[Libreoffice] [REVIEW] libreoffice-3-4 fix of two Windows installer bugs

Andras Timar timar74 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 14:36:58 PST 2011


I would like to have the attached two patches applied to libreoffice-3-4.

One is fixing fdo#32112. It is an easy one. LibreOffice creates a
directory but the installer does not know about it. So uninstall
leaves it there. If this directory is created by the installer, then
it will be removed during uninstall, so we can have a clean uninstall.

The second is more complex. It fixes fdo#36677. The bug occurs only
during silent install. During uninstall the installer checks is
LibreOffice is running. However, the check was a bit lame. It tried to
remove a file or folder (depending on Windows version), but Program
Files folder is normally write protected to the user. Silent uninstall
was started with user privileges and uninstall process always failed.
Instead of file manipulation now we check, if there is "soffice.bin"
in the process list.

I tested both patches with LibreOffice 3.4.4 on Windows XP and on
Windows 7. I tested the second one in both scenarios, i.e. when
LibreOffice was running during uninstall and when it was not running.
I pushed the first one to master and I will push the second one there,
too, after some necessary changes.

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