[GSOC] Progress on ScXMLTableRowCellContext::EndElement() conversion

Daniel Bankston daniel.dev.libreoffice at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 06:00:29 PDT 2012

Hi, Markus and Kohei,

I guess I'm supposed to use that GSOC tag in the title?

I felt that progress went slowly this week on converting 
ScXMLTableRowCellContext::EndElement() to use direct Sc calls, but in 
the process of the conversion and writing related unit tests, I have 
learned a great deal.  I believe this knowledge will better equip me to 
continue converting future code and to work on those areas we had 
decided to skip for the time being.  Some things that were a confusing 
mess to me before are starting to become a mess that makes a little bit 
of sense.  :-)  Also, the unit tests that Markus encouraged me to write 
proved to be extremely useful for identifying and fixing problems that I 
had initially introduced when converting the code for data validity import.

The main accomplishments of this week include:
1)Breaking the monster method ScXMLTableRowCellContext::EndElement() 
into smaller, more readable methods and removing old code that had been 
commented out.
2)Writing unit tests for import of merged cells, repeating cells, and 
data validity.
3)Converting the import of data validity to use direct sc calls instead 

As for things still to do in ScXMLTableRowCellContext, EndElement() 
still uses UNO for XMLTextImportHelper.  SetCursorOnTextImport(), 
CreateChildContext(), SetAnnotation(), and SetDetectiveObj() also still 
use UNO.  After analyzing and converting these, I'd like to re-examine 
trying to convert the XShape, DrawPage, and set styles methods in 
ScMyTables and writing unit tests for anything that I might have missed 
in the past.  Of course, I will work on anything else that you deem 
higher priority.

I'd also like that add that the more I use and learn about git, the more 
I love it!
Have a good weekend and, Kohei, enjoy your vacation!

Daniel Bankston

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