Hi<br>I am a heavy style user in LibreOffice and I use them to format all documents I write, present or calculate.<br><br>I miss a 4th option on the context menu of a style (in the stylist window, select a style and right-button click on it) for style duplication. The exiting options are<br>
New<br>Modify<br>Delete<br><br>Can we get "Duplicate" and the new style name be "Copy of xyz"? All xyz attributes get copied in the new style. <br><br>The objective is that in creating a copy of the style we expect to modify only a few attributes and keep the remaining as the original.<br>
<br>Another option is to have a 6th or 7th button in the style dialog to create the style dup.<br><br>Thanks<br>-- <br>Olivier Hallot<br>Founder and Steering Commitee Member<br>The Document Foundation<br><br>