Regarding development of a feature for Libreoffice Writer

Tor Lillqvist tml at
Mon Feb 27 22:32:22 PST 2012

> I really want to implement this system for Libreoffice.Please let me
> know if I can proceed further.

Just go ahead then. You don't have to ask for permission...

That said, have you looked for existing projects in this area?
Presumably you plan on doing this as Open Source? There is a project
called "Link Grammar Parser" that is used by
AbiWord at least. Maybe it would be better to work on interfacing that
with LibreOffice instead of doing research and implementation from

Presumably it makes sense if you develop the software in the form of a
more or less freestanding library with a "sane" interface that can
then easily be interfaced to LibreOffice. Hopefully others will be
able to give you a rough outline, or documentation pointers to such,
indicating how the API should look for good "impedance match" with


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