minutes of ESC call...

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Thu May 24 07:59:20 PDT 2012

* Present:
        + Rainer, Petr, David, Eike, Andras, Caolan, Kohei, Norbert,
          Cedric, Stephen, Michael Stahl

* Completed action items
        + get bytemark win32 upload ssh keys sent / setup (Norbert /

* Pending Action Items
        + pull up misc. internal versions for 3.6 (Fridrich)
        + switch to ChromeOS fonts in master if no reply from Liberation
          team (Caolan)
                + Liberation Fonts 2.0 rebased on ChromeOS will happpen
                  soonish, at which point we'll just upgrade to it 
        + rename VCL API to make it GetBeamerFoo & fix (Michael)
        + [pending] add encryption default UI option in 3.6 (Thorsten)
        + [in-progress] think over consequences of moving master -> 3.6
          on release etc. (Rainer)
                + still finding the best sol'n
        + [in-progress] create new bugzilla components next week
		+ low priority, still in progress
        + write 2 paragraph gerrit teaser to dev-list (Bjoern)
        + connect Rainer with sysadmins wrt. status/live issues ticker 
		+ will ping Thorsten again

* GSOC update (Cedric)
        + coding starting, looking good
	+ lazlo pinged
        + if you can't find your student, ping Fridrich or Cedric

* UI / design update (Astron/Mirek)
	+ not around

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 3.5.4
            + untranslated shortcuts, can live without them for 3.5.4
        + 3.6 status
                + an Alpha0 build due next week
                + this is just an early we-can-build on all platforms
                  preparatory step

* git submodules status (Norbert)
	+ sounds good
        + regular stuff works, edge-cases still needs testing

* build / tinderbox machines
	+ bytemark windows box up and running and uploading
	+ bytemark linux box pending time

* QA update (Rainer)
        + best builds for windows testing to get backtraces ?
                + use bytemark box builds, tinderbox #20
	+ regressions
		+ could be that up to 12 (8 in writer) regressions are
                  border-line related (mstahl)
		+ if we split the regressions query into crashes and
                  non-crashes we could probably quicker chew through the
                  crashers which are typically easy to fix (caolanm)


* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
        + 60 open (of 213) older 67/211   68/205  71/205  68/199 74/201
73/193 66/183
             28%                  32%      33%     35%     34%    37%
38%    36%

* QA update (Rainer)

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
        + 62 open (of 219)

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 161(+10) bugs open of 567(+11) total

        * Component    count net *
        + Writer       - 64 (+6)
        + Presentation - 18 (+0)
        + LibreOffice  - 16 (+1)
        + Spreadsheet  - 12 (-1)
        + Drawing      - 9  (+0)
        + Database     - 9  (+0)
        + Writer / RTF - 9  (+2)
        + Basic        - 2  (+0)

        + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=regression%

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