Precompiled headers?

Lubos Lunak l.lunak at
Tue Jun 19 05:32:23 PDT 2012


 does somebody know why support for precompiled headers has been removed from 

 I couldn't find anything conclusive, repo log messages just say that it's 
being done but not why, in list archives I can find threads like , 
which don't really give any good reason either, besides probably hinting that 
nobody could be really bothered to use it recently, as was the general sorry 
state of the Windows build not so long ago.

 If you wonder why I ask:

xmloff, MSVC 3:26
xmloff, MSVC+PCH 2:11

sw, MSVC 16:11
sw, MSVC+PCH 9:54

sw, Clang 4:32
sw, Clang+PCH 4:02
(sw, GCC 5:24)

 Since there's no support for this in LO, this is with AOOi 3.4.0 tarball, 
where it works out of the box for MSVC (not so with Clang, but that shouldn't 
be hard if wanted). Note that the Windows and Linux times do not directly 
compare, the Linux machine is roughly 3x faster according to the benchmarks I 
found. Also AOOi is probably not so STL/boost heavy as LO. Finally, PCH with 
MSVC avoid the performance hit of using many -I options (adding -I for each 
<module>/inc adds 25% time for whatever reason, but only without PCH).

 Lubos Lunak
 l.lunak at

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