<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><META name="Author" content="Novell GroupWise WebAccess"></head><body style='font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; '>Dear all,<br><br>About the annoying login CSRF issue (nearly everyone has experienced), <br>it seems gone after some tuning of the Caching method of Moztrap today. <br>Would you help to have a try. I tested it myself in the latest Firefox <br>and Chrome with cheerful login path :)<br><br>To test it:<br><br>1. logout and login with native user/pwd -> you should not see the csrf error<br>2. logout and login with your Persona -> you should not see the csrf error<br>3. register a new user with the native registration form -> you should not see the CSRF error whenever in the process of registration<br> http://vm12.documentfoundation.org/users/register/<br>4. try to reset the password -> you should not see the CSRF error whenever in the process of resetting password<br><br>Finally, just let me leave a tech-note here of what I did (basically it's all about to use a memcached backend):<br><br> 1. install memchached and related bindings instead of anything else :)<br><br> memcached<br> libmemcached-dev<br> pylibmc<br> python-pylibmc<br><br> 2. enable the memcached backend in Moztrap in settings/local.py:<br><br> CACHES = {<br> "default": {<br> "BACKEND": 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',<br> "LOCATION": "vm12.documentfoundation.org:11211",<br> }<br> }<br><br> The tokens now should be cached reliably now.<br><br>Best wishes,<br>Yifan<br></body></html>