Visual Studio cppu::bootstrap exception on 3.5.

Martin Thoma martin at
Wed Feb 22 04:50:32 PST 2012

Thanks for your reply.

> On 02/22/2012 12:13 PM, Martin Thoma wrote:
> > To exclude errors in our application, we created a new project and
> inserted
> > the source from
> >
> /sdk/examples/DevelopersGuide/ProfUNO/SimpleBootstrap_cpp/SimpleBootstrap_
> cp
> > p.cxx
> > =>  this works fine in LO 3.4.5., but with 3.5, we get the
> > cppu::BootstrapException.
> Are you building that SimpleBootstrap_cpp example with the 3.4.5 SDK,
> with the 3.5 SDK, or with a hand-crafted build environment of your own?
So far with a hand-craftet build environment for Microsoft Visual Studio. 

> For 3.5, LO's basis and brand layers have been re-merged into a single
> layer, so the paths of lots of files within the LO installation have
> changed.
It doesn't seem to be so complicated: In the past you had to know the pathes
of the rdb-files to make cppumaker run to generate the header-files. Then we
added the pathes of the DLLs needed to PATH, define CPPU_ENV=msci, and well:
We were able to connect without problems.

In the past, if we did something wrong here, there was a "could not include
file" or "DLL not found" error, but now everything compiles without warnings
or errors (so the headers should be ok) and the DLLs are found and loaded
correctly as well. I do not exclude that we made something wrong, but
without a kind of "changelog" or a clear error-message, I'm a bit stuck here
how to isolate the problem.

> But the "official way," namely using the "simple bootstrap" mechanism
> (aka
> <
> 2B%2B/Transparent_Use_of_Office_UNO_Components>)
> and building with the 3.5 SDK, should still work.
I never compiled it with the makefiles directly from the SDK, that's why I
wanted to ask if someone here, who is more an expert in doing so, does
experience the same problems with the SDK directly.


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