<br/>> printing a spreadsheet with computations on decimal numbers,
<br/>> produces always a data loss because numbers are rounded. But you do not
<br/>> loss any data in your spreadsheet, only on the paper. Printing acts as a
<br/>> filter, it keeps some data and leaves out some others. You must manage
<br/>> that.
<br/><br/>This bug is a different thing with decimal. The big problem is, what you
<br/>see on screen is much different from what you get on print.
<br/><br/>At a IT professional's point of view, this can be managed by merging
<br/>cells, using an earlier version of LO when print, etc.
<br/><br/>But, at a normal user's point of view, this is disaster and may keep him
<br/>avoid using LO.
<br/> * One may have many spreadsheets created by earlier versions of LO
<br/>which contains many long text flowing outside cells (just like me). When
<br/>upgrade to 4.2, he has to "manage" this when printing. Think about the
<br/>situation when your boss want you to print some spreadsheets and he need
<br/>the papers in 10 minutes, what will you do? Keep in mind that this
<br/>situation is true everyday in the office.
<br/> * All office suites, including MSO, WPS, Apache OpenOffice, and
<br/>LibreOffice, they all have out-flowed text when the next cell is blank,
<br/>and what one see on screen is what we see on paper.
<br/> * I am sure 50%+ of the daily users need to export their
<br/>spreadsheets to PDF, or print them on paper, or just print preview to
<br/>see what they look like, before sending to others.
<br/><br/>For me, I will not upgrade to 4.2 unless this bug is fixed. But how
<br/>about for those who are not aware of this behaviour?
<br/>Even if this is not a blocker, in the release notes their should be no
<br/>words like "this release if ready for daily use", or "recommend to upgrade".
<br/><hr align="left" width="300" />
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