minutes of ESC call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at suse.com
Thu Mar 28 10:26:29 PDT 2013

* Present
 	+ Stephan, David, Andras, Thorsten, Eike, Norbert, Cedric,
	  Petr, Kohei, Bjoern, Markus, Michael M, Michael S, Cor

* Completed Action Items
        + buy Mac build hardware (Thorsten)
	+ GSOC: grab Kendy on IRC + file UX ideas together (Astron)

* Pending Action Items
        + Bugzilla attachments not set to autodetect (Bjoern)
                + [ pinging Tollef ]
        + disable Rhino / Beanshell unless in experimental mode (Michael M)
        + look at gradient / clipart issues (Michael)
        + helping out with code-pointers for UI bugs (Kendy)
                + [ still pending ]
        + SLES11 / temporary PTF for the server ? using SP3 toolchain ? (Kendy)
                [ pending new packages ]
        + need design for copying styles between templates (Astron/UX)
                + either in that dialog or a new dialog
                + also issue with only editing templates that are
                  in the mgr
        + decided: change the default install directory to
          'LibreOffice 4' on master (Pmladek)
        + instead have the global headers in one central global directory
                + check behaviour of git-cherry-pick (Miklos)
                + write up for the mailing list (Bjoern)
	+ Personas - update / de-couple built-in URL (Kendy)
	+ Icons for Lionel + template manager (Astron/UX)
        + buy Windows build hardware / hosting (Norbert)
		+ still investigating options

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 4.0.2 rc2 deadline - March 25th
		+ synched to mirrors, released
		+ quite a lot of over-complicated fixes on -4-0-2
			+ want to reduce that flow for -4-0-x++
		+ thanks for fixes though.
        + 3.6.6 rc2 commit deadline - Tuesday April 2nd
		+ should be the final build.
		+ didn't we want to say we want to support 3.6 longer
		  because of incompatibilities [ Michael S. ]
			+ no more releases planned just now
			+ May - 1st alpha for 4.1 expected
			+ possible to squeeze another build out
			  if there is a bad regression / security
		+ makes sense for one more micro release (Michael S))
AI:		+ find a slot in the schedule for it (Petr)
	+ 4.0.3 rc1 - two weeks out April 15th

* "Feedback" menu item (Rainer)
	+ concern that Feedback means 'file a bug' currently (Bjoern)
	+ translation / UI freeze issue around the string - worse to
	  have a non-translated different string (Andras)
	+ feedback more neutral, potnentially less scary (Norbert)
	+ fix - pending website getting a 'feedback' page that tunnels
	  the version etc. information
		+ could fix the URL in the code if we have a better page.
	+ use a facebook page ? ;-) (Andras)
	=> to the website guys ...

* UX input
	+ missing input.

* GSOC update (Cedric)
	+ updated the ideas page to add more code pointers etc.
	+ Kendy added several UI pieces
	+ we have submitted the application
	+ mentors should want and have time to code on the same feature

* Daylight saving / next week meeting time ? (Michael)
	+ switch to a CET time - rather than UTC
AI	+ ie. move to 1 hour later next week (Michael)

* Dresden Impress Sprint report (Thorsten)
	+ blog pending with pictures
	+ was great fun - enjoyed it a lot
	+ pleased to see so many names in person, known only from
	  the mailing list, more local, focused on impress
	+ thanks to all supporters
	+ several bugs fixed, new people spunup, paper-cuts tackled.
	+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Marketing/Events/ImpressSprint2013

* Officially raise minimum SDK for mac to 10.6 for master => 4.1 (Norbert)
	+ decided 2012-11-15 - to drop 10.4/5 for 4.1
AI:	+ in-line with previous decision, update configure check on master (Norbert)

* CeBit AVG request to bundle installer with LibreOffice (Thorsten)
	+ offer to bundle antivirus pieces with LibreOffice etc.
		+ use their download infrastructure
		+ would install toolbar in default browser
		+ in return for cash
	+ unanimous concern / rejection.

* Coverity progress (Markus)
        + Julien working hard on it still.

* Certification Program (Stephan/Kendy/Bjoern)
	+ web-page for certified devs is:
	+ next batch of certified devs is certified Italo to send out certs.

* Hard Hacks:
        + http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/HardHacks
	+ punt discussion of hard-hacks idea in general until next time.

* Issues with calc / cached-value import (Markus)
	+ one big bug with a lot of duplicates:
		+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60215
	+ only settings are stored if different from the default / toggled (Stephan)
	+ we could change the default to not use cached values (Kohei)
AI:		+ do this rather than removing the feature (Eike, Kohei, Markus)
		+ because inherited number formats are not in the file-format
		+ only get after calculation is done.
	+ or:
		+ get rid of inherited number formats ?
		+ feature makes the code so complex.
		+ would improve interop too.
AI:		+ write to the UX list suggesting removal of feature (Markus)

* Calc core re-factoring (Kohei)
	+ working on the grand plan of re-working calc / storage cells
	+ preparing for that now, commits going into 4.1
	+ ridding the code of ScBaseCell* outside ScDocument
	+ future - move to more efficient contiguous type span storage

* QA update (Joel)
        + 113 unconfirmed vs. 4.0, help appreciated with triage.
                http://tinyurl.com/a3csc2o (cf. topic in #libreoffice-qa)

* Open 4.1 MAB / regressions
        + 5 (of 10) older 5/10 4/8 4/8 2/5 1/2 3/3
        + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=60270&hide_resolved=1

* Open 4.0 MAB / regressions
        + 17 (of 111) older 19/109 19/106 17/105 14/99 15/96 16/94 16/91 13/79 17/76
             15%             18%    18%    16%    14%   16%   17%   18%   22%   22%
        + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=54157&hide_resolved=1

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
        + 74 (of 216) older 78/217 77/215 77/214 75/211 76/210 57/189 44/175 45/175
             34%             36%    36%    36%    36%    36%    30%    25%    25%
        + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=44446&hide_resolved=1

* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
        + 27 (of 83) older 25/78 29/78 32/79 27/72
        + re-built the query to avoid pre bibisected mess

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 290(-2) bugs open of 1401(+15)total

        * ~Component   count net *
        + Writer       - 99 (+1)
        + Presentation - 29 (+1)
        + Spreadsheet  - 27 (-1)
        + LibreOffice  - 27 (-2)
        + Database     - 23 (+0)
        + Drawing      - 20 (+0)
        + Crashes      - 18 (-2)
        + Borders      - 15 (+0)
        + Migration    -  5 (+0)
        + Basic        -  2 (+0)

        + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=regression%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&resolution=---&query_format=advanced&product=LibreOffice&list_id=36764
        + Migration: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=43489&hide_resolved=1

michael.meeks at suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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