[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Full customization of LibreOffice

Daniel Mania daniel.mania at umb.no
Sun May 6 05:24:23 PDT 2012

Here is another suggestion ... this time less difficult to implement.

One thing that has been bothering me for some time now is that LibreOffice is not giving me enough freedom to customize everything I want to.

Users can create their own document templates, but we cannot create templates for charts or other objects. Defaults can be customized in LibreOffice, but the possibilities are very limited. The only thing I could find was options for charts and here only the colour table can be modified. But what about all the other options? Why not set the line width to 0.05 cm by default, instead of 0.08 cm? Why not set XY-plots with points and lines as default? Why not set a certain colour for rectangles or ellipses as default?

Another thing is a general lack of options for several features. A current issue of mine in Calc is "paste copied cells by pressing enter" which is probably helpful for some people, but incredibly annoying for people that use enter to edit cells. Shouldn't there be an option to turn this "paste-behaviour" on and off?

I only mentioned things that concern me personally, but the list of options could be expanded to make everyone happy. The current list of options should be more extensive but a lot of options could be hidden in an "advanced" dialog to not scare away users who don't need all customizations.


PS: If anyone knows how to change some of the mentioned things without programming knowledge, please tell me! Editing XML or similar files to change LibreOffice's default behaviour is not the best solution but I'd prefer it over nothing ... and I'd even dive into slightly more difficult things if pointed into the right direction ...

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