Weekly report about character border

Cedric Bosdonnat cedric.bosdonnat at free.fr
Mon Jul 1 00:17:02 PDT 2013

Hi Tamas, Miklos,

On Mon, 2013-07-01 at 09:13 +0200, Miklos Vajna wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 06:35:07PM +0200, Zolnai Tamás <zolnaitamas2000 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >   - How can we implement character border? (two distinct solution: font or
> > layout frame)
> This is an interesting question, yes. My opinion is that it would be
> good to do this in VCL ("font"), so not only Writer can benefit from
> this, but later also other applications.

Well, I was originally more thinking on something around the writer
layout... borders aren't the same things than underlines and friends.
However the idea to be able to reuse it from VCL is appealing.

Problem coming from that: the code for borders painting is using cod
from svx and drawinglayer... would we be able to use that from VCL fonts
code? I'm not sure at all ;)


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