fdo#59727 calc add-in functions and xlsx im/export

Winfried Donkers W.Donkers at dci-electronics.nl
Sun Jun 16 23:35:06 PDT 2013

Hi Eike,
> Let's resume next week.

OK, attached is a diff file showing what I did so far.
-saFuncTableOOoLO has 3 itmes, each a bit different to see if that makes any difference (it doesn't).
-I open a new spreadsheet and enter e.g. [=WEEKS()] in a cell, then I save as xlsx. Next I open the xlsx file and the cell contains [=com.sun.star.sheet.addin.datefunctions.getdiffweeks()]

I can only hope I did something silly or forgot something that I should not have forgotten. 
Should you find what is wrong with the 'patch', I'm happy to add all add-in functions and make it a proper patch.

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