SVG import: svgreader -> internal-style-ref

Christina Roßmanith ChrRossmanith at
Tue Apr 17 04:35:23 PDT 2012


I've created a small svg sample file just containing some text. If I 
remove the x and y attribute this has influence on the value of the 
internal-style-ref attribute. Maybe this is a hint where some problems 
might have their origin.

To get a better understanding:
   What is the intent of internal-style-ref?
   Which items should get identical values? Are identical values allowed 
at all?
   Are empty values allowed? (Probably not because in that case the text 
doesn't show up)

Below you find two very small svg examples together with the result of 
dumpTree() (cf. svgreader.cxx) and a short description whether the text 
is displayed correctly.



Text appears on page
<text x="1" y="1" >skew x (45)</text>

name: svg width=210mm height=297mm internal-style-ref=1$0
name: text x=1 y=1 internal-style-ref=2$0
Text does not appear on page
<text>skew x (45)</text>

name: svg width=210mm height=297mm internal-style-ref=1$0
name: text

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