[libreoffice-l10n] Deckard: a web based Glade Runner

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Thu Jun 13 02:50:07 PDT 2013

On Wed, 2013-06-12 at 12:58 +0300, Коростіль Данило wrote:
> > Added Nicolas, who is the developer.
> >
> > Top-posted to keep content.
> >
> > On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Miloš Šrámek <milos.sramek at oeaw.ac.at> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> there exists a web-based tool for display of translated glade dialogs:
> >> https://launchpad.net/deckard
> >> gnome dialogs: http://deckard.malizor.org/
> >>
> >> It would be really great to have something like that for LO - it would
> >> simplify our work and simultaneously improve the quality of translations.
> >>
> >> On the launchpad page, it says: "In the long run, it would be cool to have
> >> distinct instances for distinct projects like Xfce or LibreOffice."
> >>
> >> As I understand it, the runner takes translation from a po file in a
> >> repository, converts it and  displays the dialog. So, to see the result, it
> >> is necessary to upload po file to the repository.
> >>
> >> Can we talk to Deckard developers regarding that?
> >>
> >> Milos
> >>
> >> --
> >> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> Milos Sramek
> >> Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology,
> >> Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3, 1030 Vienna, Austria
> >> TEL: +43 1 79044 9810 EMAIL: Milos.Sramek at oeaw.ac.at
> >> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > --
> > sankarshan mukhopadhyay
> > <https://twitter.com/#!/sankarshan>
> >
> As far as I know the tool is based on GTK3+, so at least we need to wait 
> for the port to .ui dialog system. Nevertheless, even that couldn't mean 
> it'd support LO, but I'm not sure.
> +dev list and Caolán McNamara.
> Probably Caolán who's converting the dialogs may tell us more.
> And yes, it's really really useful tool for localization QA, especially 
> for such huge project as LO. So I'm looking forward to that great 
> feature as well.

Looks great. I think it should basically "just work" for LibreOffice and
the 250+ new .ui elements. Our .uis pretend to be gtk3 ones, with a
handful of custom widgets, mostly previews. We have a glade catalog for
the custom ones to provide stubs for glade. So, what does deckard do
there, does it load the .ui with standard gtk3 code, i.e. expects all
the widgets to be instantiatable, or does it load it the glade way, i.e.
can reuse a glade catalog to handle those ? 

There might also be a little bit of tweaking required to stitch the .po
and .ui together because we're not (currently) using gettext natively in
LibreOffice but are using it as an intermediate format so it probably
wouldn't work to just throw a libreoffice .po with translations for a
dialog at the normal gtk3 gettext loader and get it to do the right


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