[Libreoffice] Request for Statistical software (like Minitab)

Daniel Cabral danielhc99 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 09:35:18 PDT 2011

Hello. I am a Libreoffice user. I prefer it over OpenOffice because it is  
not corporate. One thing I am seeing is the lack of statistical software  
such as Minitab in Linux. I am a Linux user and really try to do away with  
Windows. The R program just doesn't come close to Minitab. Is there any  
programmers who talk about these things, so that students of statistics  
can be free of Microsoft. Even if a program was sold for a 'donation' but  
still keeping it open source. I think there can be no loss especially with  
the demand that most majors are now requiring statistics for obtaining a  
number of college degrees. I am willing to help where I can, although it  
would not be much. I am trying to learn how to type more efficiently so I  
can operate Linux much better than now. Thanks.

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