[Libreoffice] Java build problem identified?

Wols Lists antlists at youngman.org.uk
Sun Dec 5 07:16:13 PST 2010

On 05/12/10 14:28, Wols Lists wrote:
> On 05/12/10 11:26, Caolán McNamara wrote:
>> On Sat, 2010-12-04 at 16:07 -0600, Norbert Thiebaud wrote:
>>> I had to add --with-jdk-home=/opt/sun-jdk-
>>> to my gentoo build.
>> Hmm, I wonder.
>> If you go to configure.in and change
>> if test "x$with_jdk_home" = "x" -a "$_gij_longver" -ge "40200"; then
>> to
>> if test "x$with_jdk_home" = "x"; then
>> and re-run configure without any --with-jdk-home does it then work. And
>> if it does not work, there should at least now be a findhome.class
>> generated by configure. What's the output of java findhome in that
>> case ?
> No luck, it's not working. And what's findhome.class supposed to be? A
> file in the directory? Not there, I'm afraid :-(
> Anyways, I now have some more clues to start digging harder :-)
> anthony at ashdown ~/gitstuff/lotest $ whereis javac
> javac: /usr/bin/javac /opt/icedtea6-bin-1.9.1/bin/javac
> anthony at ashdown ~/gitstuff/lotest $
> I'll see what I can come up with, if anyone else can dig too :-)
$JDK = sun, so of course there's no findhome.class, it's bounded by " if
$JDK = gcj ...".

I've got as far as $JAVA_HOME = /usr, which it doesn't like, so I'm now
debugging the sanity check, because I'm guessing this wipes JAVA_HOME
without finding it where it really should ...


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