shiny uno version, Desktop IDL

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at
Thu Jun 14 03:40:20 PDT 2012

Hi Bjoern,

On Thu, 2012-06-14 at 12:02 +0200, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:
> >     [property] com::sun::star::lang::XComponent activeDocument;
> An even more radical approach would be assuming properties to just be a dynamic
> string->any map. Python allows mapping those to native attributes with:

	The problem is - if you use a Java or C# binding that requires types,
and can provide intelligent auto-completion in the code (at least until
we hit an 'any' or 'queryInterface') - then using this overly-generic:

	any doIt([in] any);

	style interface for everything not only robs you of documentation and
auto-completion, but also means that you have to go lookup the types
carefully to make sure you don't shove an any into a string when it is
really an int (or whatever) and thus bust your run-time :-)

> letting the language bindings provide the syntactic sugar around
> that with reflection and stuff like python metaclasses(*). That
> would also mean:

	So - syntactic sugar sounds good to me ;-) I'd particularly like a
built-in UNO, efficient signal/slot mechanism and native language
bindings for each language [ but particularly C++ ]. Native sugar for
our new "one stream interface" might be good too, to make streaming

	Anyhow ;-) that's my take.



michael.meeks at  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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