[Libreoffice] [PUSHED] Removed commented out code from calc-chart2

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at novell.com
Tue Jan 25 07:09:44 PST 2011

Hi Alfonso,

On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 13:19 +0000, Alfonso Eusebio wrote:
> This patch removes commented out code from the calc/chart2 directories.

	Hey ! it's cool, thank you for that. Unfortunately, your patch seems to
be against really rather an old version; so I have only been able to
commit (and push) parts of it; but I just did that.

	Can you confirm your changes are under the LGPLv3+/MPL - and consider
re-sending the other pieces after a re-base ? In general it is really
best to re-base your tree before submitting a patch (though this can
mean working through the conflicts) - don't worry, git is not the
easiest tool to learn to use :-) So - I would do:

	cd clone/calc
	git pull -r

	and work through the problems (after I've pushed this change); then git
add the various files, and git rebase --continue until it is cleaned up.

> Hopefully, next time around I'll be able to do something more "functional".

	Looking forward to that :-) what are you most interested in ? and you
are using the master branch I assume (?).

	Incidentally, it is good practise to follow master - and do a:

	g pull -r

	from the top-level (bootstrap) directory routinely.

> By the way, I haven't compiled the code as I've been just removing commented 
> lines.

	That's fine :-) I'll do a test compile here.

> P.S.: I sent a subscription request to the distribution list some time ago but I 
> haven't received any reply for now. I guess there's a backlog of stuff.

	Subscribing is easiest via the web form here:


	you'd know if you were subscribed, there is quite a volume of mail :-)

	Thanks !


 michael.meeks at novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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