<P>Do kindly allow me crave your indulgence in introducing myself to you, I go by the name Mrs. Vanessa Khalid a British Citizen, I''m a 59 years old widow diagnosed of cancer.</P>
<P>I was lawfully married to Late Engineer Osman Khalid, who naturally died after a brief illness, Our life together as Husband and wife lasted for thirty years without a child and due to our helpless state of childlessness, I decided to adopt little Elizabeth and Diana some years<BR>ago after the death of my husband because I actually needed some one around to show motherly love and care, they will both clock 5 and 7 this year and are doing pretty well in their studies because I have made them a Trust-Fund that will be more than enough to see them through in school and thus secure them a very bright future. I feel so fulfilled each time they both call me "mum", how nice...</P>
<P>In anticipation of this tragic and quite unfortunate reality that has befallen a widow like myself with weeks to live due to the Cancer, I have decided to make a selfless donation of the entire funds derived from my<BR>late husband’s vast estates and investments in capital market to you and I want you to use this gift of Good-Will which comes from my husbands effort to fund the upkeep of widows, widowers, orphans, destitute, the<BR>down-trodden, physically challenged children, barren-women and persons who prove to be genuinely handicapped financially.</P>
<P>My Account officer at the Bank recently estimated the funds to have reached an approximated sum of twelve million Great British Pounds (£12,000,000.00).</P>
<P>You are to immediately get back across to me for further details to receive the Twelve Million Pounds (£12,000,000.00).</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Kindest Regards,<BR>Mrs. Vanessa Khalid.</P></BODY></HTML>