[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Proposed changes

Alex Thurgood alex.thurgood at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 09:31:29 PST 2012

Le 05/12/2012 17:34, Cedric Bosdonnat a écrit :

Hi Cedric,

> Could you help me see what you mean for the transparency preview
> problem?

I'll make some PNG screenshots to show you. Where should I put them, or
should I send them to you directly ?

> For the ESC to quit the dialog, don't worry, this is a bug I need to
> fix: not by design.

Ah OK, a nice "Cancel" button would be good ;-)

> Well, I'm not sure I can improve that and I have no MacOS X to
> understand what you mean.

IMHO it might currently be too difficult/impossible to satisfy the Mac
UI IHM guidelines with our current vcl/aqua implementation :


> Hum, Glade is there only to create XML files we can parse to replace the
> old SRC files. At least now, we have a visual editor and can get rid of
> the old absolute-positions layout.

Yes, and I agree that this is a far more rational and quicker way of
designing dialogs than having to hardcode the positions "blindfold" and
then try and compile the whole app just to find out that you got twips
and pixels mixed up :-))


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