[PATCH] fdo#59071 Slideshow: allow automatic transitions with sub-se...

Thorsten Behrens thb at documentfoundation.org
Wed Apr 3 02:38:44 PDT 2013

Cao Cuong Ngo (via Code Review) wrote:
> Enable slide transition each 0.25 second instead of whole second.
Hi Cao Cuong Ngo,

you were asking about my API extension comment - I admit the code is
indeed rather involved in that case, you want to look into:

 - xmloff/source/draw/sdpropls.cxx (the XML_SD_TYPE_PRESPAGE_DURATION
 - xmloff/source/draw/propimp0.cxx
   (XMLDurationPropertyHdl::import/exportXML - it currently works with
 - offapi/com/sun/star/presentation/DrawPage.idl (which is published
   API, and has this [property] long Duration entry)
 - sd/source/ui/unoidl/unopage.cxx

The ODF export works by extracting / pushing back UNO properties into
various presentation document bits and pieces, and wraps this a bit
opaquely, if generically, via this huge property table. So concretely,
I'd add a new HighresDuration (or somesuch) optional api property, and
handle that in xmloff during import. Keep the old Duration
implementation in sdpage, by simply rounding your internal model value
to integers.


-- Thorsten
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