[Libreoffice-qa] Recruiting Tactics

Sophie gautier.sophie at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 00:57:37 PDT 2015

Hi Joel,
Le 29/07/2015 19:36, Joel Madero a écrit :
> Hi All -
> So bug count is climbing again so I'm curious if people have any
> suggestions as to recruiting tactics. Our numbers went way way way down
> because of the incredibly hard work of lots of QA members, those members
> are still doing great work but their time is being divided a bit more so .
> . . we see bug numbers climbing. It is an ongoing battle to keep these
> under control.
> That being said - what are some suggestions as to recruiting? If we could
> try to add 2-3 people a month I think we would be in great shape. A couple
> suggestions that I have:
> 1) Go to the user list again - we tend to get push back from some members
> of user list who don't appreciate "solicitation" in the user forums...but,
> maybe?

I think it's a good idea, even if some members don't like it.
> 2) Poke other contributor lists to see if people are being "underutilized"
> - I know for instance that Documentation team is pretty strong but there
> are down times....we risk pissing off other teams for poaching but if
> members are being underutilized than...I see no problem encouraging them to
> contribute in QA *as well* as their "original team";

I'm not sure if the documentation team has down time, they have to
update the guides for each version and for some of them, also translate
them. Same for l10n, when they don't work on LibreOffice, they work on
other open source software projects.
> 3) Leaving a footer of some kind on first contact with bug reporters that
> invites them into the QA chat (with the URL to the web client) - just say
> something like "if you want to come visit QA land, we're happy to talk."

good idea :)
Maybe also organize more live sessions like the BH but dedicated to new
comers. Something like "Come on Tuesday, from 4 to 6 PM on irc, we will
have a live triaging session with mentors available" and reactivate the
bot that gives you a random bug url to test it with the new comer.

Sophie Gautier sophie.gautier at documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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