[Libreoffice] are files bigpointerarry-new.[hc]xx used?

Terrence Enger tenger at iseries-guru.com
Fri Dec 30 07:19:05 PST 2011

Greetings *,

I have stumbled upon file sw/source/core/bigpointerarray-new.hxx,
but I have not found any place where it is used.  In particular
both opengrok full search for bigpointerarry and git-grep for
bigpointerarray come up empty.  And yet, the file was last
maintained in May, 2011.

Implementation file sw/qa/core/bigpointerarray-new.cxx was last
changed in November, 2011.  Does the build system have magic to
use this file without naming it explicitly?  This file includes
bparr.hxx for the definition of classes BigPtrEntry and
BigPtrArray, and I have seen a bunch of other code in sw/ also
using bparr.hxx.

So, I am asking if these two files have a purpose?  Is it
possible and desirable to remove them?  If not, is there a way
that I could figure that out without bothering the experts
reading this list?


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