[Libreoffice-ux-advise] drawing toolbar interactions

Christoph Noack christoph at dogmatux.com
Fri Jul 22 13:31:19 PDT 2011

Hi all!

Am Freitag, den 22.07.2011, 18:10 +0200 schrieb Astron:
> Regina in reply to Christoph:
> > The status bar in Draw is unsuitable, because it is already so full
> with the
> > drawing information (which I don't want to miss), that there is not
> space
> > enough for an additional word.
> I agree with this. I actually got the impression that our long term
> goal would be to unclutter the status bar (this was a proposal for
> GSoC). Seeing the exact position and size of the current drawing
> object is imho more important than signalling that LibO is in "drawing
> mode". 

Who said that the text will be added next to the already existing
information? ;-)

To be honest, there are several status changes when users are drawing
items - and that provides us a chance to use these status changes to
think about the usefulness of the given information. For example (just
      * user just selected the drawing mode --> "drawing mode
      * user is drawing the item --> size and position information
      * user has finished drawing the item --> "drawing mode
      * user switches back to selection mode --> behavior like today

As said, just thoughts - but I'm convinced that we can unclutter the
status bar and make it more usable at the same time. At the end, we need
similar behavior for Caxcel (the Excel-fied Calc) and other mode
changes. That's what the status bar is for - usually.


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