[Libreoffice] credits page is 403 access forbidden

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at novell.com
Tue Oct 26 10:12:34 PDT 2010

Hi David,

On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 17:17 +0200, "David Schröder" wrote:
> Your list isn't correct. It shows only the contributors since

	Since week 38 ;-) ? :-) True - we should fix that - I guess it is
perhaps good to have a separate section for Oracle contribution at the

> What about all the contributors for the codebase of it?


	And of course we need to credit all the l10n, documentation, work in
forms etc. etc. carefully too. Help doing that, and more to the point
maintaining it is much appreciated.

	We want to ship a snapshot of the contributors credits with the binary
release itself, so it is present everywhere; and prolly remove the old
really-hard-to-find help->about easter-egg too (and the other team photo
eggs which just consume space and are rather out of date).

	Perhaps there is some faux-pas around including people's names when
they had not intended to contribute to LibreOffice - presuambly for
things we just re-cycles from OO.o we should have a different section:
anyhow - as you see it is a fraught issue ;-) but I'd prefer to err on
the side of crediting too many, rather than too few.



 michael.meeks at novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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