Build failure in cairo on OSX 10.8

Alexander Thurgood alex.thurgood at
Wed Sep 12 08:06:07 PDT 2012

Le 12/09/12 15:54, Tor Lillqvist a écrit :

Hi Tor,

>> I wonder if you are (unintentionally) building 64-bit code? There
>> might well be some bug in the, so that when you
>> pre-define CC as just "clang", then the option that tells it to
>> generate 32-bit code doesn't get used.
> Furthermore, you pre-defined CC but not CXX, so it is possible that
> for C code, you are generating 64-bit code, but for C++ code,
> has chosen a CXX to generate 32-bit code. Or some other
> incompatibility between C and C++ code. I'd recommend to just leave
> out any CC and CXX assignments from the autogen.lastrun. The intent
> (for MacOSX, LInux, WIndows at least, to the best of my knowledge) is
> that by default, the "right" compiler to use will be chosen
> automatically.

You could well be right there, I remember seeeing lots of -386 flashing
by as some of the build was progressing and when building libxml (which
also fails btw), I get a mismatch between 386 build parameters and
x86_64 target. I was just trying to turn off building libxmlsec, but
that has not met with any success yet either.

I'll remove the "cc=" define and try again.


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