[Libreoffice] Localization of an extension (dialog)

Christian Dywan christian at lanedo.com
Tue Jul 5 06:35:33 PDT 2011


so I'm trying to localize a dialog in an extension I'm writing and for some reason it's never being picked up. Any suggestions would be welcome. As since involves magic files and there is no error whatsoever this is hard to tackle.

This is the documentation I followed:


So this is my checklist for how to do it from how I understood it:

- ConfigDialog.xdl
  <dlg:window dlg:id="ConfigDialog"...>...
  <dlg:button dlg:id="SaveButton" dlg:value="0.ConfigDialog.SaveButton.Label"...>

- ConfigDialog_en_US.default - empty

- ConfigDialog_en_US.properties

- ConfigDialog_fr_FR.properties

I made sure to use CamelCase everywhere, just in case that made a difference.

All files install next to each other, relative to the extension root. I tested both installing it in my personal folder as well as system-wide.

Incidentally I used the Dialog editor to create a reference test file as well, I found no way to insert local strings, and it crashed on export. Then I manually added strings to the files inside ~/.libreoffice and then I was able to export - it just copied the files anyway. Even worse, I'm also unable to open my files in the editor...


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