[REVIEW 3-5-5 (2/3)][PUSHED 3-5] fdo#50603: Close fds across a restart of soffice on Mac OS X

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Tue Jun 19 06:43:02 PDT 2012

On 06/19/2012 02:52 PM, Michael Meeks wrote:
> 	It -looks- like you do this on every startup, when in fact we really
> only want to do it -before- we run 'exec' in this rather rare re-start
> condition :-)

For the given scenario, we really only need to do it *after* exec under 
the restart condition on Mac OS X (not *before,* due to additional 
threads still running then that must not be irritated by closing fds 
they still operate on).  So doing it upon *every* start on Mac OS X 
appeared to be the easiest fix.

> 	Since max-fx can be quite large, and each syscall takes an appreciable
> time most Linux spawn impl's go to the bother of opening /proc/fds,
> parsing it and closing up to max-really-open-fd - which tends to be a
> much smaller number :-) [ and all of this down to the uber-dumb default
> of CLOEXEC that should never have been ].

In practice, max is apparently typically rather small on Mac OS X (like 
256 on stock Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7 machines where I have had a look), 
so I see no real need to use a more complex method.


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