[Libreoffice-commits] .: sw/inc sw/source sw/uiconfig sw/UI_swriter.mk

Libreoffice Gerrit user logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Oct 30 08:16:38 PDT 2012

 sw/UI_swriter.mk                       |    2 
 sw/inc/helpid.h                        |    2 
 sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.cxx         |  239 ++++++-------
 sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.hrc         |   51 --
 sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.src         |  506 ----------------------------
 sw/source/ui/misc/impfnote.hxx         |   53 +--
 sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/endnotepage.ui  |  366 ++++++++++++++++++++
 sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/footnotepage.ui |  582 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 1080 insertions(+), 721 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit f046e85cc9feb7bcb221c2a83f004c5f238235d5
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 30 14:28:22 2012 +0000

    convert end/footnote dialog to .ui
    Change-Id: I22c7e030a77f125f70b1b532b3c07c5a405b18b0

diff --git a/sw/UI_swriter.mk b/sw/UI_swriter.mk
index 89eb2e4..034d6b7 100644
--- a/sw/UI_swriter.mk
+++ b/sw/UI_swriter.mk
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ $(eval $(call gb_UI_add_uifiles,modules/swriter,\
 	sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/charurlpage \
 	sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/columnwidth \
 	sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/converttexttable \
+	sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/endnotepage \
+	sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/footnotepage \
 	sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/horizontalrule \
 	sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/indexentry \
 	sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/insertbreak \
diff --git a/sw/inc/helpid.h b/sw/inc/helpid.h
index aff7ad6..5f8d56c 100644
--- a/sw/inc/helpid.h
+++ b/sw/inc/helpid.h
@@ -189,8 +189,6 @@
 #define HID_OPTSHDWCRSR                                         "SW_HID_OPTSHDWCRSR"
 #define HID_NUM_POSITION                                        "SW_HID_NUM_POSITION"
 #define HID_NUMPARA                                             "SW_HID_NUMPARA"
-#define HID_FOOTNOTE_OPTIONS                                    "SW_HID_FOOTNOTE_OPTIONS"
-#define HID_ENDNOTE_OPTIONS                                     "SW_HID_ENDNOTE_OPTIONS"
 #define HID_REDLINE_OPT                                         "SW_HID_REDLINE_OPT"
 #define HID_REDLINE_ACCEPT                                      "SW_HID_REDLINE_ACCEPT"
 #define HID_EDIT_FLD_DB                                         "SW_HID_EDIT_FLD_DB"
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.cxx b/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.cxx
index cb7597f..aa80d7f 100644
--- a/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.cxx
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
 #include <swstyle.h>
 #include <helpid.h>
 #include <misc.hrc>
-#include <docfnote.hrc>
 #include <frmui.hrc>
 #include <SwStyleNameMapper.hxx>
@@ -87,58 +86,54 @@ IMPL_LINK( SwFootNoteOptionDlg, OkHdl, Button *, pBtn )
-SwEndNoteOptionPage::SwEndNoteOptionPage( Window *pParent, sal_Bool bEN,
-                                          const SfxItemSet &rSet ) :
-    aNumFL         (this, SW_RES( FL_NUM        )),
-    aNumTypeFT      (this, SW_RES( FT_NUMTYPE    )),
-    aNumViewBox     (this, SW_RES( LB_NUMVIEW   ), INSERT_NUM_EXTENDED_TYPES),
-    aOffsetLbl      (this, SW_RES( FT_OFFSET    )),
-    aOffsetFld      (this, SW_RES( FLD_OFFSET   )),
-    aNumCountFT     (this, SW_RES( FT_NUMCOUNT   )),
-    aNumCountBox    (this, SW_RES( LB_NUMCOUNT  )),
-    aPrefixFT       (this, SW_RES( FT_PREFIX    )),
-    aPrefixED       (this, SW_RES( ED_PREFIX    )),
-    aSuffixFT       (this, SW_RES( FT_SUFFIX    )),
-    aSuffixED       (this, SW_RES( ED_SUFFIX    )),
-    aPosFT          (this, SW_RES( FT_POS    )),
-    aPosPageBox     (this, SW_RES( RB_POS_PAGE   )),
-    aPosChapterBox  (this, SW_RES( RB_POS_CHAPTER)),
-    aTemplFL       (this, SW_RES( FL_TEMPL      )),
-    aParaTemplLbl   (this, SW_RES( FT_PARA_TEMPL)),
-    aParaTemplBox   (this, SW_RES( LB_PARA_TEMPL)),
-    aPageTemplLbl   (this, SW_RES( FT_PAGE_TEMPL)),
-    aPageTemplBox   (this, SW_RES( LB_PAGE_TEMPL)),
-    aCharTemplFL(          this, SW_RES(FL_CHAR_TEMPL)),
-    aFtnCharAnchorTemplLbl( this, SW_RES( FT_ANCHR_CHARFMT)),
-    aFtnCharAnchorTemplBox( this, SW_RES( LB_ANCHR_CHARFMT)),
-    aFtnCharTextTemplLbl(   this, SW_RES( FT_TEXT_CHARFMT)),
-    aFtnCharTextTemplBox(   this, SW_RES( LB_TEXT_CHARFMT)),
-    aContFL        (this, SW_RES( FL_CONT       )),
-    aContLbl        (this, SW_RES( FT_CONT      )),
-    aContEdit       (this, SW_RES( ED_CONT      )),
-    aContFromLbl    (this, SW_RES( FT_CONT_FROM )),
-    aContFromEdit   (this, SW_RES( ED_CONT_FROM )),
-    aNumDoc(aNumCountBox.GetEntry(FTNNUM_DOC)),
-    aNumPage(aNumCountBox.GetEntry(FTNNUM_PAGE)),
-    aNumChapter(aNumCountBox.GetEntry(FTNNUM_CHAPTER)),
-    pSh( 0 ),
-    bPosDoc(sal_False),
-    bEndNote( bEN )
+SwEndNoteOptionPage::SwEndNoteOptionPage(Window *pParent, sal_Bool bEN,
+    const SfxItemSet &rSet)
+    : SfxTabPage(pParent,
+        bEN ? OString("EndnotePage") : OString("FootnotePage"),
+        bEN ? OUString("modules/swriter/ui/endnotepage.ui") : OUString("modules/swriter/ui/footnotepage.ui"),
+        rSet)
+    , pSh(0)
+    , bPosDoc(sal_False)
+    , bEndNote(bEN)
-    FreeResource();
+    get(m_pNumViewBox, "numberinglb");
+    get(m_pOffsetLbl, "offset");
+    get(m_pOffsetFld, "offsetnf");
+    get(m_pPrefixED, "prefix");
+    get(m_pSuffixED, "suffix");
-    aPosPageBox.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwEndNoteOptionPage, PosPageHdl));
-    aPosChapterBox.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwEndNoteOptionPage, PosChapterHdl));
-    aNumCountBox.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwEndNoteOptionPage, NumCountHdl));
+    if (!bEndNote)
+    {
+        get(m_pNumCountBox, "countinglb");
+        m_pNumCountBox->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwEndNoteOptionPage, NumCountHdl));
+        aNumDoc = m_pNumCountBox->GetEntry(FTNNUM_DOC);
+        aNumPage = m_pNumCountBox->GetEntry(FTNNUM_PAGE);
+        aNumChapter = m_pNumCountBox->GetEntry(FTNNUM_CHAPTER);
+        get(m_pPosPageBox, "pospagecb");
+        m_pPosPageBox->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwEndNoteOptionPage, PosPageHdl));
+        get(m_pPosChapterBox, "posdoccb");
+        m_pPosChapterBox->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwEndNoteOptionPage, PosChapterHdl));
+        get(m_pPosFT, "pos");
+        m_pPosPageBox->SetAccessibleRelationMemberOf(m_pPosFT);
+        m_pPosChapterBox->SetAccessibleRelationMemberOf(m_pPosFT);
+        get(m_pContEdit, "conted");
+        get(m_pContFromEdit, "contfromed");
+    }
-    aPosPageBox.SetAccessibleRelationMemberOf(&aPosFT);
-    aPosChapterBox.SetAccessibleRelationMemberOf(&aPosFT);
+    get(m_pStylesContainer, "allstyles");
+    get(m_pParaTemplBox, "parastylelb");
+    get(m_pPageTemplLbl, "pagestyleft");
+    get(m_pPageTemplBox, "pagestylelb");
+    get(m_pFtnCharAnchorTemplBox, "charanchorstylelb");
+    get(m_pFtnCharTextTemplBox, "charstylelb");
+    long nWidth = std::max(std::max(
+        m_pPrefixED->get_preferred_size().Width(),
+        m_pSuffixED->get_preferred_size().Width()),
+        m_pNumViewBox->get_preferred_size().Width());
+    m_pPrefixED->set_width_request(nWidth);
+    m_pSuffixED->set_width_request(nWidth);
+    m_pNumViewBox->set_width_request(nWidth);
 void SwEndNoteOptionPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& )
@@ -148,29 +143,11 @@ void SwEndNoteOptionPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& )
     SfxObjectShell * pDocSh = SfxObjectShell::Current();
     sal_uInt16 i;
-    if(PTR_CAST(SwWebDocShell, pDocSh))
-    {
-        aParaTemplLbl   .Hide();
-        aParaTemplBox   .Hide();
-        aPageTemplLbl   .Hide();
-        aPageTemplBox   .Hide();
-        aFtnCharTextTemplLbl.Hide();
-        aFtnCharTextTemplBox.Hide();
-        aFtnCharAnchorTemplLbl.Hide();
-        aFtnCharAnchorTemplBox.Hide();
-        aCharTemplFL   .Hide();
-        aTemplFL       .Hide();
-    }
+    if (PTR_CAST(SwWebDocShell, pDocSh))
+        m_pStylesContainer->Hide();
     if ( bEndNote )
-        aPosPageBox.Hide();
-        aPosChapterBox.Hide();
-        aNumCountBox.Hide();
-        aContLbl.Hide();
-        aContEdit.Hide();
-        aContFromLbl.Hide();
-        aContFromEdit.Hide();
-        aContFL.Hide();
         bPosDoc = sal_True;
@@ -179,20 +156,20 @@ void SwEndNoteOptionPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& )
         // set position (page, chapter)
         if ( rInf.ePos == FTNPOS_PAGE )
-            aPosPageBox.Check();
-            aPageTemplLbl.Enable(sal_False);
-            aPageTemplBox.Enable(sal_False);
+            m_pPosPageBox->Check();
+            m_pPageTemplLbl->Enable(sal_False);
+            m_pPageTemplBox->Enable(sal_False);
-            aPosChapterBox.Check();
-            aNumCountBox.RemoveEntry(aNumPage);
-            aNumCountBox.RemoveEntry(aNumChapter);
+            m_pPosChapterBox->Check();
+            m_pNumCountBox->RemoveEntry(aNumPage);
+            m_pNumCountBox->RemoveEntry(aNumChapter);
             bPosDoc = sal_True;
             // reference tests
-        aContEdit.SetText(rInf.aQuoVadis);
-        aContFromEdit.SetText(rInf.aErgoSum);
+        m_pContEdit->SetText(rInf.aQuoVadis);
+        m_pContFromEdit->SetText(rInf.aErgoSum);
             // collected
@@ -200,19 +177,19 @@ void SwEndNoteOptionPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& )
         // numbering
         // art
-    aNumViewBox.SelectNumberingType( pInf->aFmt.GetNumberingType());
-    aOffsetFld.SetValue(pInf->nFtnOffset + 1);
-    aPrefixED.SetText(pInf->GetPrefix());
-    aSuffixED.SetText(pInf->GetSuffix());
+    m_pNumViewBox->SelectNumberingType( pInf->aFmt.GetNumberingType());
+    m_pOffsetFld->SetValue(pInf->nFtnOffset + 1);
+    m_pPrefixED->SetText(pInf->GetPrefix());
+    m_pSuffixED->SetText(pInf->GetSuffix());
     const SwCharFmt* pCharFmt = pInf->GetCharFmt(
-    aFtnCharTextTemplBox.SelectEntry(pCharFmt->GetName());
-    aFtnCharTextTemplBox.SaveValue();
+    m_pFtnCharTextTemplBox->SelectEntry(pCharFmt->GetName());
+    m_pFtnCharTextTemplBox->SaveValue();
     pCharFmt = pInf->GetAnchorCharFmt( *pSh->GetDoc() );
-    aFtnCharAnchorTemplBox.SelectEntry( pCharFmt->GetName() );
-    aFtnCharAnchorTemplBox.SaveValue();
+    m_pFtnCharAnchorTemplBox->SelectEntry( pCharFmt->GetName() );
+    m_pFtnCharAnchorTemplBox->SaveValue();
         // styles   special regions
         // paragraph
@@ -221,45 +198,45 @@ void SwEndNoteOptionPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& )
     SfxStyleSheetBase *pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->First();
-        aParaTemplBox.InsertEntry(pStyle->GetName());
+        m_pParaTemplBox->InsertEntry(pStyle->GetName());
         pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->Next();
     String sStr;
     SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(bEndNote ? RES_POOLCOLL_ENDNOTE
                            : RES_POOLCOLL_FOOTNOTE), sStr );
-    if(LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == aParaTemplBox.GetEntryPos( sStr ) )
-        aParaTemplBox.InsertEntry( sStr );
+    if(LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == m_pParaTemplBox->GetEntryPos( sStr ) )
+        m_pParaTemplBox->InsertEntry( sStr );
     SwTxtFmtColl* pColl = pInf->GetFtnTxtColl();
     if( !pColl )
-        aParaTemplBox.SelectEntry( sStr );      // Default
+        m_pParaTemplBox->SelectEntry( sStr );      // Default
         OSL_ENSURE(!pColl->IsDefault(), "default style for footnotes is wrong");
-        const sal_uInt16 nPos = aParaTemplBox.GetEntryPos(pColl->GetName());
+        const sal_uInt16 nPos = m_pParaTemplBox->GetEntryPos(pColl->GetName());
         if( LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND != nPos )
-            aParaTemplBox.SelectEntryPos( nPos );
+            m_pParaTemplBox->SelectEntryPos( nPos );
-            aParaTemplBox.InsertEntry(pColl->GetName());
-            aParaTemplBox.SelectEntry(pColl->GetName());
+            m_pParaTemplBox->InsertEntry(pColl->GetName());
+            m_pParaTemplBox->SelectEntry(pColl->GetName());
         // page
     for( i = RES_POOLPAGE_BEGIN; i < RES_POOLPAGE_END; ++i )
-        aPageTemplBox.InsertEntry(SwStyleNameMapper::GetUIName( i, aEmptyStr ));
+        m_pPageTemplBox->InsertEntry(SwStyleNameMapper::GetUIName( i, aEmptyStr ));
     sal_uInt16 nCount = pSh->GetPageDescCnt();
     for(i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
         const SwPageDesc &rPageDesc = pSh->GetPageDesc(i);
-        if(LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == aPageTemplBox.GetEntryPos(rPageDesc.GetName()))
-            aPageTemplBox.InsertEntry(rPageDesc.GetName());
+        if(LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == m_pPageTemplBox->GetEntryPos(rPageDesc.GetName()))
+            m_pPageTemplBox->InsertEntry(rPageDesc.GetName());
-    aPageTemplBox.SelectEntry( pInf->GetPageDesc( *pSh->GetDoc() )->GetName());
+    m_pPageTemplBox->SelectEntry( pInf->GetPageDesc( *pSh->GetDoc() )->GetName());
     delete pInf;
@@ -296,15 +273,15 @@ void SwEndNoteOptionPage::SelectNumbering(int eNum)
             OSL_FAIL("Which numbering type?");
-    aNumCountBox.SelectEntry(sSelect);
-    NumCountHdl( &aNumCountBox );
+    m_pNumCountBox->SelectEntry(sSelect);
+    NumCountHdl(m_pNumCountBox);
 int SwEndNoteOptionPage::GetNumbering() const
-    const sal_uInt16 nPos = aNumCountBox.GetSelectEntryPos();
+    const sal_uInt16 nPos = m_pNumCountBox->GetSelectEntryPos();
     return (int) bPosDoc? nPos + 1: nPos;
@@ -312,12 +289,12 @@ void SwEndNoteOptionPage::SetShell( SwWrtShell &rShell )
     pSh = &rShell;
     // collect character templates
-    aFtnCharTextTemplBox.Clear();
-    aFtnCharAnchorTemplBox.Clear();
-    ::FillCharStyleListBox(aFtnCharTextTemplBox,
+    m_pFtnCharTextTemplBox->Clear();
+    m_pFtnCharAnchorTemplBox->Clear();
+    ::FillCharStyleListBox(*m_pFtnCharTextTemplBox,
-    ::FillCharStyleListBox(aFtnCharAnchorTemplBox,
+    ::FillCharStyleListBox(*m_pFtnCharAnchorTemplBox,
@@ -331,14 +308,14 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwEndNoteOptionPage, PosPageHdl)
     const SwFtnNum eNum = (const SwFtnNum)GetNumbering();
     bPosDoc = sal_False;
-    if(LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == aNumCountBox.GetEntryPos(aNumPage))
+    if(LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == m_pNumCountBox->GetEntryPos(aNumPage))
-        aNumCountBox.InsertEntry(aNumPage, FTNNUM_PAGE);
-        aNumCountBox.InsertEntry(aNumChapter, FTNNUM_CHAPTER);
+        m_pNumCountBox->InsertEntry(aNumPage, FTNNUM_PAGE);
+        m_pNumCountBox->InsertEntry(aNumChapter, FTNNUM_CHAPTER);
-    aPageTemplLbl.Enable(sal_False);
-    aPageTemplBox.Enable(sal_False);
+    m_pPageTemplLbl->Enable(sal_False);
+    m_pPageTemplBox->Enable(sal_False);
     return 0;
@@ -346,13 +323,13 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwEndNoteOptionPage, PosPageHdl)
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SwEndNoteOptionPage, NumCountHdl)
     sal_Bool bEnable = sal_True;
-    if( aNumCountBox.GetEntryCount() - 1 != aNumCountBox.GetSelectEntryPos() )
+    if( m_pNumCountBox->GetEntryCount() - 1 != m_pNumCountBox->GetSelectEntryPos() )
         bEnable = sal_False;
-        aOffsetFld.SetValue(1);
+        m_pOffsetFld->SetValue(1);
-    aOffsetLbl.Enable(bEnable);
-    aOffsetFld.Enable(bEnable);
+    m_pOffsetLbl->Enable(bEnable);
+    m_pOffsetFld->Enable(bEnable);
     return 0;
@@ -369,10 +346,10 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG_INLINE_START(SwEndNoteOptionPage, PosChapterHdl)
     bPosDoc = sal_True;
-    aNumCountBox.RemoveEntry(aNumPage);
-    aNumCountBox.RemoveEntry(aNumChapter);
-    aPageTemplLbl.Enable();
-    aPageTemplBox.Enable();
+    m_pNumCountBox->RemoveEntry(aNumPage);
+    m_pNumCountBox->RemoveEntry(aNumChapter);
+    m_pPageTemplLbl->Enable();
+    m_pPageTemplBox->Enable();
     return 0;
 IMPL_LINK_NOARG_INLINE_END(SwEndNoteOptionPage, PosChapterHdl)
@@ -406,21 +383,21 @@ sal_Bool SwEndNoteOptionPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet & )
     SwEndNoteInfo *pInf = bEndNote ? new SwEndNoteInfo() : new SwFtnInfo();
-    pInf->nFtnOffset = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(aOffsetFld.GetValue() -1);
-    pInf->aFmt.SetNumberingType(aNumViewBox.GetSelectedNumberingType() );
-    pInf->SetPrefix(aPrefixED.GetText());
-    pInf->SetSuffix(aSuffixED.GetText());
+    pInf->nFtnOffset = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(m_pOffsetFld->GetValue() -1);
+    pInf->aFmt.SetNumberingType(m_pNumViewBox->GetSelectedNumberingType() );
+    pInf->SetPrefix(m_pPrefixED->GetText());
+    pInf->SetSuffix(m_pSuffixED->GetText());
     pInf->SetCharFmt( lcl_GetCharFormat( pSh,
-                        aFtnCharTextTemplBox.GetSelectEntry() ) );
+                        m_pFtnCharTextTemplBox->GetSelectEntry() ) );
     pInf->SetAnchorCharFmt( lcl_GetCharFormat( pSh,
-                        aFtnCharAnchorTemplBox.GetSelectEntry() ) );
+                        m_pFtnCharAnchorTemplBox->GetSelectEntry() ) );
     // paragraph template
-    sal_uInt16 nPos = aParaTemplBox.GetSelectEntryPos();
+    sal_uInt16 nPos = m_pParaTemplBox->GetSelectEntryPos();
-        const String aFmtName( aParaTemplBox.GetSelectEntry() );
+        const String aFmtName( m_pParaTemplBox->GetSelectEntry() );
         SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = pSh->GetParaStyle(aFmtName, SwWrtShell::GETSTYLE_CREATEANY);
         OSL_ENSURE(pColl, "paragraph style not found");
@@ -428,7 +405,7 @@ sal_Bool SwEndNoteOptionPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet & )
     // page template
     pInf->ChgPageDesc( pSh->FindPageDescByName(
-                                aPageTemplBox.GetSelectEntry(), sal_True ) );
+                                m_pPageTemplBox->GetSelectEntry(), sal_True ) );
     if ( bEndNote )
@@ -438,10 +415,10 @@ sal_Bool SwEndNoteOptionPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet & )
         SwFtnInfo *pI = (SwFtnInfo*)pInf;
-        pI->ePos = aPosPageBox.IsChecked() ? FTNPOS_PAGE : FTNPOS_CHAPTER;
+        pI->ePos = m_pPosPageBox->IsChecked() ? FTNPOS_PAGE : FTNPOS_CHAPTER;
         pI->eNum = (SwFtnNum)GetNumbering();
-        pI->aQuoVadis = aContEdit.GetText();
-        pI->aErgoSum = aContFromEdit.GetText();
+        pI->aQuoVadis = m_pContEdit->GetText();
+        pI->aErgoSum = m_pContFromEdit->GetText();
         if ( !(*pI == pSh->GetFtnInfo()) )
             pSh->SetFtnInfo( *pI );
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.hrc b/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.hrc
deleted file mode 100644
index a54f164..0000000
--- a/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.hrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#define RB_POS_PAGE     1
-#define RB_POS_CHAPTER  2
-#define FT_POS          3
-#define FT_NUMTYPE      4
-#define FT_NUMCOUNT     5
-#define LB_NUMVIEW      10
-#define LB_NUMCOUNT     11
-#define FLD_OFFSET      12
-#define FT_OFFSET       13
-#define FL_NUM                  14
-#define LB_PARA_TEMPL   30
-#define LB_PAGE_TEMPL   31
-#define FT_PARA_TEMPL   32
-#define FT_PAGE_TEMPL   33
-#define FL_TEMPL                34
-#define FT_CONT         40
-#define ED_CONT         41
-#define FT_CONT_FROM    42
-#define ED_CONT_FROM    43
-#define FL_CONT                 44
-#define FT_PREFIX       45
-#define ED_PREFIX       46
-#define FT_SUFFIX       47
-#define ED_SUFFIX       48
-#define FT_TEXT_CHARFMT     49
-#define LB_TEXT_CHARFMT     50
-#define FT_ANCHR_CHARFMT    51
-#define FL_CHAR_TEMPL           52
-#define LB_ANCHR_CHARFMT    53
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.src b/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.src
index e9c77c6..99f5b08 100644
--- a/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.src
+++ b/sw/source/ui/misc/docfnote.src
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 #include "misc.hrc"
-#include "docfnote.hrc"
 #include "helpid.h"
 #include "cmdid.h"
 #include "frmui.hrc"
@@ -36,6 +35,7 @@ TabDialog DLG_DOC_FOOTNOTE
     SVLook = TRUE ;
     Text [ en-US ] = "Footnotes/Endnotes Settings" ;
     Moveable = TRUE ;
+    Sizeable = TRUE ;
     TabControl 1
         OutputSize = TRUE ;
@@ -56,507 +56,3 @@ TabDialog DLG_DOC_FOOTNOTE
-    SVLook = TRUE ;
-    Hide = TRUE;
-    Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 0 , 0 ) ;
-    FixedLine FL_NUM
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 3 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 248 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "AutoNumbering" ;
-        Group = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_NUMTYPE
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 16 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Num~bering";
-    };
-    ListBox LB_NUMVIEW
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:ListBox:TP_FOOTNOTEOPTION:LB_NUMVIEW";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 14 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 59 , 72 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Group = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_OFFSET
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 130 , 16 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 8 ) ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Start at" ;
-    };
-    NumericField FLD_OFFSET
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:NumericField:TP_FOOTNOTEOPTION:FLD_OFFSET";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 189 , 14 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 12 ) ;
-        Spin = TRUE ;
-        Minimum = 1 ;
-        First = 1 ;
-        Last = 9999 ;
-        Maximum = 9999 ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Border = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_NUMCOUNT
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 31 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Counting";
-    };
-    ListBox LB_NUMCOUNT
-    {
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 29 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 59 , 50 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Group = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-        CurPos = 0 ;
-        StringList [ en-US ] =
-        {
-            < "Per page" ; > ;
-            < "Per chapter" ; > ;
-            < "Per document" ; > ;
-        };
-    };
-    FixedText FT_PREFIX
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 46 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 48 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Before" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    Edit ED_PREFIX
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:Edit:TP_FOOTNOTEOPTION:ED_PREFIX";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 44 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 59 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        MaxTextLength = 50 ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_SUFFIX
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 130 , 46 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 48 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~After" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    Edit ED_SUFFIX
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:Edit:TP_FOOTNOTEOPTION:ED_SUFFIX";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 189 , 44 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 59 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        MaxTextLength = 50 ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_POS
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 63 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 36 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Position" ;
-    };
-    RadioButton RB_POS_PAGE
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:RadioButton:TP_FOOTNOTEOPTION:RB_POS_PAGE";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 62 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 150 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~End of page" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Group = TRUE ;
-    };
-    RadioButton RB_POS_CHAPTER
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:RadioButton:TP_FOOTNOTEOPTION:RB_POS_CHAPTER";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 75 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 150 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "En~d of document" ;
-    };
-    FixedLine FL_TEMPL
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 89 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 103 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Styles" ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_PARA_TEMPL
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 102 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 35 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Pa~ragraph" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    ListBox LB_PARA_TEMPL
-    {
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 48 , 100 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 58 , 80 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-        CurPos = 0 ;
-        Sort = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_PAGE_TEMPL
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 118 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 35 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Page" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    ListBox LB_PAGE_TEMPL
-    {
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 48 , 116) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 58 , 80 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedLine FL_CHAR_TEMPL
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 113 , 89 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 141 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Character Styles";
-    };
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 117 , 102 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 67 , 8 ) ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Te~xt area" ;
-    };
-    {
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 186 , 100 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 72 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-        Sort = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_TEXT_CHARFMT
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 117 , 118 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 67 , 8 ) ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Footnote area" ;
-    };
-    {
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 186 , 116 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 72 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-        Sort = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedLine FL_CONT
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 134 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 248 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Continuation notice" ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_CONT
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 148 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 73 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "End ~of footnote" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    Edit ED_CONT
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:Edit:TP_FOOTNOTEOPTION:ED_CONT";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 88, 145 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 160 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        MaxTextLength = 30 ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_CONT_FROM
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 163 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 73 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Star~t of next page" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    Edit ED_CONT_FROM
-    {
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 88 , 161 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 160 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        MaxTextLength = 30 ;
-    };
-    SVLook = TRUE ;
-    Hide = TRUE;
-    Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 0 , 0 ) ;
-    FixedLine FL_NUM
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 2 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 248 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "AutoNumbering" ;
-        Group = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_NUMTYPE
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 16 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Numbering";
-    };
-    ListBox LB_NUMVIEW
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:ListBox:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:LB_NUMVIEW";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 14 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 59 , 72 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Group = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-        CurPos = 0 ;
-        StringList =
-        {
-            "A, B, C" ;
-            "a, b, c" ;
-            "I, II, III" ;
-            "i, ii, iii" ;
-            "1, 2, 3" ;
-            "A, .., AA, .., AAA" ;
-            "a, .., aa, .., aaa" ;
-        };
-    };
-    FixedText FT_OFFSET
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 130 , 16 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 8 ) ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Start at" ;
-    };
-    NumericField FLD_OFFSET
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:NumericField:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:FLD_OFFSET";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 189 , 14 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 30 , 12 ) ;
-        Spin = TRUE ;
-        Minimum = 1 ;
-        First = 1 ;
-        Last = 9999 ;
-        Maximum = 9999 ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Border = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_NUMCOUNT
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 82 , 14 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 36 , 8 ) ;
-        Hide = TRUE;
-    };
-    ListBox LB_NUMCOUNT
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:ListBox:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:LB_NUMCOUNT";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 27 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 62 , 72 ) ;
-        Hide = TRUE;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_PREFIX
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 32 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 48 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Before" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    Edit ED_PREFIX
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:Edit:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:ED_PREFIX";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 30 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 59 , 12 ) ;
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        MaxTextLength = 50 ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_SUFFIX
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 130 , 32 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 48 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~After" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    Edit ED_SUFFIX
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:Edit:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:ED_SUFFIX";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 189 , 30 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 59 , 12 ) ;
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        MaxTextLength = 50 ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_POS
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 82 , 14 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 36 , 8 ) ;
-        Hide = TRUE;
-    };
-    RadioButton RB_POS_PAGE
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:RadioButton:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:RB_POS_PAGE";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 104 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 60 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "End ~of page" ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Group = TRUE ;
-    };
-    RadioButton RB_POS_CHAPTER
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:RadioButton:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:RB_POS_CHAPTER";
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 118 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 60 , 10 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "End of ~document" ;
-    };
-    FixedLine FL_TEMPL
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 46 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 115 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Styles" ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_PARA_TEMPL
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 58 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 38 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Pa~ragraph" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    ListBox LB_PARA_TEMPL
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:ListBox:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:LB_PARA_TEMPL";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 56 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 67 , 72 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-        CurPos = 0 ;
-        Sort = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_PAGE_TEMPL
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12 , 74 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 38 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Page" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    ListBox LB_PAGE_TEMPL
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:ListBox:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:LB_PAGE_TEMPL";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 51 , 72 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 67 , 72 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedLine FL_CHAR_TEMPL
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 125 , 46 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 129 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Character Styles";
-    };
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 129 , 58 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 55 , 8 ) ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Te~xt area" ;
-    };
-    {
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 186 , 56 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 72 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-        Sort = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_TEXT_CHARFMT
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 129 , 74 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 55 , 8 ) ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Endnote area" ;
-    };
-    {
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 186 , 72 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 65 , 72 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        DropDown = TRUE ;
-        Sort = TRUE ;
-    };
-    FixedLine FL_CONT
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 80 , 91 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 174 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "Continuation notice" ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_CONT
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 86 , 103 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 38 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Following page" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    Edit ED_CONT
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:Edit:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:ED_CONT";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 137 , 101 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        MaxTextLength = 30 ;
-    };
-    FixedText FT_CONT_FROM
-    {
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 86 , 118 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 38 , 8 ) ;
-        Text [ en-US ] = "~Start" ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-    };
-    Edit ED_CONT_FROM
-    {
-        HelpID = "sw:Edit:TP_ENDNOTEOPTION:ED_CONT_FROM";
-        Border = TRUE ;
-        Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 137 , 116 ) ;
-        Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 114 , 12 ) ;
-        TabStop = TRUE ;
-        Left = TRUE ;
-        MaxTextLength = 30 ;
-    };
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/misc/impfnote.hxx b/sw/source/ui/misc/impfnote.hxx
index 8b6699f..81bcdf4 100644
--- a/sw/source/ui/misc/impfnote.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/ui/misc/impfnote.hxx
@@ -39,38 +39,27 @@ class SwWrtShell;
 class SwEndNoteOptionPage : public SfxTabPage
-    FixedLine       aNumFL;
-    FixedText       aNumTypeFT;
-    SwNumberingTypeListBox   aNumViewBox;
-    FixedText       aOffsetLbl;
-    NumericField    aOffsetFld;
-    FixedText       aNumCountFT;
-    ListBox         aNumCountBox;
-    FixedText       aPrefixFT;
-    Edit            aPrefixED;
-    FixedText       aSuffixFT;
-    Edit            aSuffixED;
-    FixedText       aPosFT;
-    RadioButton     aPosPageBox;
-    RadioButton     aPosChapterBox;
-    FixedLine        aTemplFL;
-    FixedText       aParaTemplLbl;
-    ListBox         aParaTemplBox;
-    FixedText       aPageTemplLbl;
-    ListBox         aPageTemplBox;
-    FixedLine        aCharTemplFL;
-    FixedText       aFtnCharAnchorTemplLbl;
-    ListBox         aFtnCharAnchorTemplBox;
-    FixedText       aFtnCharTextTemplLbl;
-    ListBox         aFtnCharTextTemplBox;
-    FixedLine aContFL;
-    FixedText aContLbl;
-    Edit aContEdit;
-    FixedText aContFromLbl;
-    Edit aContFromEdit;
+    SwNumberingTypeListBox* m_pNumViewBox;
+    FixedText* m_pOffsetLbl;
+    NumericField* m_pOffsetFld;
+    ListBox* m_pNumCountBox;
+    Edit* m_pPrefixED;
+    Edit* m_pSuffixED;
+    FixedText* m_pPosFT;
+    RadioButton* m_pPosPageBox;
+    RadioButton* m_pPosChapterBox;
+    VclContainer *m_pStylesContainer;
+    ListBox* m_pParaTemplBox;
+    FixedText* m_pPageTemplLbl;
+    ListBox* m_pPageTemplBox;
+    ListBox* m_pFtnCharAnchorTemplBox;
+    ListBox* m_pFtnCharTextTemplBox;
+    Edit* m_pContEdit;
+    Edit* m_pContFromEdit;
     String aNumDoc;
     String aNumPage;
diff --git a/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/endnotepage.ui b/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/endnotepage.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d5ddf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/uiconfig/swriter/ui/endnotepage.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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+  <object class="GtkAdjustment" id="adjustment1">
+    <property name="lower">1</property>
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+                  <object class="GtkLabel" id="label19">
+                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                    <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">Numbering</property>
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+                    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                    <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">Start at</property>
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+                <child>
+                  <object class="GtkLabel" id="label25">
+                    <property name="visible">True</property>
+                    <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                    <property name="xalign">0</property>
+                    <property name="label" translatable="yes">After</property>
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+                  <object class="GtkSpinButton" id="offsetnf">
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+                    <property name="invisible_char_set">True</property>
+                    <property name="adjustment">adjustment1</property>
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+                    <property name="height">1</property>
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+                <child>
+                  <object class="GtkEntry" id="prefix">
+                    <property name="visible">True</property>
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+                <child>
+                  <object class="GtkEntry" id="suffix">
+                    <property name="visible">True</property>
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+                <child>
+                  <object class="swlo:SwNumberingTypeListBox" id="numberinglb">
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+          <object class="GtkLabel" id="label26">
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+            <property name="label" translatable="yes">Autonumbering</property>
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+              <attribute name="weight" value="bold"/>
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