ciruclar dependencies

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at
Wed May 30 01:30:15 PDT 2012

On 05/29/2012 01:33 PM, Michael Stahl wrote:
> On 29/05/12 13:17, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
>>> the fastest way to start is still to load
>>> only the code that is necessary to start.
>> Isn't there something called demand paging that takes care of that?
> it is supposed to do this, but falls short when it comes to startup
> performance on rotating storage, which is why we have various platform
> specific hacks to do linear reads of all libraries required at startup
> in order to hide the seek latencies incurred by demand paging.

It also falls short on avoiding the runtime loader's work on relocations 
in data segments, execution of .init sections, etc.


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