[Libreoffice] Build problem on windows 7

Tor Lillqvist tlillqvist at novell.com
Tue Oct 26 01:13:21 PDT 2010

>>> I was going to patch it to do a 'tar --same-owner' instead,

>> Hmm, you mean --no-same-owner?

> Same thing, no?

No. If you are (or Cygwin *thinks* you are) root (have uid=0), tar will chown files after extraction unless you specified --no-same-owner. If you aren't root, tar will chown if you specify --same-owner. So specifying --same-owner when you are root (which is what I think you meant) is pointless.

> Okay, it seems that if I have no instances of rxvt running, and start one, 
> I get uid 0, and the build fails. If I have one instance of rxvt running 
> and start a second, I get uid 1004, and the build succeeds. I have no idea 
> why - anyone else encountered this?

Sorry, nope. For me that has always worked fine, Cygwin has never mistaken me to be superuser if I use my normally powered Windows account.

What does your /etc/passwd and /etc/group files look like?

> Where would be an appropriate place to check the uid and fail with a 
> useful hint?

I think the "inner" configure.in (clone/bootstrap/configure.in) would be the best place. Or even build.pl (clone/bootstrap/solenv/bin/build.pl).


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