Preconfigured Windows Build VM updated!

Jesús Corrius jesus at
Fri Mar 23 04:30:58 PDT 2012

Hi fellow developers,

I have updated the preconfigured Windows Build Virtual Box VM with the
following changes:


* Updated LibreOffice repository (libreoffice-3-5 branch still the default one)

* Updated Windows to latest security fixes.

* Updated cywgin, now including nano by default (by popular request).

* Document the use of "np [filename]" in the cygwin shell as the
preferred way to edit files.


* WinDbg installed and properly configured (including the Microsoft
Symbol Server)

* DrMemory installed and properly configured.

* Automatic post-mortem core dumps.

   => If you are not a developer but you are able to crash LibreOffice
using the VM, a crash dump file named C:\Dumps\libreoffice.dmp is
*automatically* generated. Then you just have to attach this file to a
bug report.

The VM image is still uploading so it will be available in a few hours.

Jesús Corrius <jesus at>

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