Build Failure on Cygwin Windows

Matúš Kukan matus.kukan at
Wed Apr 11 23:18:49 PDT 2012

Hi Johnny,

On 12 April 2012 07:31, Johnny Chen <johnny.uw at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to LibreOffice, so sorry for any dumb questions.

Welcome here.
And don't worry about questions.

> The build went on for an hour or so until it failed.The problems seem to be
> within the xml2cmp and clucene modules.

That's because they are first modules with gbuild building system.

> LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file
> 'c:/cygwinc:/cygwin/home/Johnny/libo/workdir/'
> Does anyone have any idea what may have caused this?

It's most probably because you have LibreOffice sources in /home.
I would think it works by now but obviously not. Maybe I will
investigate why later.
Sorry for this, preferred way is to have sources in C:/Libo or one
directory lower but not too much.
I have C:/Git/Libo

> and I don't know which Makefile is calling the link command.


> Another newbie question is this: why did we not terminate the
> build earlier if xml2cmp failed?

I don't know, the script used is: solenv/bin/
But that's not necessary bad because you don't need to build what already is.

Windows tinderboxes are green [1], so hopefully you will get your build soon.

All the best,


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