shiny uno version, Desktop IDL

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at
Fri Jun 22 07:13:08 PDT 2012

Hi Michael,

On Fri, 2012-06-22 at 11:21 +0200, Michael Stahl wrote:
> there are reasons why some methods look like this, it's because you
> can't have all 3 of:
> 1. statically typed interface
> 2. binary backward compatibility of interface
> 3. ability to extend existing interface with new optional parameters

	I disagree :-) if we allow a hetrodox understanding of type information
for the same interface, and we compile that in rather than having it in
types.rdb (with all it's performance, size & lookup problems)  -and- we
forcibly bridge all in-process extensions that are not native: certainly
we can have all three - it is mostly a matter of clever bridging, and
choosing of good back-compat defaults (that map to zero / whatever we
pad with).

	If we make UNO more powerful in that way, we can improve things quite a
bit here.

> an example for b) is the use of the MediaDescriptor "service", which is
> really just implemented as a sequence<PropertyValue> that is passed to
> various loadFromMedium etc. methods; the thing has about 20 or so
> optional properties, and i cannot imagine an interface with 20 explicit
> parameters, most of which are not mandatory, and many of which are of
> type string anyway, to be better (or easier to use) than the current
> XComponentLoader.loadComponentFromURL.

	Sure - if we could have extensible struct (also possible cf. above) -
then we could avoid sequence<PropertyValue> and use structs in many of
these cases which would be rather nice.

> > 	So - syntactic sugar sounds good to me ;-) I'd particularly like a
> > built-in UNO, efficient signal/slot mechanism and native language
> > bindings for each language [ but particularly C++ ].
> can you point me to something existing that is like this "signal/slot"
> thing you want?

	Sure - tools' IMPL_LINK - would be the broken, degenerate, gross
case :-) More attractive versions would be g_signal or Qt's signals&
slots[1], I've used the rather sweet C# bindings of these too to good
effect; boost has a nice implementation as well anyhow checkout:



[1] -
michael.meeks at  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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