conversion operators for UNO

Thorsten Behrens thb at
Tue Apr 30 08:55:13 PDT 2013

> On 04/25/2013 10:35 AM, Noel Grandin wrote:
> >I want to change things so that I can write:
> >   void bar() {
> >       Reference<B> b = ....
> >       methodThatTakesA( b );
> >   }
Yeah. One of my older pet peeves...

Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> This has been discussed before more than once, but I tend to forget
> whether it has never gone past discussion stage because the
> implementation would be slightly tricky (using SFNIAE to restrict
> implicit conversions from Reference<B> to Reference<A> to cases
> where B is derived from A) or because there was some fundamental
> flaw with it.
Works by and large with the proof of concept from

, the only problem I recall, is a slight performance degradation,
since IIRC then operator Reference<XInterface>& needs to go due to
ambiguities (which avoids temporaries). Possibly offset nicely by
needing much less queryInterfaces...


-- Thorsten
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