imports of screen shots

Grog grog.fookes at
Thu May 23 06:00:08 PDT 2013


It would be nice if there was a mechanism to take a screen shot and put 
it straight into presentations on linux, as opposed to the current way 
that I can see which is..use (say) ksnapshot', save file, import file 
into libreoffice impress..on the linux side of life...i.e. intergrate 
the grabbing of screens/windows into the libreoffice frame work.

Obviously I apologise if I have not seen this in the latest code. But it 
would save a lot of work for people who need to do this kind of thing.

Thank you.


*Dr Grog Fookes*

Senior Research Geophysicist


1 Grosvenor Court

Hipley Street

Old Woking, Surrey GU22 9LL


p: +44 (0)1483 776277 | f: +44 (0)1483 776277

grog.fookes at

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