<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><META name="Author" content="Novell GroupWise WebAccess"></head><body style='font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color: #FFFFFF;'>Hi Lucian,<br><br>Many thanks to summarize the cases. Unfortunately I couldn't merge them into<br>Moztrap immediately because of some urgent works these days. I'll have a<br>review later and look forward arranging to populate them to Moztrap this or<br>next week. I'll let you know if this is done, your monitoring of the progress<br>will be also appreciated :) Besides I am glad if we can work together for<br>that! Thanks again for coordinating this in Romania :)<br><br>Best wishes,<br>Yifan<br><br>On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 03:00:32AM +0200, oprea.luci@gmail.com wrote:<br>> Hi,<br>> <br>> I could not type anything into MozTrap because I focused on<br>> coordinating activities in Romania - http://tableta.ceata.org/p/Maraton_de_testare_de_LibreOffice_4.0_la_Ceata<br>> But for those who want to test may use and populate the files<br>> available online at<br>> <br>> * Test LibreOffice Launcher -<br>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdEhwOWJ5WkprLW90T09RZWw1ZkFBSkE#gid=0<br>> * Test Writer LibreOffice -<br>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdDliQV9YQjhiWFFrTW53SDhqUWVZbVE#gid=0<br>> * Test Calc LibreOffice -<br>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdE0xRllDNGd1QWpOR25tZnk2UkI2aFE#gid=0<br>> * Test Impress LibreOffice -<br>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdGdtb2h1V0Z5U2lXS29mMEQyaXIxdGc#gid=0<br>> * Test LibreOffice Base -<br>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdEpOQXViNW9leVBjeEZjc09TUTlCZlE#gid=0<br>> * Test LibreOffice Math -<br>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdC1RcWROZnZkbS02VjNFbzN6cExhUGc#gid=0<br>> * Test LIbreOffice other -<br>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdEtKYjkzcW5Ua2lvVmJxLVp1TU9JOXc#gid=0<br>> <br>> and obtained scenarios will be introduced in future tests MozTrap.<br>> <br>> If you agree, should be popularized these links. I will monitor the work.<br>> <br>> Lucian,<br>> <br>> -----------------<br>> Lucian Oprea<br>> Telefon: 0745 592602<br>> Comunitatea openSUSE Romania - http://suseromania.ro<br>> Comunitatea LibreOffice Romania - http://libreoffice.ro<br>> <br>> Pe 13.12.2012 04:50, Yi Fan Jiang a scris:<br>> >Hi Lucian,<br>> ><br>> >On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 03:17:10AM +0200, oprea.luci@gmail.com wrote:<br>> >> Hi Yifan,<br>> >><br>> >> In MozTrap seems easy to work (there are a few things you need to<br>> >> understand).<br>> ><br>> >It's wonderful you feel it is easy to work with :)<br>> ><br>> >> Until then, we have created here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdEhwOWJ5WkprLW90T09RZWw1ZkFBSkE<br>> >> # gid = 0 several test scenarios (we went from something I found on<br>> >> the wiki).<br>> >> I think we created enough test scenariosfor Luncher LibreOffice .<br>> >> Please see and bring observations if necessary.<br>> ><br>> >Thanks, they look good, and I guess many items were covered by<br>> >existed Moztrap<br>> >test cases.<br>> ><br>> >I saw a bunch of different launch scenario, which is nice. But in<br>> >Moztrap they<br>> >could be classified to be 2-3 test cases for easy and neat<br>> >navigating, then<br>> >detaching each of the rows in the gdocs to different steps in a<br>> >Moztrap test<br>> >case.<br>> ><br>> >> Unfortunately, it's a lot of work and time does not allow me to<br>> >> complete this work in a few days alone.<br>> ><br>> >The first step merging of these test cases to Moztrap need not to be<br>> >perfect. Please feel free to copy and paste. I really hope<br>> >you can smoothly try to employ Moztrap as much as possible this time.<br>> ><br>> >The only 2 tiny problems need to be concern are avoiding<br>> >duplication and merging<br>> >some rows of cases with similar "subjects" to one single test case.<br>> ><br>> >Meanwhile, we will definitely find a way to work this out before<br>> >16 Dec :) How<br>> >about point the QA people to Moztrap, which simply having a 4.0<br>> >testing run<br>> >based on existed cases. Together referring to your gdoc link for further<br>> >testing. In that case, QA may naturally filter out those<br>> >duplicated ones at<br>> >this time.<br>> ><br>> >Nice things of adapting Moztrap for manual testing benifits to all<br>> >of people<br>> >is we can share the testing results among each other, the bugs<br>> >found can be<br>> >attached to a test case, more over no duplication effort will be<br>> >conducted in<br>> >Moztrap. And more ...<br>> ><br>> >> Propose that future TDF to support a group of tests to ensure the<br>> >> quality LibreOffice. I'd be happy to take care of this activity.<br>> ><br>> >It would be great if you are gonna be part of this!<br>> ><br>> >Best wishes,<br>> >Yifan<br>> ><br>> <br><br>-- <br> Yifan Jiang<br> Libreoffice / SUSE<br> Contact: yifan - irc.freenode.net/libreoffice<br> ============================================= <br> http://www.libreoffice.org/<br> http://www.documentfoundation.org/<br><br><br> </body></html>