[Libreoffice-commits] .: l10ntools/prj l10ntools/scripts solenv/bin

Andras Timar timar at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Sep 20 08:20:48 PDT 2011

 l10ntools/prj/d.lst           |    1 
 l10ntools/scripts/localize.pl |  892 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 solenv/bin/localize           |    8 
 solenv/bin/localize_sl        |   13 
 4 files changed, 909 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2f2d542830be90d308329c854e1ebb61e85c1d43
Author: Andras Timar <atimar at suse.com>
Date:   Tue Sep 20 17:20:29 2011 +0200

    Revert "localize.pl is not necessary" - breaks on Windows
    This reverts commit fbb48a21a8c2f4ba00f96544fafc8eb8e908aa10.

diff --git a/l10ntools/prj/d.lst b/l10ntools/prj/d.lst
index be38c93..bcbe252 100644
--- a/l10ntools/prj/d.lst
+++ b/l10ntools/prj/d.lst
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ mkdir: %_DEST%\bin\help\com\sun\star\help
 ..\%__SRC%\bin\HelpLinker.exe %_DEST%\bin\HelpLinker.exe
 ..\%__SRC%\bin\HelpLinker* %_DEST%\bin
+..\scripts\localize.pl %_DEST%\bin\localize.pl
 ..\scripts\localize %_DEST%\bin\localize
 ..\scripts\fast_merge.pl %_DEST%\bin\fast_merge.pl
 ..\scripts\keyidGen.pl %_DEST%\bin\keyidGen.pl
diff --git a/l10ntools/scripts/localize.pl b/l10ntools/scripts/localize.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..82e7793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10ntools/scripts/localize.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,892 @@
+eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
+    if 0;
+# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+# This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
+# OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
+# <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
+# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use IO::Handle;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Temp;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Glob qw(:glob csh_glob);
+use Cwd;
+my $CVS_BINARY = "/usr/bin/cvs";
+# ver 1.1
+#### module lookup
+#use lib ("$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/modules", "$ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}/modules");
+#### module lookup
+# OOo conform
+my @lib_dirs;
+    if ( !defined($ENV{SOLARENV}) ) {
+        die "No environment found (environment variable SOLARENV is undefined)";
+    }
+    push(@lib_dirs, "$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/modules");
+    push(@lib_dirs, "$ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}/modules") if defined($ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS});
+use lib (@lib_dirs);
+#### globals ####
+my $sdffile                 = '';
+my $no_sort                 = '';
+my $create_dirs             = '';
+my $multi_localize_files    = '';
+my $module_to_merge         = '';
+my $sort_sdf_before         = '';
+my $outputfile              = '';
+my $no_gsicheck             = '';
+my $mode                    = '';
+my $bVerbose                = "0";
+my $srcpath                 = '';
+my $languages;
+#my %sl_modules;     # Contains all modules where en-US and de is source language
+my $use_default_date = '0';
+         #         (                           leftpart                                                     )            (           rightpart                    )
+         #            prj      file      dummy     type       gid       lid      helpid    pform     width      lang       text    helptext  qhelptext   title    timestamp
+my $sdf_regex  = "((([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*))\t([^\t]*)\t(([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t)([^\t]*))";
+my $file_types = "(src|hrc|xcs|xcu|lng|ulf|xrm|xhp|xcd|xgf|xxl|xrb)";
+# Always use this date to prevent cvs conflicts
+my $default_date = "2002-02-02 02:02:02";
+my @sdfparticles;
+#### main ####
+my $binpath = '';
+$binpath = $ENV{SOLARVER}."/".$ENV{INPATH}."/bin/" ;
+if   ( $mode eq "merge"    )    {
+    if ( ! $no_gsicheck ){
+        merge_gsicheck();
+    }
+    splitfile( $sdffile );
+    if ( ! $no_gsicheck ){
+        unlink $sdffile;             # remove temp file!
+    }
+elsif( $mode eq "extract"  )    {
+    collectfiles( $outputfile );
+else                            {
+    usage();
+sub splitfile{
+    my $lastFile        = '';
+    my $currentFile     = '';
+    my $cur_sdffile     = '';
+    my $last_sdffile    = '';
+    my $delim;
+    my $badDelim;
+    my $start           = 'TRUE';
+    my %index  = ();
+    my %block;
+    STDOUT->autoflush( 1 );
+    #print STDOUT "Open File $sdffile\n";
+    open MYFILE , "< $sdffile"
+    or die "Can't open '$sdffile'\n";
+#    my %lang_hash;
+    my %string_hash_ooo;
+    while( <MYFILE>){
+         if( /$sdf_regex/ ){
+            my $line           = defined $_ ? $_ : '';
+            my $prj            = defined $3 ? $3 : '';
+            my $file           = defined $4 ? $4 : '';
+            my $type           = defined $6 ? $6 : '';
+            my $gid            = defined $7 ? $7 : '';
+            my $lid            = defined $8 ? $8 : '';
+            my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+            my $plattform      = defined $10 ? $10 : '';
+            my $helpid         = defined $9 ? $9 : '';
+            next if( $prj eq "binfilter" );     # Don't merge strings into binfilter module
+            chomp( $line );
+            $string_hash_ooo { $lang }{ "$prj\t$file\t$type\t$gid\t$lid\t$helpid\t$plattform\t$lang" } = $line;
+        }
+    }
+    close( MYFILE );
+    if( !defined $ENV{SRC_ROOT} ){
+        print "Error, no SRC_ROOT in env found.\n";
+        exit( -1 );
+    }
+    my $src_root = $ENV{SRC_ROOT};
+    my $ooo_src_root = $ENV{SRC_ROOT};
+    my $ooo_l10n_path = $ooo_src_root."/translations/source";
+    write_sdf( \%string_hash_ooo , $ooo_l10n_path );
+sub write_sdf
+    my $string_hash         = shift;
+    my $l10n_file           = shift;
+    foreach my $lang( keys( %{ $string_hash } ) )
+    {
+        my @sdf_file;
+        next , if( $lang eq "en-US" );
+        mkdir $l10n_file."/$lang";
+        # mkdir!!!!
+        my $current_l10n_file = $l10n_file."/$lang/localize.sdf";
+        print "Writing '$current_l10n_file'\n";
+        if( open DESTFILE , "< $current_l10n_file" ){
+            while(<DESTFILE>){
+                if( /$sdf_regex/ ){
+                    my $line           = defined $_ ? $_ : '';
+                    my $prj            = defined $3 ? $3 : '';
+                    my $file           = defined $4 ? $4 : '';
+                    my $type           = defined $6 ? $6 : '';
+                    my $gid            = defined $7 ? $7 : '';
+                    my $lid            = defined $8 ? $8 : '';
+                    my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+                    my $plattform      = defined $10 ? $10 : '';
+                    my $helpid         = defined $9 ? $9 : '';
+                    chomp( $line );
+                    if ( defined $string_hash->{ $lang }{ "$prj\t$file\t$type\t$gid\t$lid\t$helpid\t$plattform\t$lang" } )
+                    {
+                        # Changed String!
+                        push @sdf_file , $string_hash->{ $lang }{ "$prj\t$file\t$type\t$gid\t$lid\t$helpid\t$plattform\t$lang" } ;
+                        $string_hash->{ $lang }{ "$prj\t$file\t$type\t$gid\t$lid\t$helpid\t$plattform\t$lang" } = undef;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        # No new string
+                        push @sdf_file , $line;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        close( DESTFILE );
+        #Now just append the enw strings
+        #FIXME!!! Implement insertion in the correct order
+        foreach my $key ( keys ( %{ $string_hash->{ $lang } } ) )
+        {
+            push @sdf_file , $string_hash->{ $lang }{ $key } , if ( defined $string_hash->{ $lang }{ $key } );
+            #print "WARNING: Not defined = ".$string_hash->{ $lang }{ $key }."\n", if( ! defined  $string_hash->{ $lang }{ $key } );
+        }
+        # Write the new file
+        my ( $TMPFILE , $tmpfile ) = File::Temp::tempfile();
+        if( open DESTFILE , "+> $tmpfile " ){
+            print DESTFILE get_license_header();
+            foreach my $string( @sdf_file ){
+                print DESTFILE "$string\n";
+            }
+            close ( DESTFILE );
+            if( move( $current_l10n_file , $current_l10n_file.".backup" ) ){
+                if( copy( $tmpfile , $current_l10n_file ) ){
+                    unlink $l10n_file.".backup";
+                 } else { print STDERR "Can't open/create '$l10n_file', original file is renamed to $l10n_file.backup\n"; }
+            } else { print STDERR "Can't open/create '$l10n_file'\n"; }
+         }else{
+            print STDERR "WARNING: Can't open/create '$l10n_file'\n";
+         }
+         unlink $tmpfile;
+     }
+sub get_license_header{
+    return
+"#    ####    ###     #   #   ###   #####    #####  ####   #####  #####  \n".
+"#    #   #  #   #    ##  #  #   #    #      #      #   #    #      #    \n".
+"#    #   #  #   #    # # #  #   #    #      ###    #   #    #      #    \n".
+"#    #   #  #   #    #  ##  #   #    #      #      #   #    #      #    \n".
+"#    ####    ###     #   #   ###     #      #####  ####   #####    #    \n".
+"#    DO NOT EDIT! This file will be overwritten by localisation process\n".
+"# \n".
+"# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.\n".
+"# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite\n".
+"# This file is part of OpenOffice.org.\n".
+"# OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n".
+"# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3\n".
+"# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.\n".
+"# OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n".
+"# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n".
+"# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details\n".
+"# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).\n".
+"# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License\n".
+"# version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see\n".
+"# <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>\n".
+"# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.\n".
+######## Check input sdf file and use only the correct part
+sub merge_gsicheck{
+    my $command = '';
+    my ( $TMPHANDLE , $tmpfile ) = File::Temp::tempfile();
+    close ( $TMPHANDLE );
+    $command = "$ENV{WRAPCMD} " if( $ENV{WRAPCMD} );
+    $command .= "$ENV{SOLARVER}/$ENV{INPATH}/bin/gsicheck";
+    my $errfile = $sdffile.".err";
+    $command .= " -k -c -wcf $tmpfile -wef ".fix_cygwin_path($errfile)." -l \"\" ".fix_cygwin_path($sdffile);
+    #my $rc = system( $command );
+    if ($bVerbose) { print STDOUT "localize.pl running $command\n"; }
+    my $output = `$command`;
+    my $rc = $? << 8;
+    if ( $output ne "" ){
+        print STDOUT "### gsicheck ###\n";
+        print STDOUT "### The file $errfile have been written containing the errors in your sdf file. Those lines will not be merged: ###\n\n";
+        print STDOUT "$output\n";
+        print STDOUT "################\n";
+    }else{
+        # Remove the 0 Byte file
+        unlink $errfile;
+    }
+    $sdffile = $tmpfile;
+sub add_paths
+    my $langhash_ref            = shift;
+    my $root_dir = $ENV{ SRC_ROOT };
+    my $ooo_l10n_dir = "$root_dir/translations/source";
+    if( -e $ooo_l10n_dir )
+    {
+        foreach my $lang ( keys( %{ $langhash_ref } ) )
+        {
+            my $loc_file = "$ooo_l10n_dir/$lang/localize.sdf";
+            if( -e $loc_file )
+            {
+                push @sdfparticles , "$ooo_l10n_dir/$lang/localize.sdf";
+            }
+            else { print "WARNING: $loc_file not found ....\n"; }
+        }
+    }
+    else { die "ERROR: Can not find directory $ooo_l10n_dir!!!" }
+sub collectfiles{
+    print STDOUT "### Localize\n";
+    my $localizehash_ref;
+    my ( $bAll , $bUseLocalize, $langhash_ref , $bHasSourceLanguage , $bFakeEnglish ) = parseLanguages();
+    # Enable autoflush on STDOUT
+    # $| = 1;
+    STDOUT->autoflush( 1 );
+    my $working_path = getcwd();
+    chdir $ENV{SRC_ROOT}, if defined $ENV{SRC_ROOT};
+    add_paths( $langhash_ref );
+    my ( $LOCALIZEPARTICLE , $localizeSDF ) = File::Temp::tempfile();
+    close( $LOCALIZEPARTICLE );
+    my ( $ALLPARTICLES_MERGED , $particleSDF_merged )     = File::Temp::tempfile();
+    my ( $LOCALIZE_LOG , $my_localize_log ) = File::Temp::tempfile();
+    close( $LOCALIZE_LOG );
+    ## Get the localize en-US extract
+    if( $bAll || $bUseLocalize ){
+        print "### Fetching source language strings\n";
+        my $command = "";
+        my $args    = "";
+        if( $ENV{WRAPCMD} ){
+            $command = $ENV{WRAPCMD}.$binpath."localize_sl";
+        }else{
+            $command = $binpath."localize_sl";
+        }
+        print $command . "\n";
+        # -e
+        # if ( -x $command ){
+        if( $command ){
+            if( !$bVerbose  ){ $args .= " "; }
+            $args .= " -e -f ".fix_cygwin_path($localizeSDF)." -l ";
+            my $bFlag="";
+            if( $bAll ) {$args .= " en-US";}
+            else{
+              my @list;
+              foreach my $isokey ( keys( %{ $langhash_ref } ) ){
+                push @list , $isokey;
+                if( $langhash_ref->{ $isokey } ne "" ){
+                    push @list , $langhash_ref->{ $isokey };
+                }
+              }
+              remove_duplicates( \@list );
+              foreach my $isokey ( @list ){
+                switch :{
+                       ( $isokey=~ /^en-US$/i  )
+                        && do{
+                                if( $bFlag eq "TRUE" ){ $args .= ",en-US"; }
+                                else {
+                                    $args .= "en-US";  $bFlag = "TRUE";
+                                 }
+                              };
+                    } #switch
+                } #foreach
+              } # if
+        } # if
+        if ( $bVerbose ) { print STDOUT $command.$args."\n"; }
+        my $rc = system( $command.$args );
+        if( $rc < 0 ){    print STDERR "ERROR: localize rc = $rc\n"; exit( -1 ); }
+        ( $localizehash_ref )  = read_file( $localizeSDF , $langhash_ref );
+    }
+    ## Get sdf particles
+    open ALLPARTICLES_MERGED , "+>> $particleSDF_merged"
+    or die "Can't open $particleSDF_merged";
+    ## Fill fackback hash
+    my( $fallbackhashhash_ref ) = fetch_fallback( \@sdfparticles , $localizeSDF ,  $langhash_ref );
+    my %block;
+    my $cur_fallback;
+    if( !$bAll) {
+        foreach my $cur_lang ( keys( %{ $langhash_ref } ) ){
+            #print STDOUT "DBG: G1 cur_lang=$cur_lang\n";
+            $cur_fallback = $langhash_ref->{ $cur_lang };
+            if( $cur_fallback ne "" ){
+                # Insert fallback strings
+                #print STDOUT "DBG: Renaming $cur_fallback to $cur_lang in fallbackhash\n";
+                rename_language(  $fallbackhashhash_ref ,  $cur_fallback , $cur_lang );
+            }
+            foreach my $currentfile ( @sdfparticles ){
+                if ( open MYFILE , "< $currentfile" ) {
+                    while(<MYFILE>){
+                        if( /$sdf_regex/ ){
+                            my $line           = defined $_ ? $_ : '';
+                            my $prj            = defined $3 ? $3 : '';
+                            my $file           = defined $4 ? $4 : '';
+                            my $type           = defined $6 ? $6 : '';
+                            my $gid            = defined $7 ? $7 : '';
+                            my $lid            = defined $8 ? $8 : '';
+                            my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+                            my $plattform      = defined $10 ? $10 : '';
+                            my $helpid         = defined $9 ? $9 : '';
+                            chomp( $line );
+                            if ( $lang eq $cur_lang ){
+                                # Overwrite fallback strings with collected strings
+                                #if( ( !has_two_sourcelanguages( $cur_lang) && $cur_lang eq "de" ) || $cur_lang ne "en-US" ){
+                                     $fallbackhashhash_ref->{ $cur_lang }{ $prj.$gid.$lid.$file.$type.$plattform.$helpid } =  $line ;
+                                     #}
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }else { print STDERR "WARNING: Can't open file $currentfile"; }
+            }
+            foreach my $line ( keys( %{$fallbackhashhash_ref->{ $cur_lang } } )) {
+                if( #$cur_lang ne "de" &&
+                    $cur_lang ne "en-US" ){
+                    print ALLPARTICLES_MERGED ( $fallbackhashhash_ref->{ $cur_lang }{ $line }, "\n" );
+                }
+             }
+        }
+    } else {
+        foreach my $currentfile ( @sdfparticles ){
+            if ( open MYFILE , "< $currentfile" ) {
+                while( <MYFILE> ){
+                    print ALLPARTICLES_MERGED ( $_, "\n" );  # recheck de / en-US !
+                }
+            }
+            else { print STDERR "WARNING: Can't open file $currentfile"; }
+        }
+    }
+    # Hash of array
+    my %output;
+    my @order;
+    ## Join both
+    if( $outputfile ){
+        if( open DESTFILE , "+> $outputfile" ){
+            if( !open LOCALIZEPARTICLE ,  "< $localizeSDF" ) { print STDERR "ERROR: Can't open file $localizeSDF\n"; }
+            if( !open ALLPARTICLES_MERGED , "< $particleSDF_merged" ) { print STDERR "ERROR: Can't open file $particleSDF_merged\n"; }
+            # Insert localize
+            my $extract_date="";
+            while ( <LOCALIZEPARTICLE> ){
+                if( /$sdf_regex/ ){
+                    my $leftpart       = defined $2 ? $2 : '';
+                    my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+                    my $rightpart      = defined $13 ? $13 : '';
+                    my $timestamp      = defined $18 ? $18 : '';
+                    my $prj            = defined $3 ? $3 : '';
+                    my $file           = defined $4 ? $4 : '';
+                    my $type           = defined $6 ? $6 : '';
+                    my $gid            = defined $7 ? $7 : '';
+                    my $lid            = defined $8 ? $8 : '';
+                    #my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+                    my $plattform      = defined $10 ? $10 : '';
+                    my $helpid         = defined $9 ? $9 : '';
+                    if( $use_default_date )
+                    {
+                        $extract_date = "$default_date\n" ;
+                    }
+                    elsif( $extract_date eq "" ) {
+                        $extract_date = $timestamp ;
+                        $extract_date =~ tr/\r\n//d;
+                        $extract_date .= "\n";
+                    }
+                    if( $bAll ){ print DESTFILE $leftpart."\t".$lang."\t".$rightpart.$extract_date ; }
+                    else {
+                        foreach my $sLang ( keys( %{ $langhash_ref } ) ){
+                            if( $sLang=~ /all/i )                       {
+                                push @{ $output{ $prj.$gid.$lid.$file.$type.$plattform.$helpid } } ,  $leftpart."\t".$lang."\t".$rightpart.$extract_date ;
+                                #print DESTFILE $leftpart."\t".$lang."\t".$rightpart.$extract_date;
+                            }
+                            #if( $sLang eq "de" && $lang eq "de" )       {
+                            #    push @{ $output{ $prj.$gid.$lid.$file.$type.$plattform.$helpid } } ,  $leftpart."\t".$lang."\t".$rightpart.$extract_date ;
+                                #print DESTFILE $leftpart."\t".$lang."\t".$rightpart.$extract_date;
+                                #}
+                            if( $sLang eq "en-US" && $lang eq "en-US" ) {
+                                push @order , $prj.$gid.$lid.$file.$type.$plattform.$helpid;
+                                if( !$bFakeEnglish ){ push @{ $output{ $prj.$gid.$lid.$file.$type.$plattform.$helpid } } ,  $leftpart."\t".$lang."\t".$rightpart.$extract_date ; }
+                                #print DESTFILE $leftpart."\t".$lang."\t".$rightpart.$extract_date;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            # Insert particles
+            while ( <ALLPARTICLES_MERGED> ){
+                if( /$sdf_regex/ ){
+                    my $leftpart       = defined $2 ? $2 : '';
+                    my $prj            = defined $3 ? $3 : '';
+                    my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+                    my $rightpart      = defined $13 ? $13 : '';
+                    my $timestamp      = defined $18 ? $18 : '';
+                    #my $prj            = defined $3 ? $3 : '';
+                    my $file           = defined $4 ? $4 : '';
+                    my $type           = defined $6 ? $6 : '';
+                    my $gid            = defined $7 ? $7 : '';
+                    my $lid            = defined $8 ? $8 : '';
+                    #my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+                    my $plattform      = defined $10 ? $10 : '';
+                    my $helpid         = defined $9 ? $9 : '';
+                    if( $use_default_date )
+                    {
+                        $extract_date = "$default_date\n" ;
+                    }
+                    elsif( $extract_date eq "" )
+                    {
+                        $extract_date = $timestamp;
+                    }
+                    if( ! ( $prj =~ /binfilter/i ) ) {
+                        push @{ $output{ $prj.$gid.$lid.$file.$type.$plattform.$helpid } } , $leftpart."\t".$lang."\t".$rightpart.$extract_date ;
+                        #print DESTFILE $leftpart."\t".$lang."\t".$rightpart.$extract_date ;
+                    }
+                 }
+            }
+            # Write!
+            foreach my $curkey ( @order ){
+                foreach my $curlist ( $output{ $curkey } ){
+                    foreach my $line ( @{$curlist} ){
+                        print DESTFILE $line;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }else { print STDERR "Can't open $outputfile";}
+    }
+    close DESTFILE;
+    chdir $working_path;
+    #print STDOUT "DBG: \$localizeSDF $localizeSDF \$particleSDF_merged $particleSDF_merged\n";
+    unlink $localizeSDF , $particleSDF_merged ,  $my_localize_log;
+    }
+sub rename_language{
+    my $fallbackhashhash_ref    = shift;
+    my $cur_fallback            = shift;
+    my $cur_lang                = shift;
+    my $line;
+    foreach my $key( keys ( %{ $fallbackhashhash_ref->{ $cur_fallback } } ) ){
+        $line = $fallbackhashhash_ref->{ $cur_fallback }{ $key };
+        if( $line =~ /$sdf_regex/ ){
+            my $leftpart       = defined $2 ? $2 : '';
+            my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+            my $rightpart      = defined $13 ? $13 : '';
+            $fallbackhashhash_ref->{ $cur_lang }{ $key } = $leftpart."\t".$cur_lang."\t".$rightpart;
+        }
+    }
+sub remove_duplicates{
+    my $list_ref    = shift;
+    my %tmphash;
+    foreach my $key ( @{ $list_ref } ){ $tmphash{ $key } = '' ; }
+    @{$list_ref} = keys( %tmphash );
+sub fetch_fallback{
+    my $sdfparticleslist_ref   = shift;
+    my $localizeSDF            = shift;
+    my $langhash_ref           = shift;
+    my %fallbackhashhash;
+    my $cur_lang;
+    my @langlist;
+    foreach my $key ( keys ( %{ $langhash_ref } ) ){
+        $cur_lang = $langhash_ref->{ $key };
+        if ( $cur_lang ne "" ) {
+            push @langlist , $cur_lang;
+        }
+    }
+    remove_duplicates( \@langlist );
+    foreach  $cur_lang ( @langlist ){
+        if( $cur_lang eq "en-US" ){
+            read_fallbacks_from_source( $localizeSDF , $cur_lang , \%fallbackhashhash );
+        }
+    }
+    # remove de / en-US
+    my @tmplist;
+    foreach $cur_lang( @langlist ){
+        if(  $cur_lang ne "en-US" ){
+           push @tmplist , $cur_lang;
+        }
+    }
+    @langlist = @tmplist;
+    if ( $#langlist +1 ){
+        read_fallbacks_from_particles( $sdfparticleslist_ref , \@langlist , \%fallbackhashhash );
+    }
+    return (\%fallbackhashhash);
+sub write_file{
+    my $localizeFile = shift;
+    my $index_ref    = shift;
+    if( open DESTFILE , "+> $localizeFile" ){
+        foreach my $key( %{ $index_ref } ){
+            print DESTFILE ($index_ref->{ $key }, "\n" );
+        }
+        close DESTFILE;
+    }else {
+      print STDERR "Can't open/create '$localizeFile'";
+    }
+sub read_file{
+    my $sdffile         = shift;
+    my $langhash_ref    = shift;
+    my %block           = ();
+    open MYFILE , "< $sdffile"
+        or die "Can't open '$sdffile'\n";
+        while( <MYFILE>){
+          if( /$sdf_regex/ ){
+            my $line           = defined $_ ? $_ : '';
+            my $prj            = defined $3 ? $3 : '';
+            my $file           = defined $4 ? $4 : '';
+            my $type           = defined $6 ? $6 : '';
+            my $gid            = defined $7 ? $7 : '';
+            my $lid            = defined $8 ? $8 : '';
+            my $plattform      = defined $10 ? $10 : '';
+            my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+            my $helpid         = defined $9 ? $9 : '';
+            foreach my $isolang ( keys ( %{ $langhash_ref } ) ){
+                if( $isolang=~ /$lang/i || $isolang=~ /all/i ) { $block{$prj.$gid.$lid.$file.$type.$plattform.$helpid } =  $line ; }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (\%block);
+sub read_fallbacks_from_particles{
+    my $sdfparticleslist_ref    = shift;
+    my $isolanglist_ref         = shift;
+    my $fallbackhashhash_ref    = shift;
+    my $block_ref;
+    foreach my $currentfile ( @{ $sdfparticleslist_ref } ){
+        if ( open MYFILE , "< $currentfile" ) {
+            while(<MYFILE>){
+                if( /$sdf_regex/ ){
+                    my $line           = defined $_ ? $_ : '';
+                    my $prj            = defined $3 ? $3 : '';
+                    my $file           = defined $4 ? $4 : '';
+                    my $type           = defined $6 ? $6 : '';
+                    my $gid            = defined $7 ? $7 : '';
+                    my $lid            = defined $8 ? $8 : '';
+                    my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+                    my $plattform      = defined $10 ? $10 : '';
+                    my $helpid         = defined $9 ? $9 : '';
+                    chomp( $line );
+                    foreach my $isolang ( @{$isolanglist_ref}  ){
+                        if( $isolang=~ /$lang/i ) {
+                            $fallbackhashhash_ref->{ $isolang }{ $prj.$gid.$lid.$file.$type.$plattform.$helpid } =  $line ;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+       }else { print STDERR "WARNING: Can't open file $currentfile"; }
+    }
+sub read_fallbacks_from_source{
+    my $sdffile                 = shift;
+    my $isolang                 = shift;
+    my $fallbackhashhash_ref    = shift;
+    my $block_ref;
+    # read fallback for single file
+    open MYFILE , "< $sdffile"
+        or die "Can't open '$sdffile'\n";
+    while( <MYFILE>){
+          if( /$sdf_regex/ ){
+            my $line           = defined $_ ? $_ : '';
+            my $prj            = defined $3 ? $3 : '';
+            my $file           = defined $4 ? $4 : '';
+            my $type           = defined $6 ? $6 : '';
+            my $gid            = defined $7 ? $7 : '';
+            my $lid            = defined $8 ? $8 : '';
+            my $helpid         = defined $9 ? $9 : '';
+            my $lang           = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
+            my $plattform      = defined $10 ? $10 : '';
+            chomp( $line );
+            if( $isolang=~ /$lang/i ) { $fallbackhashhash_ref->{ $isolang }{ $prj.$gid.$lid.$file.$type.$plattform.$helpid } =  $line ;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub parseLanguages{
+    my $bAll;
+    my $bUseLocalize;
+    my $bHasSourceLanguage="";
+    my $bFakeEnglish="";
+    my %langhash;
+    my $iso="";
+    my $fallback="";
+    #### -l all
+    if(   $languages=~ /all/ ){
+        $bAll = "TRUE";
+        $bHasSourceLanguage = "TRUE";
+    }
+    ### -l fr=de,de
+    elsif( $languages=~ /.*,.*/ ){
+        my @tmpstr =  split "," , $languages;
+        for my $lang ( @tmpstr ){
+            if( $lang=~ /([a-zA-Z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z\-]*)*)(=([a-zA-Z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z\-]*)*))?/ ){
+                $iso        = $1;
+                $fallback   = $4;
+                if( ( $iso && $iso=~ /(en-US)/i )  || ( $fallback && $fallback=~ /(en-US)/i ) ) {
+                    $bUseLocalize = "TRUE";
+                }
+                if( ( $iso && $iso=~ /(en-US)/i ) ) {
+                    $bHasSourceLanguage = "TRUE";
+                }
+             if( $fallback ) { $langhash{ $iso } = $fallback;   }
+             else            { $langhash{ $iso } = "";          }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ### -l de
+    else{
+        if( $languages=~ /([a-zA-Z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z\-]*)*)(=([a-zA-Z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z\-]*)*))?/ ){
+            $iso        = $1;
+            $fallback   = $4;
+            if( ( $iso && $iso=~ /(en-US)/i )  || ( $fallback && $fallback=~ /(en-US)/i ) ) {
+                $bUseLocalize = "TRUE";
+            }
+            if( ( $iso && $iso=~ /(en-US)/i )  ) {
+                $bHasSourceLanguage = "TRUE";
+            }
+             if( $fallback ) { $langhash{ $iso } = $fallback;   }
+             else            { $langhash{ $iso } = "";          }
+        }
+    }
+    # HACK en-US always needed!
+    if( !$bHasSourceLanguage ){
+        #$bHasSourceLanguage = "TRUE";
+        $bUseLocalize = "TRUE";
+        $bFakeEnglish = "TRUE";
+        $langhash{ "en-US" } = "";
+    }
+    return ( $bAll ,  $bUseLocalize , \%langhash , $bHasSourceLanguage, $bFakeEnglish);
+sub parse_options{
+    my $help;
+    my $merge;
+    my $extract;
+    my $success = GetOptions('f=s' => \$sdffile , 'l=s' => \$languages , 's=s' => \$srcpath ,  'h' => \$help , 'v' => \$bVerbose ,
+                             'm' => \$merge , 'e' => \$extract , 'x' => \$no_sort , 'd' => \$use_default_date , 'c' => \$create_dirs ,
+                             'n' => \$no_gsicheck );
+    $outputfile = $sdffile;
+    #print STDOUT "DBG: lang = $languages\n";
+    if( !$srcpath ){
+        $srcpath = "$ENV{SRC_ROOT}";
+        if( !$srcpath ){
+            print STDERR "No path to the source root found!\n\n";
+            usage();
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    if( $help ){
+        usage();
+        exit(0);
+    }
+    if( !$success || $#ARGV > 1 || ( !$sdffile ) ){
+        usage();
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    if( $merge && $sdffile && ! ( -r $sdffile)){
+        print STDERR "Can't open file '$sdffile'\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    if( !( $languages=~ /[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z\-]*)*(=[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z\-]*)*)?(,[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z\-]*)*(=[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z\-]*)*)?)*/ ) ){
+        print STDERR "Please check the -l iso code\n";
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    if( ( !$merge && !$extract ) || ( $merge && $extract ) ){ usage();exit( -1 );}
+    if( $extract ){ $mode = "extract"; }
+    else          { $mode = "merge";   }
+#my $multi_localize_files    = ''; h
+#my $module_to_merge         = ''; i
+#my $sort_sdf_before         = ''; g
+sub usage{
+    print STDERR "Usage: localize.pl\n";
+    print STDERR "Split or collect SDF files\n";
+    print STDERR "           merge: -m -f <sdffile>    -l l1[=f1][,l2[=f2]][...] [ -s <sourceroot> ] [ -c ]\n";
+    print STDERR "         extract: -e -f <outputfile> -l <lang> [ -s <sourceroot> ] [-d]\n";
+    print STDERR "Options:\n";
+    print STDERR "    -h              help\n";
+    print STDERR "    -m              Merge mode\n";
+    print STDERR "    -e              Extract mode\n";
+    print STDERR "    -f <sdffile>    To split a big SDF file into particles\n";
+    print STDERR "       <outputfile> To collect and join all particles to one big file\n";
+    print STDERR "    -s <sourceroot> Path to the modules, if no \$SRC_ROOT is set\n";
+    print STDERR "    -l ( all | <isocode> | <isocode>=fallback ) comma seperated languages\n";
+    print STDERR "    -d              Use default date in extracted sdf file\n";
+    print STDERR "    -c              Create needed directories\n";
+    print STDERR "    -g              Sort sdf file before mergeing\n";
+    print STDERR "    -h              File with localize.sdf's\n!";
+    print STDERR "    -n              No gsicheck\n";
+    print STDERR "    -i              Module to merge\n";
+    print STDERR "                    useful if the type can't be detected by the .svn tags; \n";
+    print STDERR "    -v              Verbose\n";
+    print STDERR "\nExample:\n";
+    print STDERR "\nlocalize -e -l en-US,pt-BR=en-US -f my.sdf\n( Extract en-US and pt-BR with en-US fallback )\n";
+    print STDERR "\nlocalize -m -l cs -f my.sdf\n( Merge cs translation into the sourcecode ) \n";
+sub fix_cygwin_path
+    my ( $path ) = @_;
+    if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' )
+    {
+    $path = qx{cygpath -m "$path"};
+    chomp($path);
+    }
+    return $path;
diff --git a/solenv/bin/localize b/solenv/bin/localize
index ec51af9..9504e8e 100755
--- a/solenv/bin/localize
+++ b/solenv/bin/localize
@@ -4,14 +4,12 @@ if [ x${SOLARENV}x = xx ]; then
 exit 1
+# localize.pl calls localize_sl in solver bin directory which depends on dynamic
+# libraries in solver lib directory but has no correct RPATH (or equivalent):
 if [ "${OS?}" = MACOSX ]; then
-pushd $(pwd)
-cd ${SRC_ROOT}
-exec $SOLARVERSION/$INPATH/bin/localize_sl "$@"
+exec perl -w $SOLARVERSION/$INPATH/bin/localize.pl "$@"
diff --git a/solenv/bin/localize_sl b/solenv/bin/localize_sl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d0db560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solenv/bin/localize_sl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+if [ x${SOLARENV}x = xx ]; then
+    echo No environment found, please use 'setsolar'
+exit 1
+if [ "${OS?}" = MACOSX ]; then
+exec $SOLARVERSION/$INPATH/bin/localize_sl "$@"

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