[Libreoffice] 2nd week development summary

Thorsten Behrens thb at documentfoundation.org
Mon Oct 11 08:32:42 PDT 2010


again a brief summary of what happened the 2nd week on LibreOffice

bugfixes-week-40.txt all commits that reference a proper bug
id (from a variety of trackers - #i... referring to the OpenOffice
issuezilla, fdo# to freedesktop, rhbz# to RedHat bugzilla etc)

commit-log-week-40.txt lists all relevant commits on the actual
source repos (excluding libreoffice/build, which only deals with
build tools currently)

Kohei again provided a nice writeup of his changes, that I quote

* Always save option - This has been touched before when describing 
  the fancy document modified status icon.  Now we have an option to 
  always allow document save even when the document is not "modified".  
  As I said when explaining the fancy document modified icon, this is 
  motivated by the fact that so-called view data don't trigger 
  document modified flag, but often times one wants to save those data 
  with the document, in which case the ability to be able to always 
  save the document becomes very important. (translation)

* Conflict resolution for argument separators - When changing UI 
  locale from, say, English to German, the decimal separator changes 
  from '.' to ','.  This may potentially conflict with the formula 
  separator setting.  With this change, LO will check for potential 
  conflicts when the user clicks OK to dismiss the Options dialog, and 
  optionally resets the formula separator values to the default values 
  for the new locale.  (translation) 

* Distributed alignment - This change allows one to specify 
  'distributed' horizontal alignment and 'justified' and 'distributed' 
  vertical alignments within cells.  This was probably one of the most 
  requested features from the Japanese users especially those who work 
  for the government. (translation)  

* English function name - This introduces an option to use English 
  cell function names instead of the translated names.  This feature 
  is particularly important for Hungarian users.  

* DDE reconnect - the old DDE implementation was very quirky in that, 
  opening and closing a DDE server document a few times would totally 
  disconnect the link with the client document.  Plus it also causes 
  several other side-effects because of the way it accessed the server 
  documents.  The new implementation removes those quirkiness plus 
  enables re-connection of DDE server client pair when the server 
  document is loaded into LO when the client document is already open.  

* External reference rework - External reference handling has been 
  re-worked to make it work within OFFSET function.  In addition, this 
  change allows Calc to read data directly from documents already 
  loaded when possible.  The old implementation would always load from 
  disk even when the document was already loaded.  

Many thanks to all contributors - you make all the difference!

-- Thorsten
-------------- next part --------------
Aurimas Fi?eras: Simply fixes some annoying typos in documentation including OO bug #112563.
Caol?n McNamara: fdo#30472 implement import of alpha channel for RGBA .tiffs
Caol?n McNamara: #i107273# release accessibilty contexts before editengine
Caol?n McNamara: #i107490# cppu lifecycle cleanup
Caol?n McNamara: #i108049 add Lithuanian autocorrect dictionary
Caol?n McNamara: #i109623# fix warnings
Caol?n McNamara: #i111733# fflush on stdin
Caol?n McNamara: #i112111# API test fails caused by property ShowHiddenCharacters
Caol?n McNamara: i#112421# make Presenter Screen default to the laptop, not projector
Caol?n McNamara: #i112508# remove more dead code
Caol?n McNamara: #i112602# use rtl::Static to wrap globals
Caol?n McNamara: #i112681# make bridges match remotebridges
Caol?n McNamara: #i112747# fix ownership cycle in ucb
Caol?n McNamara: #i112783# ownership cycles in unoxml
Caol?n McNamara: #i113054# WaE
Caol?n McNamara: #i113056# fix warning
Caol?n McNamara: #i113069# fix useless dereference
Caol?n McNamara: #i113072# redundant dereferences
Caol?n McNamara: #i113073# redundant dereferences
Caol?n McNamara: #i113141# show all appropiate formats by default on save as
Caol?n McNamara: #i113400# Maths brackets misformed in presentation mode
Caol?n McNamara: #i113503# cppunit stl wrapper headers
Caol?n McNamara: #i113654# these event handler ids need to be a ULONG
Caol?n McNamara: #i113856# sync the window manager fix
Caol?n McNamara: #i113910# fix frame effect around images in cairo on some drivers
Caol?n McNamara: #i113938# printf style formats in c++ stream operation
Caol?n McNamara: #i114148# unused copy of menuoptions.cxx, real one is in svtools
Caol?n McNamara: #i114198# NULL pIndex in SwCallLink::~SwCallLink
Caol?n McNamara: #i114267# remove dead code
Caol?n McNamara: #i114344# WaE
Caol?n McNamara: #i114412# dubious delete in SwCalc::Str2Double
Caol?n McNamara: #i114425# fix a possible dangling reference
Caol?n McNamara: #i114542# valgrind error in dmapper::BorderHandler
Caol?n McNamara: #i114549# valgrind error in lcl_mergeProps
Caol?n McNamara: #i114702# fix an off by one
Caol?n McNamara: #i94007# #i111758# fix RenderBadPicture on multihead setups and cairo
C?dric Bosdonnat: fate#307731, fate#307730: Adds dotted and dashed border lines
C?dric Bosdonnat: fate#307731, fate#307730: Dotted and dashed border types
C?dric Bosdonnat: fdo #30604: Fixed some color problem in RTF export when copy/pasting
C?dric Bosdonnat: fdo #30604: Fixed the RTF tables export in copy/paste
C?dric Bosdonnat: n#532920: Fixed some text position bug in ww8 import
C?dric Bosdonnat: n#532920: Fixed some text position in ww8 import
David Tardon: #i110567# lock SolarMutex before calling Invalidate()
David Tardon: #i111756# copy arguments directly to vector
David Tardon: #i112582# fire focus events from ComboboxToolbarController
David Tardon: #i112597# add display properties to control shapes
David Tardon: #i112795# ignore empty windows when inserting dock
David Tardon: #i112821# system mythes is not used when configured with --with-system-libs
David Tardon: #i113359# avoid possible null pointer dereference
David Tardon: #i113737# implement XMLCodeNameProvider::getElementType
David Tardon: #i113935# missing delete
David Tardon: #i114284#, #i114285# fix build with debugging flags
David Tardon: #i114423# prevent possible use of a ref. to deleted LocaleDataWrapper
David Tardon: #i114426# prevent possible use of a ref. to deleted LocaleDataWrapper
David Tardon: #i114427# prevent possible use of a ref. to deleted LocaleDataWrapper
David Tardon: #i114706# fix adding font aliases
Denis Lackovic: Added Croatian dictionaries #i96705#
Kalman Szalai - KAMI: Draw options window string truncation, Contents page #i113896#
Keith Stribley: fix of underlining problem with Graphite fonts #i114765#
Lubo? Lu??k: Revert "i#112421# make Presenter Screen default to the laptop, not projector"
Petr Mladek: Add back missing #endif into automation/source/testtool/objtest.cxx
Radek Doulik: fix default vertical text alignment and placeholder style, n#645116
Robert Sedak: Added Croatian autocorrection file #i96706#
-------------- next part --------------
Andras Timar: added 1/2, 3/4 and 1/4 symbols to af-ZA, de, en-ZA, mn and pl 
Andras Timar: Added Croatian dictionary extension to scp2
Andras Timar: Added Croatian dictionary extension to setup_native
Andras Timar: Download LinLibertineG tarball
Andras Timar: Introducing Linux Libertine G and Linux Biolinum G fonts
Andras Timar: removed duplicated entries
Andras Timar: removed executable bit
Andras Timar: typo fix
Andras Timar: Updated Croatian hyphenation patterns
Andreas Mantke: comment translation into English
Andreas Mantke: removing of old outcommended source code
Andreas Mantke: Removing old commented out source code
Andreas Mantke: translation of comments to English
Andreas Mantke: Translation of comments to English
Arnaud Versini: This patch resolve the issue 2838 of OOo.
Aurimas Fi?eras: Simply fixes some annoying typos in documentation including OO bug #112563.
Caol?n McNamara: add GetDefaultMonitorNumber back in
Caol?n McNamara: add missing bit
Caol?n McNamara: add some configure options to control external libtextcat and libtextcat data
Caol?n McNamara: add some configure options to control external libtextcat and libtextcat data 
Caol?n McNamara: add virtual dtor, cppcheck warning
Caol?n McNamara: add --with-system-apache-commons to configure.in
Caol?n McNamara: adjust for table::BorderLine2
Caol?n McNamara: all of these compiler checks can go, the result is overridden anyway
Caol?n McNamara: allow building against later pentaho libraries 
Caol?n McNamara: be consistent wrt toolbarmanager with icons in menus
Caol?n McNamara: dangling pointer dereference in SwCalc::Str2Double
Caol?n McNamara: default to just printing the formula itself in math, saves space
Caol?n McNamara: eensgezinswoning replaces eensgezinswoning
Caol?n McNamara: fdo#30472 implement import of alpha channel for RGBA .tiffs
Caol?n McNamara: fix up conflict, merge into configure patch
Caol?n McNamara: fixup show menus in icons
Caol?n McNamara: fix various boost shadow warnings
Caol?n McNamara: fix warning
Caol?n McNamara: gdk_screen_get_monitor_plug_name needs at least 2.14
Caol?n McNamara: #i107273# release accessibilty contexts before editengine
Caol?n McNamara: #i107490# cppu lifecycle cleanup
Caol?n McNamara: #i108049 add Lithuanian autocorrect dictionary
Caol?n McNamara: #i109623# fix warnings
Caol?n McNamara: #i111733# fflush on stdin
Caol?n McNamara: #i112111# API test fails caused by property ShowHiddenCharacters
Caol?n McNamara: i#112421# make Presenter Screen default to the laptop, not projector
Caol?n McNamara: #i112508# remove more dead code
Caol?n McNamara: #i112602# use rtl::Static to wrap globals
Caol?n McNamara: #i112681# make bridges match remotebridges
Caol?n McNamara: #i112747# fix ownership cycle in ucb
Caol?n McNamara: #i112783# ownership cycles in unoxml
Caol?n McNamara: #i113054# WaE
Caol?n McNamara: #i113056# fix warning
Caol?n McNamara: #i113069# fix useless dereference
Caol?n McNamara: #i113072# redundant dereferences
Caol?n McNamara: #i113073# redundant dereferences
Caol?n McNamara: #i113076# missing includes in configure test
Caol?n McNamara: #i113141# show all appropiate formats by default on save as
Caol?n McNamara: #i113400# Maths brackets misformed in presentation mode
Caol?n McNamara: #i113503# cppunit stl wrapper headers
Caol?n McNamara: #i113654# these event handler ids need to be a ULONG
Caol?n McNamara: #i113856# sync the window manager fix
Caol?n McNamara: #i113910# fix frame effect around images in cairo on some drivers
Caol?n McNamara: #i113938# printf style formats in c++ stream operation
Caol?n McNamara: #i114148# unused copy of menuoptions.cxx, real one is in svtools
Caol?n McNamara: #i114198# NULL pIndex in SwCallLink::~SwCallLink
Caol?n McNamara: #i114267# remove dead code
Caol?n McNamara: #i114344# WaE
Caol?n McNamara: #i114412# dubious delete in SwCalc::Str2Double
Caol?n McNamara: #i114425# fix a possible dangling reference
Caol?n McNamara: #i114542# valgrind error in dmapper::BorderHandler
Caol?n McNamara: #i114549# valgrind error in lcl_mergeProps
Caol?n McNamara: #i114702# fix an off by one
Caol?n McNamara: #i144667#: add missing include
Caol?n McNamara: #i94007# #i111758# fix RenderBadPicture on multihead setups and cairo
Caol?n McNamara: idlcpp uses memcpy on overlapping areas
Caol?n McNamara: libebook-1.2.so SONAME bumped again
Caol?n McNamara: overly const
Caol?n McNamara: silence this annoying warning
Caol?n McNamara: silence warning
Caol?n McNamara: silence warnings
Caol?n McNamara: turn off NumberRecognition in writer, its surprising behaviour
Caol?n McNamara: use radio buttons for mutually excusive menu options
Caol?n McNamara: use rtl::ByteSequence instead of Sequence
Caol?n McNamara: vos/socket.hxx was removed, don't include it anymore
Caol?n McNamara: we see stacktraces with this NULL sometimes :-(
C?dric Bosdonnat: Dotted - dashed borders: Fix build breakage in svx
C?dric Bosdonnat: dotted/dashed borders: some other BorderLine creation removal
C?dric Bosdonnat: Dotted, dashed lines ODT import fixed
C?dric Bosdonnat: fate#307731, fate#307730: Adds dotted and dashed border lines
C?dric Bosdonnat: fate#307731, fate#307730: Dotted and dashed border types
C?dric Bosdonnat: fdo #30604: Fixed some color problem in RTF export when copy/pasting
C?dric Bosdonnat: fdo #30604: Fixed the RTF tables export in copy/paste
C?dric Bosdonnat: Misc improvements for docx VML import
C?dric Bosdonnat: n#532920: Fixed some text position bug in ww8 import
C?dric Bosdonnat: n#532920: Fixed some text position in ww8 import
C?dric Bosdonnat: Remove the old RTF export code: not even built
C?dric Bosdonnat: RTF export: fixed a bug in table export
Christian Lohmaier: Make Darwin platform detection more error resilient
David Tardon: #i110567# lock SolarMutex before calling Invalidate()
David Tardon: #i111756# copy arguments directly to vector
David Tardon: #i112582# fire focus events from ComboboxToolbarController
David Tardon: #i112597# add display properties to control shapes
David Tardon: #i112795# ignore empty windows when inserting dock
David Tardon: #i112821# system mythes is not used when configured with --with-system-libs
David Tardon: #i113359# avoid possible null pointer dereference
David Tardon: #i113737# implement XMLCodeNameProvider::getElementType
David Tardon: #i113935# missing delete
David Tardon: #i114284#, #i114285# fix build with debugging flags
David Tardon: #i114423# prevent possible use of a ref. to deleted LocaleDataWrapper
David Tardon: #i114426# prevent possible use of a ref. to deleted LocaleDataWrapper
David Tardon: #i114427# prevent possible use of a ref. to deleted LocaleDataWrapper
David Tardon: #i114706# fix adding font aliases
David Tardon: include redland.h instead of librdf.h
David Tardon: prevent possible use of a ref. to deleted LocaleDataWrapper
David Tardon: remove duplicate includes
David Tardon: remove more commented out #includes and related comments
David Tardon: Revert "use system libtextcat with --with-system-libs"
David Tardon: set REDLAND_CFLAGS for system redland.
David Tardon: use system libtextcat with --with-system-libs
Denis Lackovic: Added Croatian dictionaries #i96705#
Fong Lin: Port of Lotus Word Pro filter, by Fong Lin and Noel Power
Fridrich ?trba: Allow installing from command-line even on Windows 7 
Fridrich ?trba: Allow using --with-poor-help-localizations=ALL
Fridrich ?trba: Create openofficeall and openofficedevall dmake targets
Fridrich ?trba: Don't bother about Win9x and WinMe
Fridrich ?trba: Don't require that vcredist*.exe be executable
Fridrich ?trba: Expand the list of problematic msitrans.exe
Fridrich ?trba: Fix boost build 
Fridrich ?trba: Fix smoketests with new LibreOffice directories
Fridrich ?trba: LO -> LibO
Fridrich ?trba: Look for LibreOffice and not OpenOffice.org from java 
Fridrich ?trba: Put the resulting packages into LibreOffice and not OpenOffice directories
Fridrich ?trba: Removing 'by' and modifying 'hi-IN' to 'hi'
Fridrich ?trba: rtl/ustring does not exist, careful with inplace editing
Fridrich ?trba: The short version LibO looks like what community desires
Fridrich ?trba: Use lzma which provides better compression
Fridrich ?trba: win32-multi-lang-installer-update-xml-filename.diff: migrate
Harri Pitk?nen: [cppcheck] closes a file that would be left open if memory allocation fails
Jacek Wolszczak: replace DBG_ASSERT with OSL equivalents
Jan Holesovsky: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/bootstrap
Jan Holesovsky: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/components
Jan Holesovsky: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/extensions
Jan Holesovsky: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/impress
Jan Holesovsky: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/libs-core
Jan Holesovsky: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/libs-extern
Jan Holesovsky: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/libs-gui
Jan Holesovsky: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/testing
Jan Holesovsky: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/ure
Jan Holesovsky: Merge commit 'ooo/OOO330_m9'
Jan Holesovsky: Merge commit 'ooo/OOO330_m9' 
Jan Holesovsky: Remove also the install/ subdir during make clean.
Jes?s Corrius: Detect the correct .NET Framework for Visual Studio 2008
jgraeme: A patch to remove some unused directives.
J. Graeme Lingard: Remove commented out #include directives. 
J. Graeme Lingard: Remove redundant #ifndef directives
J. Graeme Lingard: Remove redundant #ifndef & #ifdef directives
J. Graeme Lingard: Remove redundant #include directives & comments
Kalman Szalai - KAMI: Draw options window string truncation, Contents page #i113896#
Kalman Szalai - KAMI: Some base commented code cleanup
Kayo Hamid: Use SAL_N_ELEMENTS macro
Keith Stribley: fix of underlining problem with Graphite fonts #i114765#
Kohei Yoshida: Added icons for toggling sheet grids in Calc.
Kohei Yoshida: Added new image file used in the "insert new sheet" button. 
Kohei Yoshida: Add more images that we *might* use in the future.
Kohei Yoshida: And several fixes against the previous commit wrt xls import perf.
Kohei Yoshida: Better performance on Excel doc import.
Kohei Yoshida: Fixed a build breakage by adding a missing global string ID.
Kohei Yoshida: Fixed a build breakage; QueryValue and PutValue now return bool.
Kohei Yoshida: Port calc-xls-import-mem-footprint.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported always-save-option-*.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported always-save-option-svtools.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported always-save-option-svx.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-cell-270-degree-fix.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-distributed-cell-text-*.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-distributed-cell-text-*.diff from ooo-build. 
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-dp-sort-fix.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-english-func-names-*.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-extref-interpreter-rework-*.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-formula-matrix-no-autocalc.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-formula-r1c1-parser-fix.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-formula-r1c1-ui-fix.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-formula-variable-sep-config-check-sc.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-formula-variable-sep-config-check-sfx2.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-insert-current-time-*.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-insert-current-time-offapi.diff from ooo-build. 
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-insert-current-time-sc.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-insert-current-time-svx.diff from ooo-build. 
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-insert-current-time-vcl.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-insert-new-sheet-tab-*.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-insert-new-sheet-tab-sc.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-perf-ods-import-cellstyles.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-perf-ods-import-row-heights.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-perf-outlining-with-notes.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-perf-xls-import-cellstyles.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-perf-xlsx-import-string-cells.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-subtotal-function-update.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-xls-import-biff2-file-sheet-name.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-xls-import-slanted-border-oox.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported calc-xlsx-import-default-cellstyle.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported dde-reconnect-on-load-*.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Ported draw-load-layer-visibility-fix.diff from ooo-build.
Kohei Yoshida: Removed unused local variables, per compiler warnings.
Kohei Yoshida: Revert "This patch resolve the issue 2838 of OOo."
krishnan parthasarathi: Removing comments from sd/source/ui/func/bulmaper.cxx
Lior Kaplan: Replace hardcoded "product by Oracle" with "product by %OOOVENDOR".
Lubo? Lu??k: build KDE4 backend module also when not building for KDE3
Lubo? Lu??k: fix make dev-install (OpenOffice->LibreOffice)
Lubo? Lu??k: Merge commit 'ooo/OOO330_m9'
Lubo? Lu??k: refactor several SolarMutex releaser classes into one
Lubo? Lu??k: release solar mutex before entering Qt event loop
Lubo? Lu??k: remove filtering of Qt's X11 events by our core
Lubo? Lu??k: Revert "gdk_screen_get_monitor_plug_name needs at least 2.14"
Lubo? Lu??k: Revert "i#112421# make Presenter Screen default to the laptop, not projector"
Lubo? Lu??k: Revert "remove filtering of Qt's X11 events by our core"
Lubo? Lu??k: use a KDE4-specific library in the configure check that's not too new
Lubo? Lu??k: use proper type instead of void* and casting
Lubo? Lu??k: use $QT4DIR properly
Lubo? Lu??k: use $QTDIR and $KDEDIR for looking for Qt4/KDE4 too
Michael Meeks: add missing lotus filter config fragments
Michael Meeks: disable disabling the quick-starter for now - needs re-visiting.
Michael Meeks: disable the WelcomeDialog for now.
Michael Meeks: Enable valgrind-ability with G_SLICE env. var
Michael Meeks: fix horrible use of FASTBOOL as a loop iterator
Michael Meeks: remove bogus comment, and warning 
Michael Meeks: remove daft sleeps on start
Michael Meeks: remove unused macros, and add SAL_N_ELEMENTS
Michael Meeks: switch to g_slice
Michael Meeks: tweak missing bool
Michael Meeks: warn if people havn't source the environment after linkoo
Miklos Vajna: Remove one more file from the old RTF export code which was still there
Norbert Thiebaud: Convert all Query/Put Value() to bool 
Norbert Thiebaud: Do not use magic number instead of the size of objects.
Norbert Thiebaud: FASTBOOL to bool conversion
Norbert Thiebaud: harmonized BOOL vs sal_Bool usage
Norbert Thiebaud: merge vosremoval-diagnoses patch
Norbert Thiebaud: merge vosremoval-socket patch
Norbert Thiebaud: merge vosremoval-thread patch
Norbert Thiebaud: missing include for SAL_N_ELEMENTS
Norbert Thiebaud: native bool support in SvXMLUnitConverter
Norbert Thiebaud: squash misc warnings
Norbert Thiebaud: squash some  warning: suggest parentheses around && within ||
Norbert Thiebaud: squash warning. LONG_MAX is not compatible with sal_Int32
Petr Mladek: Add back missing #endif into automation/source/testtool/objtest.cxx
Petr Mladek: enable build with the system cppunit-1.12.0
Petr Mladek: fixed binfilter includes after the more quards removing
Petr Mladek: fixed connectivity includes after removing the guards
Petr Mladek: fixed cui includes after removing the guards
Petr Mladek: fixed fpicker includes after removing the guards
Petr Mladek: fixed framework includes after removing the guards
Petr Mladek: fixed include file names in sfx2
Petr Mladek: fixed include files after removing the guards
Petr Mladek: fixed include files in svx after removing the guards
Petr Mladek: fixed vcl includes after removing the guards
Petr Mladek: Fix filter issues
Petr Mladek: fix nlpsolver/nlpsolver-0.9.patch to apply
Petr Mladek: fix wrong include file names in binfilter
Petr Mladek: include rtl/ustring.hxx instead of non-existing rtl/OUString.hxx
Petr Mladek: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pmladek@git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/base
Petr Mladek: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pmladek@git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/bootstrap
Petr Mladek: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pmladek@git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/calc
Petr Mladek: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pmladek@git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/components
Petr Mladek: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pmladek@git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/filters
Petr Mladek: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pmladek@git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/impress
Petr Mladek: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pmladek@git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/libs-core
Petr Mladek: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pmladek@git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/libs-gui
Petr Mladek: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pmladek@git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/ure
Petr Mladek: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pmladek@git.freedesktop.org/git/libreoffice/writer
Petr Mladek: more removed include guards using fixguard.py
Petr Mladek: more removed include guards using fixguard.py 
Petr Mladek: remove include guards using fixguard.py
Petr Mladek: Version, tag LIBREOFFICE_3_2_99_2 (3.3-beta2)
Prashant Shah: Remove bogus comment
Radek Doulik: fix default vertical text alignment and placeholder style, n#645116
Radek Doulik: oox-fix-list-style-apply.diff: use slide's list style.
Radek Doulik: oox-import-drawing-font-spacing.diff: import character spacing.
Radek Doulik: oox-import-fix-ole2-shapes.diff: fix OLE2 import.
Radek Doulik: oox-pptx-fix-transition-auto-advance.diff: import transition auto advance.
Radek Doulik: oox-pptx-import-fix-customshapes-and-groups.diff: fix group shapes and guides.
Radek Doulik: oox-pptx-import-fix-groups-2: fix group shapes (final part).
Radek Doulik: oox-pptx-import-fix-layout.diff: fix list styles applying.
Radek Doulik: oox-pptx-import-fix-placeholder-text-style.diff: fix placeholders style.
Radek Doulik: oox-pptx-import-fix-text-body-properties.diff: fix textbody properties.
Robert Sedak: Added Croatian autocorrection file #i96706#
Rub?n J??ez: Removes some bogus comments found in Base.
Thomas Klausner: Add cases for NetBSD/x86 and NetBSD/amd64.
Thomas Klausner: Define symbol and suffix for NetBSD/amd64.
Thomas Klausner: Handle NetBSD in the same way as FreeBSD.
Thomas Klausner: Handle NetBSD same as FreeBSD, Linux, and Mac OS X wrt __XKeyboardExtension__.
Thomas Klausner: Improve NetBSD platform strings, and add x86_64.
Thomas Klausner: Support NetBSD better.
Thomas Klausner: Use more portable sed construct for quoting expressions.
Thomas Klausner: Use standard '=' comparison operator for test(1).
Thorsten Behrens: Fix broken win32 build in boost
Thorsten Behrens: framework-menubar-fix.diff: Framework menubar fix
Thorsten Behrens: instset-prefer-langpacks.diff: Build en-US + langpack by default
Thorsten Behrens: pptx-gfx-layout-fix.diff: temp fix
Thorsten Behrens: Update license text of new files
Thorsten Behrens: valgrind-fixes.diff: Valgrind fixes
Thorsten Behrens: Webservice URLs now point to documentfoundation
Tor Lillqvist: Don't bother with x bit for instmsiw.exe
Tor Lillqvist: Drop unneeded and incorrect #include <impdel.hxx>
Tor Lillqvist: win32-activex-disable.diff: add option to disable build of activex component
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