<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><META name="Author" content="Novell GroupWise WebAccess"></head><body style='font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; '>Hi Sophie,<br><br>I agree with your point that the localization is important, while the function<br>and working process a tool is able to provide is also critical to meet our<br>goal, isn't it? :) Moztrap takes more advantage in the latter and it has an<br>activated development team. That's why I still believe it is worthy a bit of<br>thinking how to workaround the l10n solution in Moztrap.<br><br>If you are doing some research for some other tools or methods, I'll certainly<br>be here to support when a potential better tool or method appears in front of<br>us :)<br><br>Let me go back a bit to Moztrap. As I ever mentioned two types of localization<br>need to be concern:<br><br> 1. UI localization of Moztrap buttons, navigators etc.<br><br> 2. Test case l10n that allows people to translate existing test cases,<br> according to with testers will be able to understand them.<br><br>The 1st point tightly depends on upstream framework update, I might be able to<br>help out to implement it in future if we reach common sense with upstream. But<br>it seems less important than the second one, I remember we used Litmus either<br>without this before?<br><br>I guess the 2nd point is more emergent in our situation since the content of<br>test cases should be standing understandable and suitable for language<br>specific function coverage. Then people can immediately start to test without<br>knowing much English. Noticed from the last mail, 2 workarounds come to my<br>mind:<br><br> 1. we do similar things what we did in Litmus that put all language<br> versions test case into a single one by mixed manner.<br><br> 2. translate the test case in wiki and give the link back to Moztrap<br><br>Now I am expanding more about the first workaround. Through the split "Step"<br>concept in Moztrap together with a nice feature I just found that test case<br>steps/expected pair is "Markdown" syntax supported<br>(http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#list), a new<br>idea comes to my mind that it is possible we use the "Steps" to distinguish<br>various language version of a test case. Here is what it possibly looks like<br>the demo:<br><br> http://vm12.documentfoundation.org/runtests/run/21/env/631/<br><br>Concretely, for one particular language, we may put a real life test case<br>steps and expected results into one single row of Moztrap step/expected<br>box. Each Moztrap step would represent a full description of the detailed test<br>content in one language.<br><br>For creating a readable format of each steps, we can use pretty simple<br>Markdown language. Basically the content in the demo was populated in the text<br>(with a bit markdown rules) as:<br><br>-------------------------------><--------------------------------------------<br>Test that creating a new database - case 1<br><br> When in English<br> ===============<br> * launch Libreoffice Base (vp1)<br> * enter a name for the database in the dialog box and click OK (vp4)<br> Then in English<br> ===============<br> 1. the database application appears, the database wizard opens<br> 2. the dialog for "save and proceed" appears<br><br> When in French<br> ==============<br> * lancement LibreOffice Base (vp1)<br> * cochez la case [Créer une base de données], puis cliquez sur le bouton Suivant. (vp2)<br> Then in French<br> ==============<br> 1. l'application de base de données apparaît, l'assistant base de données s'ouvre<br> 2. la boîte de dialogue pour "sauvegarder et passer" apparaît<br><br>Test that creating a new database - case 2<br><br> When in English<br> ===============<br> ..<br> <br> Then in English<br> ===============<br> ..<br><br> When in French<br> ==============<br> ..<br> <br> Then in French<br> ==============<br> ..<br>-------------------------------><--------------------------------------------<br><br>In addition, for more concept of Moztrap, the official manual is helpful:<br><br> http://moztrap.readthedocs.org/en/1.0.X/userguide/index.html<br><br>Also I am on my way updating Moztrap wiki pages this week:<br><br> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Moztrap<br> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Moztrap/Moztrap_User_Guide<br><br>Would you let me know how do you think about these? <br><br>Best wishes,<br>Yifan<br><br>On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 02:55:31PM +0200, Sophie Gautier wrote:<br>> Hi Yifan,<br>> <br>> On 13/08/2012 12:08, Yifan Jiang wrote:<br>> >Hi Sophie,<br>> ><br>> >On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 11:14:34AM +0200, Sophie Gautier wrote:<br>> >>Hi all, Yifan,<br>> >><br>> >>So after a long time (sorry for this long absence), I would like to<br>> >>come back to Moztrap and try to help to test it.<br>> ><br>> >Welcome back :) Please let me know if you got problem of registration.<br>> ><br>> >>My first question, the most important for us, is there now a<br>> >>possibility of localization for :<br>> >>- the tests<br>> >>- the environment<br>> >> From what I see on the todo list Yifan has written long ago the point :<br>> >> 5. Look into i18n and l10n of Moztrap, we need translation system<br>> >>for both test cases and Moztrap UI.<br>> >>Does it mean that it's possible, or does it mean it's not yet<br>> >>possible or that we need to find/define a translation process?<br>> ><br>> >I ever had a talk with the Moztrap developers and it seems neither of the<br>> >localization plans has been on the rador yet :( It needs some deep hacking of<br>> >the code if we want to do that particularly to Libreoffice. So it is not easy<br>> >to handle the localization in Moztrap yet.<br>> ><br>> >One way to workaround is to mix localized wording of test cases into the<br>> >existing English ones, as what we did for Litmus. But it is rather time<br>> >consuming to translate and maintain, because Moztrap split test cases into<br>> >steps. With this method, we need to *manually* maintain translation for each<br>> >test steps and their corresponding expected results. Besides, for some of the<br>> >test cases, localized version might not share exact steps with the English<br>> >version. So I did not put anything localized to the Moztrap test case base<br>> >yet.<br>> ><br>> >I feel it is possibly better to maintain translation version of test cases in<br>> >a different data set, either by hacking the existing Moztrap database or<br>> >putting the translation for test cases to somewhere else like wiki, then<br>> >manually put the link back to Moztrap original English test case.<br>> ><br>> >Any way, we currently really need more people to get involved, try Moztrap,<br>> >make contribution and share ideas :)<br>> ><br>> >One question is can we termporarily survive with pure English wording test<br>> >cases, though they are allowed to choose running under any localizations?<br>> <br>> I didn't replied yesterday because I wanted to think more about it.<br>> I feel that investing work (and you already have invested a good<br>> amount of work on it) in a tool dedicated to tests for average users<br>> in the language communities that is not localizable (or with lot of<br>> difficulties) is a waste of time. We will miss our goal and take the<br>> risk to provide one more tool (after Litmus) that is not suitable to<br>> the people wanting to contribute and will discourage them.<br>> ><br>> >>My second question: is there a possibility to store sample documents<br>> >>on Moztrap.<br>> ><br>> >Yes, one of the moztrap's nice feature is attachement support per test case :)<br>> <br>> that's a good point, but unfortunately less important that localization.<br>> Thanks for your quick answer, I will continue to seek a solution for<br>> these manual tests in all languages.<br>> <br>> Kind regards<br>> Sophie<br>> <br><br>-- <br> Yifan Jiang<br> Libreoffice / SuSE<br> Contact: yifan - irc.freenode.net/libreoffice<br> ============================================= <br> http://www.libreoffice.org/<br> http://www.documentfoundation.org/<br><br><br></body></html>