[Libreoffice] Windows (MSVC) incremental build is broken.

Jan Holesovsky kendy at suse.cz
Sun Dec 4 02:33:12 PST 2011

Hi Kohei, Tor,

Tor Lillqvist píše v So 03. 12. 2011 v 12:56 +0200:

> > Kendy (this time CC'd), please don't commit this stuff.  It breaks
> > incremental build on Windows, making debugging Windows impossible.
> Hear, hear. If we want beta1 to be better than beta0, we can't require
> people having to make clean after each edit, and rebuild from scratch
> (effectively making the fix-test-commit cycle take one day).

Then again - if we want to have beta1 at all, we have to be able to do
clean builds ;-)

So; of course the right solution would be to try to edit


to get rid of the rewriting of X: -> /cygdrive/x, and see if it fixes
the incremental rebuilds [ie. if the GNU make handles the Windows
paths].  Maybe also touching the gbuild code that calls
filter-showIncludes.pl would be necessary.

If it does not, then indeed revert, but together with _fixing_ glib
stuff not to rely on OUTDIR in the Windows format; most probably by
cygpath'ing it somewhere here:


Unfortunately I was unable to try either of them on Thu and Fri; but -
having a broken tinderbox tends to pile Windows breakages, and act as a
snowball that creates an avalanche.  From my point of view (because it
is me who fixes the Windows tinderboxes regularly these days), it is
more important to have the clean builds working.

So - when you did not have the time to do either of the above, I'd
prefer if you reverted just locally + pinged me on IRC immediately when
there was an opportunity, to increase its priority; we could have saved
this embarrassing commit / revert / commit / revert thing ;-)

Thank you,

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