[Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at suse.com
Thu Sep 20 08:24:09 PDT 2012

* Present:
	+ Astron, Thorsten, Fridrich, Andras, Mitch, Joel,
	  Michael M, Stephan, Kohei, Michael S, Cedric

* Completed Action Items
	+ crediting: can we separate templates in the credits page (Spaetz)
		done: cf. http://www.libreoffice.org/about-us/credits/
		important to: git commit --author='original author<a at b.c>'
	+ gerrit - update docs in wiki (Bjoern)
	+ create new git repository needed for UI stuff 'original-artwork' (Norbert)
		+ needs mirroring to freedesktop

* Pending Action Items
	+ [pending] make bytemark windows box do release builds (Fridrich)
	+ gerrit - patch abandonment can only be done by owner or gerrit admin (Bjoern)
	+ Petr to decide release-schedule / overlap gap issue
	+ change to contract and OSL_TRACE for oob results in OUString::copy (Michael)
	+ get some more HardHacks (Joel)

* Release Engineering update (Fridrich)
	+ 3.5.7 rc1 - September 17th (next Monday)
		+ tagged rc1 on Tuesday, built & announced Wed.
	+ 3.6.2 release
		+ tagging rc2 on Tuesday, like all changes
		  (tripple reviewed) by Monday for testing.
		+ Markus points out he has 5x patches pending for review.
	+ Petr back in two weeks.

* UI / design update (Astron)
	+ current Android remote icon prototype at:
		+ http://ubuntuone.com/3MB2vxkuzrbgdnCwy0hyXx
AI:		+ shrink icon & integrate that into viewer (ahunt?)
	+ Android viewer-app icon also requested
		+ just use the existing LibreOffice icon.
	+ discussed font inclusion
		+ how much size: >5Mb compressed
		+ http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design/Wishlists/Fonts
		+ could exclude some weights to shrink ? ExtraBold ?
		+ could we add a 'compressed size' column ? just use gzip.
		+ uncomfortable distributing Ubuntu trademark branded font
			+ license doesn't allow re-naming with changes

* conference (Thorsten)
	+ speaker notifications have gone out
		+ some co-presenters may have got missed out
		+ notified the main authors, poke co-presenters if in doubt
**	+ all attendees - need to go through registration **
		+ deadline October the 8th
		+ necessary since hosted in a German Federal Ministry
	+ registration fee: Eur 10
		+ designed to avoid people signing up & us creating
		  T-shirts etc. and then them not arriving => waste.
		+ you get some super swag for this: to be announced later.
		+ if cost is a problem poke the organisers
		+ speakers don't need to pay the fee.


* Persistent tinderbox redness (Michael)
	+ was rather red; no process change but:
	  ucbhelper re-work, libcmis, pivot fix, sdremote,
	  bluetooth re-hash, and many more.

* please keep feature web-page up-to-date:
	+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/3.7
	+ eg. Tibby should add screenshots of Ink Annotation import

* Money offered in bugs (Joel)
	+ concerned about the informality:
	+ no formal pay-to-fix-bugs structure is likely in TDF
	+ in case of concrete payment offers: re-direct to existing
	  consultants / fixers
	+ be nice to have a list of suitable companies to vector to (Joel)
	+ the certification process should provide that in due course (Michael)
	+ not a big issue yet; first time this has been seen.

* Ensuring on-line help is kept up-to-date (Kendy)
	+ discuss next time ? (Kendy in Florida)

* Easy Hacks (Michael)
	+ propose new Topic: TopicFeature
	+ propose new Difficulty: DifficultyHard
AI:	+ add/adapt the wiki page / generation scripts (Bjoern)

* QA update (Joel)
	+ evangelising in the #libreoffice IRC channel to encourage
	  new people to do triage:
	+ trying to get a triage event together:
		+ E-mail Joel with your availability to get involved.
		+ just 'confirming' bugs, not getting backtraces etc.
	+ worth poking the users@ lists.

	Hard Hacks:
      ID      OS      Component - Summary

      48692   All     Writer       TABLES: Writer corrupts large tables
AI:		+ an eager victim for this one (Cedric)
			+ currently reviewing some nice table import patches.
      49819   All     Writer/docx  FILEOPEN error when loading a particular .docx file.
AI:		+ seeing quite a lot of unusual / similar .docx files causing crash (mmeeks)
      48366   All     Calc/xlsx    FILEOPEN for particular .xlsx impossible, "General Error"
AI:		+ opens fine in master, crashes in libreoffice-3-6 (Kohei)
      44278   All     Writer/odt   FILESAVE .docx (MSO2007) as .odt creates duplicated picture
AI:		+ already working in this area (Cedric / Miklos)
      51023   All     Impress      Drag-and-drop slide always moves slide to first position,
                                   leading to data corruption and sometimes CRASH
		+ some volunteer (?)

	Older Hard Hacks:

      34548   All     Presentation - EDITING: CRASH in action after Undo
		+ prototype hack-around from Michael M awaiting feedback
		+ the problem looks hideous.
      33302   Mac     Libreoffice - FILEOPEN/EDITING RTL text: parentheses and
                       brackets "(...) [...]" inverted to ")...( ]...["
                       with some fonts
		+ Mac volunteers appreciated.

* Open 3.7 MAB / regressions [ there should be none ]:
    + bug 54225 - MAILMERGE e-mail as PDF sends damaged documents
    + bug 54744 - Hybrid PDF export are corrupted
		+ both PDF related.
AI:		+ have a quick look (Stephan)
    + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54157

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
    + 45 (of 132) older 44/127 39/119 27/96 26/91 21/80 11/58 12/55 11/48 8/42
          34%            35%     33%   28%   29%   26%   19%   22%   23%   19%
    + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=44446&hide_resolved=1

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
    + 83 open (of 279) older 80/270 81/269 73/258 73/257 76/256 75/253 77/253
          30%                 30%    30%    26%    28%    30%     30%    30%
    + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=37361&hide_resolved=1

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 167(+1) bugs open of 800(+12) total

    * ~Component   count net *
    + Writer       - 73 (+4) .
    + Crashes      - 17 (+1) .
    + Presentation - 17 (-1) .
    + Database     - 14 (+0) .
    + Drawing      - 13 (+0) .
    + LibreOffice  - 13 (-1) .
    + Borders      - 11 (+0) .
    + Migration    - 9  (-2) .
    + Spreadsheet  - 8  (-2) .
    + Writer / RTF - 3  (+1) .
    + Basic        - 2  (-1) .

    + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=regression%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&resolution=---&query_format=advanced&product=LibreOffice&list_id=36764
    + Migration tracker: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43489

michael.meeks at suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
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