Help needed for fdo#63311

Christina Roßmanith ChrRossmanith at
Sun Apr 14 12:40:31 PDT 2013


if you add text (e.g. "abc") to a shape like a smiley, save the 
document, delete the text and save again the text is still present in 
the saved file. Closing the drawing isn't necessary.

If you don't save the drawing after adding the text but delete the text 
and save the drawing afterwards the text isn't present in the written file.

In shapeexport.cxx at line 242  "if( && 
!xText->getString().isEmpty())"   xText->getString() evaluates to "abc" 
if the drawing was saved even if the text was deleted. So I guess 
"something happens to the text" during saving (because saving is 
necessary to trigger the wrong behaviour) and this something isn't 
updated properly if the text is deleted.

And this is where I am stuck but maybe my findings ring some bells for 
someone else?


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