El 20/10/13 17:49, Pedro [via Document Foundation Mail Archive] escribió:
<div class='shrinkable-quote'><br/>> Hola Miguel Ángel
<br/>> mariosv wrote
<br/>> but except the one with last build and the current/ are all empty.
<br/>> "current" is a link to the latest valid build (in this case from the 16th).
<br/>> It's not a real folder and that is why it is never empty (unless all
<br/>> other daily builds have been deleted) :)
<br/>> You forgot to mention that you are referring to Tinderbox #39.
<br/>> All other Windows tinderboxes for the Master branch are either empty or
<br/>> the builds are even older than that.
<br/>> Best regards,
<br/>> Pedro
</div><br/>Thanks for delving into the details.
<br/>Miguel Ángel.
<br/><hr align="left" width="300" />
View this message in context: <a href="http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Windows-builds-last-2013-10-16-tp4078857p4078883.html">Re: Windows builds (last 2013-10-16)</a><br/>
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