return &rTable == pTblFrm;
- void _FndBox::MakeFrms( SwTable &rTable )
- {
-    //Alle Lines zwischen pLineBefore und pLineBehind muessen im Layout
-    //wieder neu erzeugt werden.
-    //Und Zwar fuer alle Auspraegungen der Tabelle (mehrere z.B. im Kopf/Fuss).
-    USHORT nStPos = 0;
-    USHORT nEndPos= rTable.GetTabLines().Count() - 1;
-    if ( pLineBefore )
-    {
-        nStPos = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos(
-                        (const SwTableLine*&)pLineBefore );
-        OSL_ENSURE( nStPos != USHRT_MAX, "Fuchs Du hast die Line gestohlen!" );
-        ++nStPos;
-    }
-    if ( pLineBehind )
-    {
-        nEndPos = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos(
-                        (const SwTableLine*&)pLineBehind );
-        OSL_ENSURE( nEndPos != USHRT_MAX, "Fuchs Du hast die Line gestohlen!" );
-        --nEndPos;
-    }
-    //Jetzt die grosse Einfuegeoperation fuer alle Tabllen.
-    SwClientIter aTabIter( *rTable.GetFrmFmt() );
-    for ( SwTabFrm *pTable = (SwTabFrm*)aTabIter.First( TYPE(SwFrm) ); pTable;
-          pTable = (SwTabFrm*)aTabIter.Next() )
-    {
-        if ( !pTable->IsFollow() )
-        {
-            SwFrm  *pSibling = 0;
-            SwFrm  *pUpper2   = 0;
-            int i;
-            for ( i = rTable.GetTabLines().Count()-1;
-                    i >= 0 && !pSibling; --i )
-            {
-                SwTableLine *pLine = pLineBehind ? pLineBehind :
-                                                    rTable.GetTabLines()[i];
-                SwClientIter aIter( *pLine->GetFrmFmt() );
-                for ( pSibling = (SwFrm*)aIter.First( TYPE(SwFrm) );
-                      pSibling && (
-                        ((SwRowFrm*)pSibling)->GetTabLine() != pLine ||
-                        !lcl_IsLineOfTblFrm( *pTable, *pSibling ) );
-                      pSibling = (SwFrm*)aIter.Next() )
-                    /* do nothing */;
-            }
-            if ( pSibling )
-            {
-                pUpper2 = pSibling->GetUpper();
-                if ( !pLineBehind )
-                    pSibling = 0;
-            }
-            else
- // ???? oder das der Letzte Follow der Tabelle ????
-                pUpper2 = pTable;
-            for ( i = nStPos; (USHORT)i <= nEndPos; ++i )
-                lcl_InsertRow( *rTable.GetTabLines()[i],
-                                (SwLayoutFrm*)pUpper2, pSibling );
-            if ( pUpper2->IsTabFrm() )
-                ((SwTabFrm*)pUpper2)->SetCalcLowers();
-        }
-        else if ( nStPos == 0 && rTable.IsHeadlineRepeat() )
-        {
-            //Headline in den Follow einsetzen
-            SwRowFrm *pRow = new SwRowFrm( *rTable.GetTabLines()[0] );
-            pRow->Paste( pTable, pTable->Lower() );
-            pRow->RegistFlys();
-            pTable->SetCalcLowers();
-        }
-    }
- }
- BOOL _FndBox::AreLinesToRestore( const SwTable &rTable ) const
- {
-    //Lohnt es sich MakeFrms zu rufen?
-    if ( !pLineBefore && !pLineBehind && rTable.GetTabLines().Count() )
-        return TRUE;
-    USHORT nBfPos;
-    if(pLineBefore)
-    {
-        const SwTableLine* rLBefore = (const SwTableLine*)pLineBefore;
-        nBfPos = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos( rLBefore );
-    }
-    else
-        nBfPos = USHRT_MAX;
-    USHORT nBhPos;
-    if(pLineBehind)
-    {
-        const SwTableLine* rLBehind = (const SwTableLine*)pLineBehind;
-        nBhPos = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos( rLBehind );
-    }
-    else
-        nBhPos = USHRT_MAX;
-    if ( nBfPos == nBhPos ) //Duerfte eigentlich nie vorkommen.
-    {
-        OSL_ENSURE( FALSE, "Table, Loeschen auf keinem Bereich !?!" );
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-    if ( nBfPos == USHRT_MAX && nBhPos == 0 )
-    {
-        // ups. sollte unsere zu wiederholende Kopfzeile geloescht worden
-        // sein??
-        if( rTable.IsHeadlineRepeat() )
-        {
-            SwClientIter aIter( *rTable.GetFrmFmt() );
-            for( SwTabFrm* pTable = (SwTabFrm*)aIter.First( TYPE( SwFrm ));
-                    pTable; pTable = (SwTabFrm*)aIter.Next() )
-                if( pTable->IsFollow() )
-                {
-                    //Headline in den Follow einsetzen
-                    SwRowFrm *pRow = new SwRowFrm( *rTable.GetTabLines()[0] );
-                    pRow->Paste( pTable, pTable->Lower() );
-                    pRow->RegistFlys();
-                }
-        }
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-    if ( nBhPos == USHRT_MAX && nBfPos == (rTable.GetTabLines().Count() - 1) )
-        return FALSE;
-    if ( nBfPos != USHRT_MAX && nBhPos != USHRT_MAX && (nBfPos + 1) == nBhPos )
-        return FALSE;
-    return TRUE;
- }
-//Save- und RestoreChartData:
-//Zu der Tabelle werden alle Charts gesucht. Die Namentliche Addressierung der
-//Boxen in der Tabelle (etwa: <A1:C3>) wird ausgelesen. Die Addressen der
-//Boxen werden im Chart festgehalten. Im Restore wird versucht zu den Pointern
-//die Boxen wiederzufinden. Wenn dies gelingt, wird die neue Addressierung
-//wieder in das Chart geschrieben. Wenn sie nicht gefunden werden gibt es
-//einen FallBack auf die erste/letzte Box.
- const SwTableBox *lcl_FindFirstBox( const SwTable &rTable )
- {
-    const SwTableLines *pLines = &rTable.GetTabLines();
-    const SwTableBox *pBox;
-    do
-    {   pBox = (*pLines)[0]->GetTabBoxes()[0];
-        if ( pBox->GetSttNd() )
-            pLines = 0;
-        else
-            pLines = &pBox->GetTabLines();
-    } while ( pLines );
-    return pBox;
- }
- const SwTableBox *lcl_FindLastBox( const SwTable &rTable )
- {
-    const SwTableLines *pLines = &rTable.GetTabLines();
-    const SwTableBox *pBox;
-    do
-    {   const SwTableBoxes &rBoxes = (*pLines)[pLines->Count()-1]->GetTabBoxes();
-        pBox = rBoxes[rBoxes.Count()-1];
-        if ( pBox->GetSttNd() )
-            pLines = 0;
-        else
-            pLines = &pBox->GetTabLines();
-    } while ( pLines );
-    return pBox;
- }
-//GPF bei Tab in letzer Zelle mit MSC4
-void _FndBox::SaveChartData( const SwTable &rTable )
-    SwDoc *pDoc = rTable.GetFrmFmt()->GetDoc();
-    SwClientIter aIter( *(SwModify*)pDoc->GetDfltGrfFmtColl() );
-    SwClient *pCli;
-    if ( 0 != (pCli = aIter.First( TYPE(SwCntntNode) )) )
-        do
-        {   if ( !((SwCntntNode*)pCli)->GetOLENode() )
-                continue;
-            SwOLENode *pONd = (SwOLENode*)pCli;
-            if ( rTable.GetFrmFmt()->GetName() == pONd->GetChartTblName() )
-            {
-                SwOLEObj& rOObj = pONd->GetOLEObj();
-                SchMemChart *pData = SchDLL::GetChartData( rOObj.GetOleRef() );
-                if ( pData )
-                {
-                    String &rStr = pData->SomeData1();
-                    xub_StrLen nTmp = rStr.Search( ':' );
-                    String aBox( rStr.Copy( 1, nTmp - 1 ) );
-                    //const this, weil Borland so dumm ist!
-                    const SwTableBox *pSttBox = rTable.GetTblBox( aBox );
-                    if ( !pSttBox )
-                        pSttBox = rTable.GetTabLines()[0]->GetTabBoxes()[0];
-                    aBox = rStr.Copy( nTmp + 1, rStr.Len()-2 - nTmp);
-                    const SwTableBox *pEndBox = rTable.GetTblBox( aBox );
-                    if ( !pEndBox )
-                    {
-                        SwTableLine *pLine =
-                            rTable.GetTabLines()[rTable.GetTabLines().Count()-1];
-                        pEndBox = pLine->GetTabBoxes()[pLine->GetTabBoxes().Count()-1];
-                    }
-                    pData->SomeData3() = String::CreateFromInt64(
-                                        pSttBox != ::binfilter::lcl_FindFirstBox(rTable)
-                                            ? long(pSttBox)
-                                            : LONG_MAX );
-                    pData->SomeData4() = String::CreateFromInt64(
-                                        pEndBox != ::binfilter::lcl_FindLastBox(rTable)
-                                            ? long(pEndBox)
-                                            : LONG_MAX );
-                }
-            }
-        } while ( 0 != (pCli = aIter.Next()) );
- void _FndBox::RestoreChartData( const SwTable &rTable )
- {
-    SwDoc *pDoc = rTable.GetFrmFmt()->GetDoc();
-    SwClientIter aIter( *(SwModify*)pDoc->GetDfltGrfFmtColl() );
-    SwClient *pCli;
-    if ( 0 != (pCli = aIter.First( TYPE(SwCntntNode) )) )
-        do
-        {   if ( !((SwCntntNode*)pCli)->GetOLENode() )
-                continue;
-            SwOLENode *pONd = (SwOLENode*)pCli;
-            if ( rTable.GetFrmFmt()->GetName() == pONd->GetChartTblName() )
-            {
-                SwOLEObj& rOObj = pONd->GetOLEObj();
-                SchMemChart *pData = SchDLL::GetChartData( rOObj.GetOleRef() );
-                if ( pData )
-                {
-                    const SwTableBox *pSttBox = (SwTableBox*)
-                                                pData->SomeData3().ToInt64();
-                    if ( long(pSttBox) == LONG_MAX )
-                        pSttBox = ::binfilter::lcl_FindFirstBox( rTable );
-                    const SwTableBox *pEndBox = (SwTableBox*)
-                                                pData->SomeData4().ToInt64();
-                    if ( long(pEndBox) == LONG_MAX )
-                        pEndBox = ::binfilter::lcl_FindLastBox( rTable );
-                    bool bSttFound = FALSE, bEndFound = FALSE;
-                    const SwTableSortBoxes &rBoxes = rTable.GetTabSortBoxes();
-                    for ( USHORT i = 0; i < rBoxes.Count(); ++i )
-                    {
-                        const SwTableBox *pTmp = rBoxes[i];
-                        if ( pTmp == pSttBox )
-                            bSttFound = TRUE;
-                        if ( pTmp == pEndBox )
-                            bEndFound = TRUE;
-                    }
-                    if ( !bSttFound )
-                        pSttBox = rTable.GetTabLines()[0]->GetTabBoxes()[0];
-                    if ( !bEndFound )
-                    {
-                        SwTableLine *pLine =
-                            rTable.GetTabLines()[rTable.GetTabLines().Count()-1];
-                        pEndBox = pLine->GetTabBoxes()[pLine->GetTabBoxes().Count()-1];
-                    }
-                    String &rStr = pData->SomeData1();
-                    rStr = '<'; rStr += pSttBox->GetName(); rStr += ':';
-                    rStr += pEndBox->GetName(); rStr += '>';
-                    pData->SomeData3().Erase(); pData->SomeData4().Erase();
-                    SchDLL::Update( rOObj.GetOleRef(), pData );
-                }
-            }
-        } while ( 0 != (pCli = aIter.Next()) );
- }
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/tblrwcl.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/tblrwcl.hxx
index 40162d9..342d581 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/tblrwcl.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/tblrwcl.hxx
@@ -77,10 +77,6 @@ void _InsTblBox( SwDoc* pDoc, SwTableNode* pTblNd,
                 SwTableLine* pLine, SwTableBoxFmt* pBoxFrmFmt,
                 SwTableBox* pBox, USHORT nInsPos, USHORT nCnt = 1 );
-void _DeleteBox( SwTable& rTbl, SwTableBox* pBox,
-                BOOL bCalcNewSize = TRUE, const BOOL bCorrBorder = TRUE,
-                SwShareBoxFmts* pShareFmts = 0 );
 // Klasse fuers SplitTable
 // sammelt von einer Line die Boxen aller obersten oder untersten Lines
 // in einem Array. Zusaetzlich werden die Positionen vermerkt.
@@ -192,7 +188,6 @@ public:
     const SwFrmFmt& GetOldFormat() const { return *pOldFmt; }
-    SwFrmFmt* GetFormat( long nWidth ) const;
     SwFrmFmt* GetFormat( const SfxPoolItem& rItem ) const;
     void AddFormat( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt );
     bool RemoveFormat( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt );
@@ -211,10 +206,8 @@ public:
     SwShareBoxFmts() {}
-    SwFrmFmt* GetFormat( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt, long nWidth ) const;
     SwFrmFmt* GetFormat( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt, const SfxPoolItem& ) const;
     void AddFormat( const SwFrmFmt& rOld, const SwFrmFmt& rNew );
-    void SetSize( SwTableBox& rBox, const SwFmtFrmSize& rSz );
     void SetAttr( SwTableBox& rBox, const SfxPoolItem& rItem );
     void RemoveFormat( const SwFrmFmt& rFmt );
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swtable.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swtable.hxx
index 6dd4e57..330d033 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swtable.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swtable.hxx
@@ -120,10 +120,6 @@ public:
     virtual void Modify( SfxPoolItem* pOld, SfxPoolItem* pNew );
-    BOOL DeleteSel( SwDoc*, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
-                            const BOOL bDelMakeFrms = TRUE,
-                            const BOOL bCorrBorder = TRUE );
           SwTableSortBoxes& GetTabSortBoxes()       { return aSortCntBoxes; }
     const SwTableSortBoxes& GetTabSortBoxes() const { return aSortCntBoxes; }
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/tblsel.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/tblsel.hxx
index ffc139e..0e6190c 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/tblsel.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/tblsel.hxx
@@ -159,18 +159,8 @@ public:
     const _FndLine*     GetUpper() const    { return pUpper; }
         _FndLine*       GetUpper()          { return pUpper; }
-    void SetTableLines( const SwSelBoxes &rBoxes, const SwTable &rTable );
-    void SetTableLines( const SwTable &rTable );
-    void DelFrms ( SwTable &rTable );
-    void MakeFrms( SwTable &rTable );
     void MakeNewFrms( SwTable &rTable, const USHORT nNumber,
                                        const BOOL bBehind );
-    BOOL AreLinesToRestore( const SwTable &rTable ) const;
-    //Auch die Charts zu der Tabelle muessen etwas von den Veraenderungen
-    //mitbekommen.
-    void SaveChartData( const SwTable &rTable );
-    void RestoreChartData( const SwTable &rTable );
commit e1f001081a9b9e5f6aa18e8ea100b8c002d196ec
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 7 21:57:48 2011 +0100

    callcatcher: newly unused methods

diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_docdesc.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_docdesc.cxx
index 8f765ce..6ca47c2 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_docdesc.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_docdesc.cxx
@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@
 #include <mdiexp.hxx>
 #include <doc.hxx>
 #include <docary.hxx>
-#include <pagefrm.hxx>  //Fuer DelPageDesc
-#include <rootfrm.hxx>  //Fuer DelPageDesc
+#include <pagefrm.hxx>
 #include <hints.hxx>
 #include <pagedesc.hxx>
 #include <poolfmt.hxx>
@@ -412,62 +411,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   SetModified();
 /*N*/ }
-void SwDoc::DelPageDesc( USHORT i )
-    OSL_ENSURE( i < aPageDescs.Count(), "PageDescs ueberindiziert." );
-    OSL_ENSURE( i != 0, "Default Pagedesc loeschen is nicht." );
-    if ( i == 0 )
-        return;
-    SwPageDesc *pDel = aPageDescs[i];
-    SwFmtPageDesc aDfltDesc( aPageDescs[0] );
-    SwClientIter aIter( *pDel );
-    SwClient* pLast;
-    while( 0 != ( pLast = aIter.GoRoot() ))
-    {
-        if( pLast->ISA( SwFmtPageDesc ) )
-        {
-            const SwModify* pMod = ((SwFmtPageDesc*)pLast)->GetDefinedIn();
-            if ( pMod )
-            {
-                if( pMod->ISA( SwCntntNode ) )
-                    ((SwCntntNode*)pMod)->SetAttr( aDfltDesc );
-                else if( pMod->ISA( SwFmt ))
-                    ((SwFmt*)pMod)->SetAttr( aDfltDesc );
-                else
-                {
-                    OSL_ENSURE( !this, "was ist das fuer ein Mofify-Obj?" );
-                    aPageDescs[0]->Add( pLast );
-                }
-            }
-            else    //Es kann noch eine Undo-Kopie existieren
-                aPageDescs[0]->Add( pLast );
-        }
-        BOOL bFtnInf = FALSE;
-        if ( TRUE == (bFtnInf = pLast == pFtnInfo->GetPageDescDep()) ||
-             pLast == pEndNoteInfo->GetPageDescDep() )
-        {
-            aPageDescs[0]->Add( pLast );
-        }
-    }
-    for ( USHORT j = 0; j < aPageDescs.Count(); ++j )
-    {
-        if ( aPageDescs[j]->GetFollow() == pDel )
-        {
-            aPageDescs[j]->SetFollow( 0 );
-        }
-    }
-    aPageDescs.Remove( i );
-    delete pDel;
-    SetModified();
 |*  SwDoc::MakePageDesc()
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_tblrwcl.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_tblrwcl.cxx
index e4a83f4..1998989 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_tblrwcl.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_tblrwcl.cxx
@@ -812,104 +812,6 @@ BOOL lcl_Merge_MoveLine( const _FndLine*& rpFndLine, void* pPara )
     return TRUE;
- BOOL SwTable::Merge( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
-                    SwTableBox* pMergeBox )
- {
-    OSL_ENSURE( pDoc && rBoxes.Count() && pMergeBox, "keine gueltigen Werte" );
-    SwTableNode* pTblNd = (SwTableNode*)rBoxes[0]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode();
-    if( !pTblNd )
-        return FALSE;
-    // suche alle Boxen / Lines
-    _FndBox aFndBox( 0, 0 );
-    {
-        _FndPara aPara( rBoxes, &aFndBox );
-        GetTabLines().ForEach( &_FndLineCopyCol, &aPara );
-    }
-    if( !aFndBox.GetLines().Count() )
-        return FALSE;
-    //Lines fuer das Layout-Update herausuchen.
-    aFndBox.SetTableLines( *this );
-    aFndBox.DelFrms( *this );
-    aFndBox.SaveChartData( *this );
-    _FndBox* pFndBox = &aFndBox;
-    while( 1 == pFndBox->GetLines().Count() &&
-            1 == pFndBox->GetLines()[0]->GetBoxes().Count() )
-        pFndBox = pFndBox->GetLines()[0]->GetBoxes()[0];
-    SwTableLine* pInsLine = new SwTableLine(
-                (SwTableLineFmt*)pFndBox->GetLines()[0]->GetLine()->GetFrmFmt(), 0,
-                !pFndBox->GetUpper() ? 0 : pFndBox->GetBox() );
-    pInsLine->ClaimFrmFmt()->ResetAttr( RES_FRM_SIZE );
-    // trage die neue Line ein
-    SwTableLines* pLines =  pFndBox->GetUpper() ?
-                  &pFndBox->GetBox()->GetTabLines() :  &GetTabLines();
-    SwTableLine* pNewLine = pFndBox->GetLines()[0]->GetLine();
-    USHORT nInsPos = pLines->C40_GETPOS( SwTableLine, pNewLine );
-    pLines->C40_INSERT( SwTableLine, pInsLine, nInsPos );
-    SwTableBox* pLeft2 = new SwTableBox( (SwTableBoxFmt*)pMergeBox->GetFrmFmt(), 0, pInsLine );
-    SwTableBox* pRight2 = new SwTableBox( (SwTableBoxFmt*)pMergeBox->GetFrmFmt(), 0, pInsLine );
-    pMergeBox->SetUpper( pInsLine );
-    pInsLine->GetTabBoxes().C40_INSERT( SwTableBox, pLeft2, 0 );
-    pLeft2->ClaimFrmFmt();
-    pInsLine->GetTabBoxes().C40_INSERT( SwTableBox, pMergeBox, 1 );
-    pInsLine->GetTabBoxes().C40_INSERT( SwTableBox, pRight2, 2 );
-    pRight2->ClaimFrmFmt();
-    // in diese kommen alle Lines, die ueber dem selektierten Bereich stehen
-    // Sie bilden also eine Upper/Lower Line
-    _InsULPara aPara( pTblNd, TRUE, TRUE, pLeft2, pMergeBox, pRight2, pInsLine );
-    // move die oben/unten ueberhaengenden Lines vom selektierten Bereich
-    pFndBox->GetLines()[0]->GetBoxes().ForEach( &::binfilter::lcl_Merge_MoveBox,
-                                                &aPara );
-    aPara.SetLower( pInsLine );
-    USHORT nEnd = pFndBox->GetLines().Count()-1;
-    pFndBox->GetLines()[nEnd]->GetBoxes().ForEach( &::binfilter::lcl_Merge_MoveBox,
-                                                    &aPara );
-    // move die links/rechts hereinreichenden Boxen vom selektierten Bereich
-    aPara.SetLeft( pLeft2 );
-    pFndBox->GetLines().ForEach( &::binfilter::lcl_Merge_MoveLine, &aPara );
-    aPara.SetRight( pRight2 );
-    pFndBox->GetLines().ForEach( &lcl_Merge_MoveLine, &aPara );
-    if( !pLeft2->GetTabLines().Count() )
-        _DeleteBox( *this, pLeft2, 0, FALSE, FALSE );
-    else
-    {
-        lcl_CalcWidth( pLeft2 );     // bereche die Breite der Box
-    }
-    if( !pRight2->GetTabLines().Count() )
-        _DeleteBox( *this, pRight2, 0, FALSE, FALSE );
-    else
-    {
-        lcl_CalcWidth( pRight2 );        // bereche die Breite der Box
-    }
-    DeleteSel( pDoc, rBoxes, FALSE, FALSE );
-    // dann raeume die Struktur dieser Line noch mal auf:
-    // generell alle Aufraeumen
-    GCLines();
-    GetTabLines()[0]->GetTabBoxes().ForEach( &::binfilter::lcl_BoxSetHeadCondColl, 0 );
-    aFndBox.MakeFrms( *this );
-    aFndBox.RestoreChartData( *this );
-    return TRUE;
- }
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------
 // suche ab dieser Line nach der naechsten Box mit Inhalt
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/docnode/sw_ndtbl.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/docnode/sw_ndtbl.cxx
index 01070bb..46aec2a 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/docnode/sw_ndtbl.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/docnode/sw_ndtbl.cxx
@@ -149,104 +149,6 @@ static bool lcl_IsItemSet(const SwCntntNode & rNode, USHORT which)
 /*N*/   return pTableNd;
 /*N*/ }
-// --------------- einfuegen einer neuen Box --------------
-    // fuege in der Line, vor der InsPos eine neue Box ein.
- BOOL SwNodes::InsBoxen( SwTableNode* pTblNd,
-                        SwTableLine* pLine,
-                        SwTableBoxFmt* pBoxFmt,
-                        SwTxtFmtColl* pTxtColl,
-                        SwAttrSet* pAutoAttr,
-                        USHORT nInsPos,
-                        USHORT nCnt )
- {
-    if( !nCnt )
-        return FALSE;
-    OSL_ENSURE( pLine, "keine gueltige Zeile" );
-    // Index hinter die letzte Box der Line
-    ULONG nIdxPos;
-    SwTableBox *pPrvBox = 0, *pNxtBox = 0;
-    if( pLine->GetTabBoxes().Count() )
-    {
-        if( nInsPos < pLine->GetTabBoxes().Count() )
-        {
-            if( 0 == (pPrvBox = pLine->FindPreviousBox( pTblNd->GetTable(),
-                            pLine->GetTabBoxes()[ nInsPos ] )))
-                pPrvBox = pLine->FindPreviousBox( pTblNd->GetTable() );
-        }
-        else if( 0 == ( pNxtBox = pLine->FindNextBox( pTblNd->GetTable(),
-                            pLine->GetTabBoxes()[ nInsPos-1 ] )))
-                pNxtBox = pLine->FindNextBox( pTblNd->GetTable() );
-    }
-    else if( 0 == ( pNxtBox = pLine->FindNextBox( pTblNd->GetTable() )))
-        pPrvBox = pLine->FindPreviousBox( pTblNd->GetTable() );
-    if( !pPrvBox && !pNxtBox )
-    {
-        BOOL bSetIdxPos = TRUE;
-        if( pTblNd->GetTable().GetTabLines().Count() && !nInsPos )
-        {
-            const SwTableLine* pTblLn = pLine;
-            while( pTblLn->GetUpper() )
-                pTblLn = pTblLn->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
-            if( pTblNd->GetTable().GetTabLines()[ 0 ] == pTblLn )
-            {
-                // also vor die erste Box der Tabelle
-                while( ( pNxtBox = pLine->GetTabBoxes()[0])->GetTabLines().Count() )
-                    pLine = pNxtBox->GetTabLines()[0];
-                nIdxPos = pNxtBox->GetSttIdx();
-                bSetIdxPos = FALSE;
-            }
-        }
-        if( bSetIdxPos )
-            // Tabelle ohne irgendeinen Inhalt oder am Ende, also vors Ende
-            nIdxPos = pTblNd->EndOfSectionIndex();
-    }
-    else if( pNxtBox )          // es gibt einen Nachfolger
-        nIdxPos = pNxtBox->GetSttIdx();
-    else                        // es gibt einen Vorgaenger
-        nIdxPos = pPrvBox->GetSttNd()->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1;
-    SwNodeIndex aEndIdx( *this, nIdxPos );
-    for( USHORT n = 0; n < nCnt; ++n )
-    {
-        SwStartNode* pSttNd = new SwStartNode( aEndIdx, ND_STARTNODE,
-                                                SwTableBoxStartNode );
-        pSttNd->pStartOfSection = pTblNd;
-        pPrvBox = new SwTableBox( pBoxFmt, *pSttNd, pLine );
-        SwTableBoxes & rTabBoxes = pLine->GetTabBoxes();
-        USHORT nRealInsPos = nInsPos + n;
-        if (nRealInsPos > rTabBoxes.Count())
-            nRealInsPos = rTabBoxes.Count();
-        rTabBoxes.C40_INSERT( SwTableBox, pPrvBox, nRealInsPos );
-        if( NO_NUMBERING == pTxtColl->GetOutlineLevel()
-            && RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL != pTxtColl->Which()
-        )
-            new SwTxtNode( SwNodeIndex( *pSttNd->EndOfSectionNode() ),
-                                pTxtColl, pAutoAttr );
-        else
-        {
-            // Outline-Numerierung richtig behandeln !!!
-            SwTxtNode* pTNd = new SwTxtNode(
-                            SwNodeIndex( *pSttNd->EndOfSectionNode() ),
-                            (SwTxtFmtColl*)GetDoc()->GetDfltTxtFmtColl(),
-                            pAutoAttr );
-            pTNd->ChgFmtColl( pTxtColl );
-        }
-    }
-    return TRUE;
- }
 // --------------- einfuegen einer neuen Tabelle --------------
 /*N*/ const SwTable* SwDoc::InsertTable( const SwPosition& rPos, USHORT nRows,
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx
index 36198fa..370067e 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx
@@ -294,44 +294,6 @@ BOOL lcl_CheckCol( const _FndBox*& rpFndBox, void* pPara )
     return *(BOOL*)pPara;
-USHORT CheckMergeSel( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes )
-    if( rBoxes.Count() )
-    {
-        eRet = TBLMERGE_OK;
-        _FndBox aFndBox( 0, 0 );
-        _FndPara aPara( rBoxes, &aFndBox );
-        const SwTableNode* pTblNd = aPara.rBoxes[0]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode();
-        ((SwTable&)pTblNd->GetTable()).GetTabLines().ForEach(
-                    &_FndLineCopyCol, &aPara );
-        if( aFndBox.GetLines().Count() )
-        {
-            BOOL bMergeSelOk = TRUE;
-            _FndBox* pFndBox = &aFndBox;
-            _FndLine* pFndLine = 0;
-            while( pFndBox && 1 == pFndBox->GetLines().Count() )
-            {
-                pFndLine = pFndBox->GetLines()[0];
-                if( 1 == pFndLine->GetBoxes().Count() )
-                    pFndBox = pFndLine->GetBoxes()[0];
-                else
-                    pFndBox = 0;
-            }
-            if( pFndBox )
-                pFndBox->GetLines().ForEach( &::binfilter::lcl_CheckRow, &bMergeSelOk );
-            else if( pFndLine )
-                pFndLine->GetBoxes().ForEach( &::binfilter::lcl_CheckCol, &bMergeSelOk );
-            if( !bMergeSelOk )
-                eRet = TBLMERGE_TOOCOMPLEX;
-        }
-        else
-            eRet = TBLMERGE_NOSELECTION;
-    }
-    return eRet;
 //Ermittelt die von einer Tabellenselektion betroffenen Tabellen und die
 //Union-Rechteckte der Selektionen - auch fuer aufgespaltene Tabellen.
 /*N*/ SV_IMPL_PTRARR( SwSelUnions, SwSelUnion* );
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/txtnode/sw_atrftn.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/txtnode/sw_atrftn.cxx
index 736a419..6e5573d 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/txtnode/sw_atrftn.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/txtnode/sw_atrftn.cxx
@@ -76,17 +76,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   return pNew;
 /*N*/ }
-void SwFmtFtn::SetEndNote( BOOL b )
-    if ( b != bEndNote )
-    {
-        if ( GetTxtFtn() )
-            GetTxtFtn()->DelFrms();
-        bEndNote = b;
-    }
     // returnt den anzuzeigenden String der Fuss-/Endnote
 /*N*/ XubString SwFmtFtn::GetViewNumStr( const SwDoc& rDoc, BOOL bInclStrings ) const
 /*N*/ {
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/unocore/sw_swunohelper.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/unocore/sw_swunohelper.cxx
index cd37bc5..c8c5667 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/unocore/sw_swunohelper.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/unocore/sw_swunohelper.cxx
@@ -76,28 +76,6 @@ sal_Int32 GetEnumAsInt32( const UNO_NMSPC::Any& rVal )
     return eVal;
-// methods for UCB actions
-BOOL UCB_DeleteFile( const String& rURL )
-    BOOL bRemoved;
-    try
-    {
-        ucbhelper::Content aTempContent( rURL,
-                                STAR_REFERENCE( ucb::XCommandEnvironment )());
-        aTempContent.executeCommand(
-                        ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "delete" )),
-                        UNO_NMSPC::makeAny( sal_Bool( sal_True ) ) );
-        bRemoved = TRUE;
-    }
-    catch( UNO_NMSPC::Exception& )
-    {
-        bRemoved = FALSE;
-        OSL_ENSURE( FALSE, "Exeception from executeCommand( delete )" );
-    }
-    return bRemoved;
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/basflt/sw_fltini.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/basflt/sw_fltini.cxx
index 3ef39d5..df392d0 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/basflt/sw_fltini.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/basflt/sw_fltini.cxx
@@ -327,11 +327,6 @@ BOOL SwReader::CheckPasswd( const String& rPasswd, const Reader& rOptions )
 #define FILTER_OPTION_ROOT  String::CreateFromAscii( \
                     RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Office.Writer/FilterFlags" ) )
-    : ConfigItem( FILTER_OPTION_ROOT )
 SwFilterOptions::SwFilterOptions( sal_uInt16 nCnt, const sal_Char** ppNames,
                                   sal_uInt32* pValues ) : ConfigItem( FILTER_OPTION_ROOT )
@@ -360,186 +355,6 @@ void SwFilterOptions::GetValues( sal_uInt16 nCnt, const sal_Char** ppNames,
         pValues[ n ] = 0;
-sal_Bool SwFilterOptions::CheckNodeContentExist( const sal_Char* pNode,
-                                                 const sal_Char* pCntnt )
-    Sequence<OUString> aNames( GetNodeNames(
-                                        OUString::createFromAscii( pNode )));
-    sal_Bool bExist = sal_False;
-    const OUString* pNames = aNames.getConstArray();
-    for( long n = 0, nEnd = aNames.getLength(); n < nEnd; ++n, ++pNames )
-        if( !pNames->compareToAscii( pCntnt ))
-        {
-            bExist = sal_True;
-            break;
-        }
-    return bExist;
-SwRelNumRuleSpaces::SwRelNumRuleSpaces( SwDoc& rDoc, BOOL bNDoc )
-    : bNewDoc( bNDoc )
-    pNumRuleTbl = new SwNumRuleTbl( 8, 8 );
-    if( !bNDoc )
-        pNumRuleTbl->Insert( &rDoc.GetNumRuleTbl(), 0 );
-    if( pNumRuleTbl )
-    {
-        pNumRuleTbl->Remove( 0, pNumRuleTbl->Count() );
-        delete pNumRuleTbl;
-    }
-void SwRelNumRuleSpaces::SetNumRelSpaces( SwDoc& rDoc )
-    SwNumRuleTbl* pRuleTbl = bNewDoc ? &rDoc.GetNumRuleTbl() : pNumRuleTbl;
-    if( !bNewDoc )
-    {
-        // jetzt alle schon vorhanden NumRules aus dem Array entfernen,
-        // damit nur die neuen angepasst werden
-        SwNumRuleTbl aNumRuleTbl;
-        aNumRuleTbl.Insert( pRuleTbl, 0 );
-        pRuleTbl->Remove( 0, pRuleTbl->Count() );
-        const SwNumRuleTbl& rRuleTbl = rDoc.GetNumRuleTbl();
-        SwNumRule* pRule;
-        for( USHORT n = 0; n < rRuleTbl.Count(); ++n )
-            if( USHRT_MAX == aNumRuleTbl.GetPos( ( pRule = rRuleTbl[ n ] )))
-                // war noch nicht vorhanden, also neu
-                pRuleTbl->Insert( pRule, pRuleTbl->Count() );
-        aNumRuleTbl.Remove( 0, aNumRuleTbl.Count() );
-    }
-    if( pRuleTbl )
-    {
-        for( USHORT n = pRuleTbl->Count(); n; )
-        {
-            SwNumRule* pRule = (*pRuleTbl)[ --n ];
-            // Rule noch gueltig und am Doc vorhanden?
-            if( USHRT_MAX != rDoc.GetNumRuleTbl().GetPos( pRule ))
-            {
-                SwNumRuleInfo aUpd( pRule->GetName() );
-                aUpd.MakeList( rDoc );
-                // bei allen nmumerierten Absaetzen vom linken Rand
-                // den absoluten Wert des NumFormates abziehen
-                for( ULONG nUpdPos = 0; nUpdPos < aUpd.GetList().Count();
-                    ++nUpdPos )
-                {
-                    SwTxtNode* pNd = aUpd.GetList().GetObject( nUpdPos );
-                    SetNumLSpace( *pNd, *pRule );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if( pNumRuleTbl )
-    {
-        pNumRuleTbl->Remove( 0, pNumRuleTbl->Count() );
-        delete pNumRuleTbl, pNumRuleTbl = 0;
-    }
-    if( bNewDoc )
-    {
-        SetOultineRelSpaces( SwNodeIndex( rDoc.GetNodes() ),
-                            SwNodeIndex( rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfContent()));
-    }
-void SwRelNumRuleSpaces::SetOultineRelSpaces( const SwNodeIndex& rStt,
-                                            const SwNodeIndex& rEnd )
-    SwDoc* pDoc = rStt.GetNode().GetDoc();
-    const SwOutlineNodes& rOutlNds = pDoc->GetNodes().GetOutLineNds();
-    if( rOutlNds.Count() )
-    {
-        USHORT nPos;
-        rOutlNds.Seek_Entry( &rStt.GetNode(), &nPos );
-        for( ; nPos < rOutlNds.Count() &&
-                rOutlNds[ nPos ]->GetIndex() < rEnd.GetIndex(); ++nPos )
-        {
-            SwTxtNode* pNd = rOutlNds[ nPos ]->GetTxtNode();
-            if( pNd->GetOutlineNum() && !pNd->GetNumRule() )
-                SetNumLSpace( *pNd, *pDoc->GetOutlineNumRule() );
-        }
-    }
-void SwRelNumRuleSpaces::SetNumLSpace( SwTxtNode& rNd, const SwNumRule& rRule )
-    BOOL bOutlineRule = OUTLINE_RULE == rRule.GetRuleType();
-    BYTE nLvl;
-    {
-        SwNodeNum aNdNum( 0 );
-        const SwNodeNum* pNum;
-        if( bOutlineRule )
-        {
-            if( 0 == ( pNum = rNd.GetOutlineNum() ))
-                pNum = rNd.UpdateOutlineNum( aNdNum );
-        }
-        else if( 0 == ( pNum = rNd.GetNum() ))
-            pNum = rNd.UpdateNum( aNdNum );
-        nLvl = GetRealLevel( pNum->GetLevel() );
-    }
-    const SwNumFmt& rFmt = rRule.Get( nLvl );
-    const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLR = rNd.GetSwAttrSet().GetLRSpace();
-    SvxLRSpaceItem aLR( rLR );
-    aLR.SetTxtFirstLineOfst( 0 );
-    // sagt der Node, das die Numerierung den Wert vorgibt?
-    if( !bOutlineRule && rNd.IsSetNumLSpace() )
-        aLR.SetTxtLeft( 0 );
-    else
-    {
-        long nLeft = rFmt.GetAbsLSpace(), nParaLeft = rLR.GetTxtLeft();
-        if( 0 < rLR.GetTxtFirstLineOfst() )
-            nParaLeft += rLR.GetTxtFirstLineOfst();
-        else if( nParaLeft >= nLeft )
-            // #82963#/#82962#: set correct paragraph indent
-            nParaLeft -= nLeft;
-        else
-            //#83154#, Don't think any of the older #80856# bugfix code is
-            //relevent anymore.
-            nParaLeft = rLR.GetTxtLeft()+rLR.GetTxtFirstLineOfst();
-        aLR.SetTxtLeft( nParaLeft );
-    }
-    if( aLR.GetTxtLeft() != rLR.GetTxtLeft() )
-    {
-        //bevor rLR geloescht wird!
-        long nOffset = rLR.GetTxtLeft() - aLR.GetTxtLeft();
-        rNd.SwCntntNode::SetAttr( aLR );
-        // Tabs anpassen !!
-        const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
-        if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rNd.GetSwAttrSet().GetItemState(
-                RES_PARATR_TABSTOP, TRUE, &pItem ))
-        {
-            SvxTabStopItem aTStop( *(SvxTabStopItem*)pItem );
-            for( USHORT n = 0; n < aTStop.Count(); ++n )
-            {
-                SvxTabStop& rTab = (SvxTabStop&)aTStop[ n ];
-                if( SVX_TAB_ADJUST_DEFAULT != rTab.GetAdjustment() )
-                {
-                    if( !rTab.GetTabPos() )
-                    {
-                        aTStop.Remove( n );
-                        --n;
-                    }
-                    else
-                        rTab.GetTabPos() += nOffset;
-                }
-            }
-            rNd.SwCntntNode::SetAttr( aTStop );
-        }
-    }
 struct CharSetNameMap
      rtl_TextEncoding eCode;
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/basflt/sw_shellio.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/basflt/sw_shellio.cxx
index 8bbde2b..0541c64 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/basflt/sw_shellio.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/basflt/sw_shellio.cxx
@@ -422,36 +422,6 @@ void Reader::SetNoOutlineNum( SwDoc& /*rDoc*/ )
-void Reader::ResetFrmFmtAttrs( SfxItemSet &rFrmSet )
-    rFrmSet.Put( SvxLRSpaceItem() );
-    rFrmSet.Put( SvxULSpaceItem() );
-    rFrmSet.Put( SvxBoxItem() );
-void Reader::ResetFrmFmts( SwDoc& rDoc )
-    for( USHORT i=0; i<3; i++ )
-    {
-        USHORT nPoolId;
-        switch( i )
-        {
-        case 0: nPoolId = RES_POOLFRM_FRAME;    break;
-        case 1: nPoolId = RES_POOLFRM_GRAPHIC;  break;
-        case 2: nPoolId = RES_POOLFRM_OLE;      break;
-        }
-        SwFrmFmt *pFrmFmt = rDoc.GetFrmFmtFromPool( nPoolId );
-        pFrmFmt->ResetAttr( RES_LR_SPACE );
-        pFrmFmt->ResetAttr( RES_UL_SPACE );
-        pFrmFmt->ResetAttr( RES_BOX );
-    }
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/inc/fltini.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/inc/fltini.hxx
index 46ed0b5..c8e56f6 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/inc/fltini.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/filter/inc/fltini.hxx
@@ -90,29 +90,6 @@ class LotusReader : public Reader
-// Umsetzen der LRSpaces im aktuell importierten Doc. Die Fremd-Filter
-// liefern immer absolute Werte fuer die Ebenen einer NumRule. Wir
-// verarbeiten jetzt aber relative Werte bezogen auf das LR-Space-Item.
-// Das hat zur Folge, das bei allen Absaetzen die EInzuege der NumRule vom
-// Absatz-Einzug abgezogen werden muss.
-class SwRelNumRuleSpaces
-    SwNumRuleTbl* pNumRuleTbl;  // Liste aller benannten NumRules
-    BOOL bNewDoc;
-    void SetNumLSpace( SwTxtNode& rNd, const SwNumRule& rRule );
-    SwRelNumRuleSpaces( SwDoc& rDoc, BOOL bNewDoc );
-    ~SwRelNumRuleSpaces();
-    void SetNumRelSpaces( SwDoc& rDoc );
-    void SetOultineRelSpaces( const SwNodeIndex& rStt,
-                                const SwNodeIndex& rEnd );
 #define SW_SV_BRUSH_25          0
 #define SW_SV_BRUSH_50          1
 #define SW_SV_BRUSH_75          2
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/utlui/sw_initui.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/utlui/sw_initui.cxx
index db0a224..7065e50 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/utlui/sw_initui.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/utlui/sw_initui.cxx
@@ -110,16 +110,6 @@ SvStringsDtor*  pAuthFieldTypeList = 0;
 /*?*/       delete pAutoFmtNameLst, pAutoFmtNameLst = 0;
 /*N*/ }
- String ShellResource::GetPageDescName( USHORT nNo, BOOL bIsFirst, BOOL bFollow )
- {
-    String sRet( bIsFirst ? sPageDescFirstName
-                          : bFollow ? sPageDescFollowName
-                                    : sPageDescName );
-    sRet.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "$(ARG1)", String::CreateFromInt32( nNo ));
-    return sRet;
- }
  const String&  SwAuthorityFieldType::GetAuthTypeName(ToxAuthorityType eType)
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/doc.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/doc.hxx
index cb57421..d066c96 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/doc.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/doc.hxx
@@ -1045,7 +1045,6 @@ public:
         //fuer Reader
     SwPageDesc& _GetPageDesc( sal_uInt16 i ) const { return *aPageDescs[i]; }
     void ChgPageDesc( sal_uInt16 i, const SwPageDesc& );
-    void DelPageDesc( sal_uInt16 i );
     sal_uInt16 MakePageDesc( const String &rName, const SwPageDesc* pCpy = 0,
                              BOOL bRegardLanguage = TRUE);
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fmtftn.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fmtftn.hxx
index 23aeb0a..a934881 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fmtftn.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fmtftn.hxx
@@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ public:
     void SetNumStr( const String& rStr )    { aNumber = rStr; }
     void SetNumber( USHORT nNo )            { nNumber = nNo; }
-    void SetEndNote( BOOL b );
     void SetNumber( const SwFmtFtn& rFtn )
         { nNumber = rFtn.nNumber; aNumber = rFtn.aNumber; }
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/ndarr.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/ndarr.hxx
index be225e1..b5668c0 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/ndarr.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/ndarr.hxx
@@ -254,13 +254,6 @@ public:
                         USHORT nLines=0, SwTxtFmtColl* pHeadlineTxtColl=0,
                               const SwAttrSet * pAttrSet = 0);
-        // fuege in der Line, vor der InsPos eine neue Box ein. Das Format
-        // wird von der nachfolgenden (vorhergenden;wenn an Ende) genommen
-        // in der Line muss schon eine Box vorhanden sein !
-    BOOL InsBoxen( SwTableNode*, SwTableLine*, SwTableBoxFmt*,
-                // Formate fuer den TextNode der Box
-                        SwTxtFmtColl*, SwAttrSet* pAutoAttr,
-                        USHORT nInsPos, USHORT nCnt = 1 );
         // Splittet eine Tabelle in der Grund-Zeile, in der der Index steht.
         // Alle GrundZeilen dahinter wandern in eine neue Tabelle/-Node.
         // Ist das Flag bCalcNewSize auf TRUE, wird fuer beide neuen Tabellen
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/shellio.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/shellio.hxx
index b85cadc..daafbdc 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/shellio.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/shellio.hxx
@@ -226,13 +226,6 @@ public:
     virtual void SetFltName( const String& rFltNm );
     static void SetNoOutlineNum( SwDoc& rDoc );
-    // den Item-Set eines Frm-Formats an das alte Format anpassen
-    static void ResetFrmFmtAttrs( SfxItemSet &rFrmSet );
-    // die Rahmen-/Grafik-/OLE-Vorlagen an das alte Format (ohne
-    // Umrandung etc.) anpassen
-    static void ResetFrmFmts( SwDoc& rDoc );
     // Die Filter-Vorlage laden, setzen und wieder freigeben
     SwDoc* GetTemplateDoc();
     BOOL SetTemplate( SwDoc& rDoc );
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/shellres.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/shellres.hxx
index 781b76a..847d749 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/shellres.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/shellres.hxx
@@ -84,12 +84,6 @@ struct ShellResource : public Resource
     // die AutoFormat-Redline-Kommentare
     inline const SvStringsDtor& GetAutoFmtNameLst() const;
-    // returns for the specific filter the new names of pagedescs
-    // This method is for the old code of the specific filters with
-    // now localized names
-    String GetPageDescName( USHORT nNo, BOOL bFirst = FALSE,
-                                        BOOL bFollow = FALSE );
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swfltopt.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swfltopt.hxx
index 994f59d..539072a 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swfltopt.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swfltopt.hxx
@@ -34,13 +34,9 @@ namespace binfilter {
 class SwFilterOptions : public ::utl::ConfigItem
-    SwFilterOptions();
     SwFilterOptions( sal_uInt16 nCnt, const sal_Char** ppNames,
                       sal_uInt32* pValues );
-    sal_Bool CheckNodeContentExist( const sal_Char* pNode,
-                                 const sal_Char* pCntnt );
     void GetValues( sal_uInt16 nCnt, const sal_Char** ppNames,
                      sal_uInt32* pValues );
     virtual void Commit();
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swtable.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swtable.hxx
index 5929f19..6dd4e57 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swtable.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swtable.hxx
@@ -123,8 +123,6 @@ public:
     BOOL DeleteSel( SwDoc*, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
                             const BOOL bDelMakeFrms = TRUE,
                             const BOOL bCorrBorder = TRUE );
-            BOOL Merge( SwDoc* pDoc, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
-                SwTableBox* pMergeBox );
           SwTableSortBoxes& GetTabSortBoxes()       { return aSortCntBoxes; }
     const SwTableSortBoxes& GetTabSortBoxes() const { return aSortCntBoxes; }
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swunohelper.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swunohelper.hxx
index 026f508..257d1f5 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swunohelper.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swunohelper.hxx
@@ -49,11 +49,6 @@ namespace SWUnoHelper {
 // exceptions.
 sal_Int32 GetEnumAsInt32( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal );
-// methods for UCB actions:
-    // delete the file under this URL
-BOOL UCB_DeleteFile( const String& rURL );
 } //namespace binfilter
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/tblsel.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/tblsel.hxx
index 490f121..ffc139e 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/tblsel.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/tblsel.hxx
@@ -93,10 +93,6 @@ BOOL IsFrmInTblSel( const SwRect& rUnion, const SwFrm* pCell );
 void GetMergeSel( const SwPaM& rPam, SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
                   SwTableBox** ppMergeBox );
-// teste ob die selektierten Boxen ein gueltiges Merge erlauben
-USHORT CheckMergeSel( const SwPaM& rPam );
-USHORT CheckMergeSel( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes );
 BOOL IsEmptyBox( const SwTableBox& rBox, SwPaM& rPam );
 // teste ob ein Split oder InsertCol dazu fuehrt, das eine Box

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