[Libreoffice] how to 'make' a single target?

Kevin Hunter hunteke at earlham.edu
Sat Oct 29 15:17:09 PDT 2011

Hullo List,

I'm currently working in the sc/ module, and I'm in the "make small 
change, re-compile, make small change, re-compile" stage.  This is 
proving very cumbersome, however, as I'm unable to re-make just the 
affected files.  For instance, note my attached output, showing the 
output of

$ make -j1 | head; sleep; make -j1 | head

Should not at least the first 3 completed executions no longer need to 
be re-executed?

This is frustrating because it results in a latency of 5+ minutes on my 
slow 2-core machine before I can see the results of a code change.

Are there any pointers for me on how I can compile _just the exact_ 
piece of code on which I'm working (and affected other snippets, of course)?


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