[Libreoffice] Is there tag/property in the following example that LO not support yet?

cedric.bosdonnat.ooo at free.fr cedric.bosdonnat.ooo at free.fr
Thu Oct 21 02:39:15 PDT 2010

Hello Nadav,

On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 21:47 +0200, Nadav Vinik wrote:
> this is the part of the document.xml of the image.
> Do you know if it's because LO can't parse this part? (for any
> tag/property for example)
>  I still investigate the wordfilter code area, but I still don't know
> how to check it

It's in writerfilter module, there is only a small amount of
documentation on it:


It's really interesting to add some of the -DDEBUG_* flags listed in
that page to the CFLAGS and check the /tmp/writerfilter.<name>.xml

> <w:r>
>> <w:object w:dxaOrig="13698" w:dyaOrig="7546">
>> <v:shape id="_x0000_i1035" type="#_x0000_t75"
> style="width:472.5pt;height:260.25pt" o:ole="">
> <v:imagedata r:id="rId26" o:title=""/>
> </v:shape>
> <o:OLEObject Type="Embed" ProgID="Visio.Drawing.11"
> ShapeID="_x0000_i1035" DrawAspect="Content" ObjectID="_1343106124"
> r:id="rId27"/>

The o:OLEObject isn't handled currently, and the image is simply a
replacement object for it.

If you start hacking that part of the import, have a look at the oox
module as well as it contains all the common OOXML code. In the
writerfilter, the interesting files should be:


I don't know if you saw that in writerfilter already, but some C++ code
is generated from the model.xml file in writerfilter/source/ooxml... You
may need to check it at some stage.

Thanks for your help,

Cédric Bosdonnat
LibreOffice hacker
OOo Eclipse Integration developer

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